Quarries, Concrete And Community   BQC Group Celebrates Huge Milestones And Industry Success

Quarries, Concrete And Community BQC Group Celebrates Huge Milestones And Industry Success

July marks a big month for local business BQC Group which is celebrating 50 years of BQC Quarries, 40 years of Burdekin Concrete and the second year of its new enterprise, BQC Sands. Taking pride in not only building the community but also employing a local workforce, BQC Group is a thriving business that has innovated over time and consistently grown to deliver to industry needs.

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Chat with Chelsea

Chat with Chelsea

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all having a great end to your week! I’ve been busy with university like always, and when I’m having my chats to people on campus here and there it’s becoming so much more exciting, and feeling more and more real saying “I’m graduating at the end of this year”! It’s been so great to chat to you all throughout the week, and I love hearing your stories and sharing them with everyone else in the community. It’s truly my favourite part of what I do, and one of the reason

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Burdekin Christian College’s Crazy Colour Day Fundraiser

Burdekin Christian College’s Crazy Colour Day Fundraiser

Friday 14 June saw the Burdekin Christian College painted with vibrant hues and colourful hairstyles as the school celebrated Crazy Colour Day to fundraise for the NRL Cowboys House. The NRL Cowboys House stands as a unique, culturally safe boarding facility for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women attending partner schools in Townsville. Over $500 was raised by the student-led group, Z-Club, with all these funds to be donated to the worthwhile cause. The Burdekin Christia

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Lawry Family Receive Recognition At The North Barrier Branch Annual Awards Dinner

Lawry Family Receive Recognition At The North Barrier Branch Annual Awards Dinner

On Saturday 13 July, the Eimeo Surf Club hosted the North Barrier Branch Annual Awards Dinner to officially culminate the 2023-24 surf lifesaving season and recognise excelling members. Branch employees, committee members, and members of the seven clubs from across the North Barrier including Forest Beach, Arcadian, Townsville – Picnic Bay, Ayr, Eimeo, Mackay and Sarina, gathered to attend the celebratory evening. An annual event, recognition is awarded to members who have excelled across all

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12 Burdekin Community Groups Set To Receive Generous Funding

July 25, 2024

Numerous groups and organisations within the Burdekin region received a celebrated funding boost on Monday 8 July from Pacific Blue’s Haughton Sustainable Community Fund.

The twelve recipients were announced at a community event held at the Home Hill Tennis Association where representatives shared their plans for utilising the generous allocation.

The Burdekin State Emergency Service (SES) were one of the many groups set to benefit from the funding, along with the Ayr Surf Life Saving Club, Burdekin Amateur Basketball, Burdekin Football Club, Burdekin Men’s Shed Association Inc, Burdekin Singers & Theatre Company, Burdekin Sub Branch of Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia Inc, Giru Bowls and Recreation Club Inc, Giru Daycare Association Inc, Home Hill Tennis Association Inc, Lower Burdekin Landcare Association Inc and the Zonta Club.

The Fund was established in 2019 to give back to the communities surrounding the Haughton Solar Farm and will see its 2024 recipients share in $88,000 in funding to support initiatives with health, social, cultural, environmental or economic benefits. Many recipients plan to make much needed improvements to their facilities along with elevating their methods of delivering valuable services to the Burdekin community.

Dr Ben Lawry from the Ayr Surf Life Saving Club explained the contributions from the Fund will be focused on the club serving their core purpose as life savers with upgrades set to take place at their Alva Beach Club House.

“This kind of support is vital to regional communities like ours, as it would have taken months for us to be able to fundraise for this ourselves,” shared Dr Ben.

“This year’s funding enables us to upgrade the First Aid Room facilities and office which makes a significant difference to the way we deliver our service.”

The Home Hill Tennis Association plans to direct this year’s funding towards the establishment of solar panels on their buildings, an implementation Kate Casswell explained will have a sizable impact on the association’s energy bills.

“The tennis club is such an integral part of the Burdekin community, and keeping costs down ensures it remains accessible to everyone – solar panels will help to reduce the impact of large bills which would otherwise eat up the club’s funding,” explained Kate.

“The funding is so important for organisations like ours to survive and thrive. It gives us a real boost to improving our facilities and making things better for our participants.”

Applauding the ambitions of all applicants, Pacific Blue CEO Domenic Capomolla looks forward to seeing the recipient’s projects come to fruition.

“It’s fantastic to see so many community groups within the region committed to their causes and seeking to help their local communities thrive for years to come,” Domenic said.

“Since the commissioning of the Haughton Solar Farm, we are proud to have provided more than $300,000 in funding to 52 local projects.

This year it gives us great pleasure to support an additional 12 groups that will deliver projects that really matter to the local community.”

Details of upcoming funding opportunities can be found online at pacificblue.com.au.

Pacific Blue Representee, Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort and Ayr Surf Life Saving Club Representee, John Furnell
The Burdekin State Emergency Service Unit were one of the 12 community groups awarded funding as part of Pacific Blue’s Haughton Sustainable Community Fund
Pacific Blue Representee awarding the Home Hill Tennis Association with their official funding as part of the Pacific Blue’s Haughton Sustainable Community Fund. Photos supplied

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Industry Collaboration Key In Sweeter Future

July 25, 2024

As local sugar industry stakeholders came together this week, Member for Burdekin Dale Last has sounded a clear reminder to representatives that the community the industry supports needed to be at the fore of ongoing discussions.

Welcoming the announcement that following weeks of ongoing strike action, a mediation offer had been accepted by the milling company and unions, Mr Last said it was time for everyone to play their part in ensuring a successful end to the crushing season for the sake of the whole community.

“The rocky start to the 2024 crushing season has already cost growers and that impact flows onto the local community. I would hope that next week’s proceedings bring about a positive outcome in the best interests of the community,” Mr Last said.

“From the moment strike action was announced I have stood by our farmers and our community who have largely been held at ransom during these disputes. I have also said with the increase in recent profits it is incredibly easy to make the case that workers deserve a share of the prosperity." 

“This week has highlighted the need for all aspects of our sugar industry to be able to work cohesively to ensure that this industry has a strong future and as a result, the local economy is able to reap those benefits.”

Mr Last said the ability for millers, growers and contractors to work collaboratively and uphold their responsibilities determined the success of the industry going forward.

“We know that our community relies on this industry to be productive and efficient from the moment planting operations begin to the day that cane is crushed at the mill, if any aspect of that process is not meeting the expectations of other parties then they should  be held accountable,” Mr Last said.
“Everyone has a responsibility to uphold, in order to secure the success of the sugar industry in the Burdekin and with the clock ticking it is imperative a successful resolution to the current dispute is found sooner rather than later.”

Opinion Piece from Dale Last Member for Burdekin.

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July 25, 2024

Opinion Piece

“The State and Federal Labor Governments must be held to account for their disastrous and mismanaged phaseout of commercial gillnets across Queensland, which is now seeing our local fishos consider walking away permanently,” Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox said.

The local MP has said that the ban on commercial gillnets was announced amid pressure from international activist organisations.

“It was not backed by any scientific reasoning, and there was no consultation with industry experts or the local men and women whose livelihoods are being destroyed,” Mr Willcox added.

“As your Federal Member, I am calling for a review of the unworkable and ludicrous restrictions that are being placed on those who hold a temporary NX fishing licence.

“The introduction of the temporary NX licences were touted as a lifeline for our local fishos, however the restrictions and increased regulatory requirements are seeing an increasing number of people leaving the industry completely.”

Mr Willcox added that these fishermen and women are being pressured out of their industry.

“An industry that has supported them, their families, and entire communities for generations, and we are seeing small businesses who rely on this industry really hurting,” he said.

“Since this ban was announced, I have held extensive consultations with local fishermen and women, I have called for a Senate Inquiry into the ban of commercial gillnets, which the Labor party and the Greens voted against, and I have attended community rallies organised by those whose industry is being shut down.

“I invited the Minister for the Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek, and the Prime Minister to visit our electorate and talk to our local fishermen and women, an invitation that they have ignored.

“This decision made by the State and Federal Labor Governments is a betrayal to our regional communities that rely on our fishing industry.

“This harsh government intervention and inadequate rollout of the temporary NX licences is jeopardising the lives of our fishers.

“As your Federal Member, I will continue to do everything in my power to fight for the people living and working in my electorate of Dawson and to hold those in power to account.”

Member for Dawson, Andrew Willcox addresses major concerns regarding local fishers potentially facing an uncertain future as government fails to consult on gillnet ban. Image supplied

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“Many Hands Make Light Work”

July 25, 2024

Over fifty amazing members of the Burdekin community dedicated their time on the morning of Saturday 20 July to support the Zonta Club in assembling 1,000 birthing kits.

The Zonta Birthing Kit project was established in 2003 and involves clubs arranging kit assembly days to put together simple, clean birthing kits which are set internationally to help birthing assistants in developing countries.

Well over a million birthing kits have been sent overseas to date, with each kit including a sheet of plastic, gauze, string, a blade, soap and gloves.

The Zonta Club Burdekin Inc. was more than grateful for the community’s support last Saturday, and explained the kits will be sent to developing countries within the next couple of weeks.

“A very big thank you to the 50 + people from our wonderful community who helped with assembling 1,000 birthing kits yesterday morning at the St Francis Samaritan Centre,” shared The Zonta Club Burdekin Inc.

The Zonta Birthing Kit project works to combat the estimated total of 385,000 women who lose their lives each year in childbirth, many from preventable infections. As of mid-2021, 2.4 million women experienced a safer birth due to being able to access clean birthing kits.

“Many hands make light work, and we couldn’t have done it without you – your support and assistance was greatly appreciated.”

The volunteers who helped Zonta Club in assembling 1,000 birthing kits last weekend. Photo supplied

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A Wonderful Weekend For A Highland Dancing Camp

July 25, 2024

The Lower Burdekin Celtic Dancing Association held a highly successful Highland Dancing Camp at Alva Beach’s Ayr Lifesavers Hut from 5 to 8 July.

Made possible by a generous donation from Regional Advisory Development Funding, 27 Highland Dancers from Mossman, Mackay, Townsville and the Burdekin attended the camp free of charge to engage in numerous sessions and activities.

Over the course of the camp, attendees danced away with a Highland Dancing workshop led by visiting teacher and former Burdekin resident, Grace Cllive.

During the event they learnt the history of clan tartans through tartan making craft sessions, practiced mindfulness and learnt tips for managing stage and competition nerves with Kerry from Hands in Harmony.

They also participated in a strength and conditioning session delivered by Andrea Piotto from NRGIZE Fitness.

Friday saw the families of the dancers join in for a night of Highland games where everyone learnt how to toss a caber, and teams battled it out in an egg and spoon race and tug-o-war.

The evening stood out to attendees as one of the camp’s highlights with dancers and some parents split into four clans; Clan McSkettie, Clan Silverlink, MacBarrafin Clan and McSugarcane Clan, to add a touch of friendly competition.

Clan Silverlink was victorious under the leadership of Fiona Smith, the president of The Lower Burdekin Celtic Dancing Association after competing in many enjoyable games.

Saturday night hosted another opportunity for families to join the fun and the dancers learnt many Scottish Country dances like Strip the Winnow, Pride of Erin, and Highland Schottische for the Ceilidh. Traditional Debutant Ball dances, many recalled dancing each of these a couple of decades ago at Deb Balls of the past.

“Everyone learnt something more about Scottish traditions, how to improve mind/body connections and most importantly, everyone had a tonne of fun and made friends with dancers they compete against,” shared Fiona Christie of The Lower Burdekin Celtic Dancing Association.

Both the dancers and volunteers in attendance received a Burdekin themed shirt as a memento of the weekend, which was made possible by the funding The Lower Burdekin Celtic Dancing Association received from a Bendigo Bank Community Grant.

“The camp organising committee had a great time planning the camp at meetings, and everyone’s superpower was recognised and used to its full advantage,” said Fiona.

The attendees of the Highland Dancing Camp in the Burdekin shirts, ready to enjoy a wonderful weekend filled with fun, dance and activities!

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Meet Trish Jandt Sales Account Manager At Burdekin Life

July 25, 2024

Originally from the Gold Coast and working briefly on a boat on Hamilton Island 35 years ago, Trish moved permanently to Airlie Beach in 1996, establishing herself as a longstanding member of the local community.
Looking after the advertising needs of businesses based in the Burdekin and Whitsundays regions, Trish is available each Thursday to chat face to face to any local business in the area and available on the phone every other day of the week.
Trish recently worked in administration for a Legal Firm, before realising that her true passion laid in Sales:
“I love sales, that’s why I came back to it, I really missed it.”
Trish is really excited to have joined the team at Burdekin Life Newspaper and is ready to get stuck into meeting more members of the community.
“I’ve always liked that Burdekin Life is community-based, and I've always read it,” she said.
Trish brings a wealth of sales experience to Burdekin Life, gained through roles with various companies Australia-wide. Her background includes positions with a financial company, solar sales, and facilitating for Coles Supermarkets.
When Trish isn’t wearing her sales hat, she is relaxing at home and, “cooking with a glass of wine.”
Trish has been with Burdekin Life for two weeks, and is settling in great, she says the thing she is enjoying most about her new position is the people in the team and the community members she meets:
“I love speaking to people on my rounds, I'm loving the connection with the community, and seeing faces I haven't seen for ages and everyone in the team here is lovely.”
Trish is a wonderful addition to Burdekin Life, with her vibrant and positive energy and extensive sales expertise. If you spot her around, please take a moment to introduce yourself and say hello!

Trish Jandt, Burdekin Life’s new Sales Account Manager – call her on 0499 500 406

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Celebrating Local Success: Burdekin Gift Cards Strengthen Community

July 25, 2024

As the president of the Burdekin Chamber, I am proud to share one of our most successful initiatives for our members and the community: the Burdekin Gift Cards.

This exclusive program for Burdekin Chamber members is a closed-loop system that allows us to activate and deactivate EFTPOS terminals for our gift cards. This unique feature ensures that the funds remain within our local community, supporting our businesses and fostering economic growth.

The original concept behind the Burdekin Gift Cards was to ensure money is spent within our local community through the “Shop The Burdekin” marketing campaign. This effort has not only kept our economy vibrant but has also strengthened the bonds within our community. Local businesses are the backbone of our economy, and their success directly impacts our collective well-being. By encouraging residents to shop locally, we are investing in our future and ensuring the sustainability of our beloved community.

The success of the Burdekin Gift Cards has been remarkable. Local retailers have seen increased foot traffic and sales, which, in turn, has led to job creation and economic stability. This initiative has fostered a sense of pride and unity among residents, reminding us all of the importance of supporting one another.

I encourage all members to get involved with the Burdekin Chamber. Our next meeting will be a General Meeting on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 5:30 PM, located at National PC Ayr, 2/137 Queen Street, Ayr. Your participation and support are crucial to our success. Together, we can continue to build a thriving, dynamic community.

For more information on how you can join or support our efforts, please visit our website at www.burdekinchamber.com.au. We look forward to seeing you there and working together to make Burdekin an even better place to live and work.

Thank you
Leigh Kefford

Do you have a Burdekin Gift Card?

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From Africa To The Burdekin

July 25, 2024

It was another lively evening event for Home Hill Chamber of Commerce as they welcomed their latest guest speaker John Clarke at their monthly gathering last week.

John Clarke shared his life story and how he went from Africa to the Burdekin.

He grew up at Zinyangeni Mission Station and shared what it was like growing up with some of the world’s deadliest snakes, and also his quality of life while living there.

Lifestyle in Africa is extremely different to western countries, after thunder and lightning, John shared that local witchdoctors told the local community that the gods were angry.

Other differences included that, in order to attend school, many students had to walk miles to walk.

After time in Africa, John and his family made a trip to Britain where he met his grandparents for the first time.

John was shocked with the change in lifestyle, in Britain there were no servants! And he couldn’t believe it.

After the trip John was thankful to return back to Africa.

Back in Africa John enjoyed long bike rides in the bush and felt extremely safe, he also noted that there were no other white children around and the locals embraced them, cared for them and treated them like royalty.

After his junior schooling years John began an insurance job in London and hated it.

He disliked leaving home in the dark, returning home in the dark and missed his friends.

To complete his senior schooling, John travelled back home and joined the working world, and began at a bank, there he was offered a job as a programmer.

After years in the job field John found himself back in England but travelled to Kuwait on a two-year contract.

Whilst in Kuwait John started up his own business, John Clarke Computing Ltd (JCC).

It was in Kuwait that John found his love for Australia, he continually visited Australia as it was the closest country he could find that was similar to his upbringing in Africa.

John sold JCC and decided to travel Australia again with his partner Jane, it was on this trip that they found the lovely Burdekin.

Attendees at the chamber meeting enjoyed listening to John’s life story and gained a perspective of life in Africa.

Other guest speakers on the night included Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort who spoke about the budget for 2024 – 2025, Burdekin Community Association needing more volunteers, an upcoming Bowel Cancer screening and an Application for Community Cultural and Sporting Advisory Group members.

Doug Chapple asked about the Cane Cutting Festival and if it can resume on a twelve month basis. There was some discussion on this but not enough time to fully talk about it.

Karin Ravizza spoke on the Ayr Water Festival and said they had 12 Junior and 12 Senior ambassadors and that the event was proceeding very well.

David Jackson closed the meeting and said the next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting and that Darren West would be the guest speaker.

Guest speaker John Clarke

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Home Hill Police Report

July 25, 2024

Home Hill isn’t different from any other area around the state when it comes to Domestic and Family Violence (DVF). DFV is a serious and complex social problem within all communities, including our own. If you call police to report a DFV incident that is happening now or has occurred, our first priority will be the safety of all parties involved. Police will conduct a holistic, victim-centric and trauma-informed investigation to:
   • Maximise the safety, protection and wellbeing of people who fear or experience DFV, and to minimise disruptions to their lives
   • Prevent or reduce DFV and the exposure of children to DFV 
   • Ensure people who commit DFV are held accountable for their actions and 
   • Ensure referrals for appropriate support are made available for victim survivors, perpetrators and any person affected by DFV.
Home Hill Police are committed to keeping our community safe from DFV, collaborating with the DFV service sector and partner agencies to deliver integrated service responses that protect victim survivors and hold perpetrators to account.

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Voices of the Community: What is our community missing?

July 25, 2024

Every community has the potential to meet its residents' needs to foster well-being, growth, and resilience. Access to resources such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and social services can significantly impact the quality of life for individuals and families. Advocating for these resources requires a collective effort to address gaps, promote equity, and build a supportive environment for everyone to thrive.

Understanding a community's specific needs is the first step in advocating for appropriate resources and services. This process involves gathering data through surveys, community meetings, and consultations with local leaders and organisations. Identifying areas such as healthcare, education, housing, transportation, and employment allows advocates to prioritise and effectively address the most pressing issues.

The community’s voice must guide the direction of the consultation. If we, as community members, along with government agencies and services, businesses, and community organisations are to meet community needs, it is essential we speak up and maximise our opportunity to be heard. Sometimes, only the loudest voices are heard, and they may not be the community's consensus.

So, what can you do if you don’t feel heard, don’t feel confident enough to speak up, or feel that your opinion does not matter? The simple answer is to join forces with someone or a group or organisation to help your opinion to be heard.

Advocacy is strengthened through partnerships with various stakeholders, including state and local government officials, non-profit organisations, businesses, and community members. Talk to your local councillors, community organisations, local businesses you frequently visit – pharmacy, coffee shop, etc.- and join forces with like-minded community members.

Working together through these partnerships allows us to combine different viewpoints, knowledge, and resources to create effective solutions. By working together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and families within our community.

Until next time,
The Team
Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre

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Burdekin Community Association Transport Service

July 25, 2024

Did you know that Burdekin Community Association Inc (BCA) can help you with Transport Services locally and to and from Townsville?
You can access shops, cafes, libraries, attend events or medical appointments, visit family and friends etc.  
Our bus drivers and Support Workers are very friendly and helpful.
Transport services can be provided to people eligible under a government funded program and also if they are not and we have seats available.
We have two buses, with wheelchair access as well as other cars.
Transport is available Monday to Friday during office hours at very affordable rates.
We pick up/drop off door to door in Ayr, Home Hill, Brandon and Giru.
When time allows, passengers can go to up to 3 stops for the one fare.
For passengers living in outlying areas, we pick up at a central point in Ayr, Home Hill, Brandon and Giru or at an otherwise agreed location.
Please call BCA on 4783 3744, visit the Support Centre at 130 Queen Street, Ayr or refer to our website www.burdekincommunityassociation.org.au for details.

Debra Cochran
Chief Executive Officer

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Care and Collaboration: Bendigo Bank’s Support Of The BNC

July 25, 2024

The Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre (BNC) has been part of the Burdekin Shire community since 1987. Established by a group of community minded women, the centre stands as a celebrated organisation accessible to all residents of the Burdekin.

Today, BNC operates as an incorporated community-based organisation and registered charity governed by an enthusiastic committee of 7 volunteers. Over the years the Centre has grown and now welcomes, on average, 8,000 people every year who participate in a wide variety of groups and activities.

The Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre’s mission is to make the lives of the people of the Burdekin community better, every day, and has developed strong bonds with both local, regional and state services.

“We see that it is imperative that these links are formed and nurtured to ensure that the local community is not disadvantaged by our location and proximity to a large regional city,” explained the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre Association’s Coordinator, Natalie Saroglio.

As a community organisation, Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre promotes collaborative working relationships with local and regional organisations and networks to maximise the most effective use of resources in meeting local community needs. 

“We aim to provide a service that is Welcoming, Respectful, Accountable & Professional, and all our services, activities and programs are delivered within a community development framework that aims to provide an environment for our community to support and respond to each other's needs.”

The income the centre receives is directed back into delivering services for the community and in turn there are very little funds available for the Association to make purchases to benefit the organisation and the community on a long-term basis. BNC made the decision to reach out to Bendigo Bank for support and were welcomed with a generous donation of $2,600 which will be implemented to purchase and install a Security CCTV System for the centre’s exterior.

“There was a woo-hoo moment after reading the email, and then a real sense of relief that we would be able to move forward with our wish to improve the security of the centre,” said Natalie.

“Having the Bendigo Bank Community Banks in Ayr and Home Hill and their philosophy of being community owned and doing things ‘together’ goes a long way and the Community Grants are an amazing opportunity for the community to continue to improve in significant ways.”

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The Home Hill Golf Club Celebrates Community Support with Bendigo Bank Grant

July 25, 2024

Established in 1932, the Home Hill Golf Club stands as a 9-hole course situated in the cane fields just outside of Home Hill.

The Club operates with a membership totaling just over 100 dedicated players with golf at the core of the business, and welcoming the occasional wedding, wake or party to the venue. The Home Hill Golf Club additionally holds a wildly successful Ambrose as part of the Home Hill Harvest Festival Program, donating part of the proceeds to the Harvest Festival Committee.

Encompassing a core group of volunteers to maintain the course and service administrative needs, the Club relies on the contribution and support of its members in one form or another to keep the Club moving in a positive direction. Observing grants and donations as the lifeblood of small clubs, the Home Hill Golf Club applied for funding through the Bendigo Bank Community Grants Program to support the works underway following 2023’s grant success.

Celebrating their successful grant allocation in 2024, the Club will gratefully utilise the generosity of Bendigo Bank to install solar panels on the existing golf buggy shed and upgrade the course’s meter box. The installation of solar will allow the Club to offset the costs associated with running the cold room and air-conditioners, an opportunity the Club has been looking forward to.

“The Home Hill Golf Club was thrilled to hear that we were successful in gaining this funding, and it will mean a significant saving in ongoing costs and enables the Club to become more energy efficient,” explained the Home Hill Golf Club’s Secretary, Megan Barbagallo.

“Grants allow clubs to expand or upgrade in areas that are not financially viable without help and Bendigo Bank being a community bank that gives back to the community is a real point of difference, and a wonderful addition to the region.”

The Home Hill Golf Club invites the community to attend their upcoming series of “Come & Try” days which have been developed to support women and encourage their participation in everything that the amazing sport of golf has to offer.

The series will extend from July to October, with the club to host the Harvest Festival Ambrose on Sunday 4 November.

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The Home Hill Tennis Association’s Plans for Advancing Community Tennis

July 25, 2024

The Home Hill Tennis Association was established in 1932 and holds a rich history, standing as one of the most prominent clubs in North Queensland.

Annually, the Club hosts the highly successful and very popular Sugar Bowl Event, and encompasses twelve tennis courts, and four pickleball courts. The Club operates to provide opportunities for members of the local community as well as travellers and visitors alike to participate in tennis and racquet sports whilst upholding an important social focus within the Home Hill community.

The Committee includes five dedicated members, along with ten subcommittee members, and many volunteers who lend a hand to support the Club at events, working bees, the running of general fixtures, and the continued maintenance of the courts. The Home Hill Tennis Association has been generously allocated $10,000 as part of Bendigo Bank’s Community Grants Program and plans are underway to construct additional on court shaded seating for players to utilise.

“Receiving a grant gives our club a boost,” explained the Home Hill Tennis Association’s Secretary, Kate Casswell.

“We are always looking at ways to improve our facilities, and what we offer at the club.

“Visiting players are always impressed with our facilities and this encourages them to come back and play the next year, bringing more visitors to our community therefore boosting the Burdekin’s economy.”

The Club’s application for Bendigo Bank’s 2024 Community Grants Program was a result of their previous grant success in 2023 which saw the construction of shaded on court seating for six of the Association’s courts.

The Home Hill Tennis Association welcomes the community to attend their weekly events including Monday night fixtures, Tuesday night pickleball, Friday Social Mornings, Friday afternoon coaching and cardio, and Saturday Morning pickleball.

“Tennis and pickleball are sports for all players and all skill levels, and tennis is good for your health - it’s a fact that playing tennis adds up to 10 years onto your life,” said Kate.

“Just ask our life members - Mary Reed who is 101, Karl Rummeny who is 100 and Myrtle Olsen who is in her late 90s!”

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Cr Column Councillor Callan Oar

July 25, 2024

11 proud new Aussies made their pledge to Australia in the citizenship ceremony at the Burdekin Shire Council Chambers this week after Council meeting. I would like to congratulate and welcome each of them into our wonderful community.
On Tuesday, along with my fellow councillors, I attended a community meeting at the Burdekin Theatre to discuss the future of the sugar industry and what impact the milling companies can have on our livelihoods.
The common message coming out of the meeting was the potential for huge benefits to the community that could be achieved with shorter crushing seasons. Some of the benefits of a 5-month crush would mean bigger/better crops and less fatigued harvesting contractors. It was suggested these shorter seasons could be achieved if the millers could get their factories to be 90% efficient.
One take away I took from the meeting was that unfortunately, all stakeholders in this industry are still struggling to pull in the same direction. As everyone knows, there is power in numbers. Until we see more unity with these organisations, I fear we are going to continue getting the same results.
As much as this hurts, I need to congratulate Councillor Furnell on his team's Origin win. It’s nice to give those south of the border that winning feeling now and then. Hopefully, this helps for them to one day “just get origin” like us Qld’ers.

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Did you Know? Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort

July 25, 2024

Did you know that animal registrations are due on Wednesday 31 July 2024?
Residents are required to have all dogs and cats over the age of 3 months registered and microchipped. There are strict conditions on owners who breed dogs, those who have dangerous dogs and restricted dog breeds. Council also offers a subsidised dog and cat desexing program, to assist residents in preventing unwanted or additional animals. 
Haven't received a registration renewal notice? Phone Burdekin Shire Council Customer Service Centre weekdays between 8am-5pm on (07) 4783 9800 or visit us to have your details updated and complete the renewal.
If you would like to get in touch with me, please feel free to phone me on 0447 150 582 or email mayor@burdekin.qld.gov.au

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Become A Volunteer Visitor And Make A Difference

July 25, 2024

Many older members of the Burdekin community are facing social isolation, loneliness and feelings of abandonment. They need companionship and someone to spend quality time with. That’s where volunteer visitors come in. Anyone from any background can volunteer to build friendships with vulnerable individuals within the community who are experiencing loneliness and social isolation.

Rita Quagliata, Volunteer Service Manager at the Burdekin Community Association, has highlighted the profound benefits volunteer visitors bring to older adults. Feelings of loneliness and isolation can significantly impact health, making individuals more susceptible to health issues. Regular visits not only provide companionship but also help seniors feel valued, cared for, and connected; ultimately improving their overall happiness and long-term health.

The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS), funded by the Australian Government, seeks volunteers to provide companionship and friendship to older adults who may not receive many visitors or have limited mobility. Volunteers are needed to visit those receiving Home Care Packages, those on the waiting list, or residents in aged care homes.

Volunteer visitors play a crucial role by engaging in activities like reading, sharing news, keeping seniors connected with the community, and simply enjoying conversations over a cup of tea or during a gardening session. These interactions enrich lives and create meaningful relationships.

Benefits of volunteering extend beyond making a difference in someone's life. Volunteers often experience personal growth, develop new skills, expand their social network, and gain a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Volunteering also contributes to better mental and physical health.

If you’re over 18 and willing to dedicate time to provide companionship to an older person, you are welcome to join. Training and support are provided to ensure volunteers feel confident and comfortable in their role. Essential qualities include empathy, good communication skills, independence, and a commitment to building a meaningful relationship with an older adult.

Rita Quagliata will guide you through the volunteer process, matching your interests and background with a suitable senior. Whether you have a few hours to spare each week or month, your contribution can make a significant impact on someone’s life.

Ready to make a difference? Contact Rita Quagliata at Burdekin Community Association on 4783 3744 to learn more about becoming a volunteer visitor. Your time and compassion can brighten someone’s day and improve their quality of life.

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New Biosecurity Measures Set To Thwart Pests

July 25, 2024

Pests estimated to cost Australia tens of billions over coming decades will now find it much harder to enter the country, thanks to measures announced this week by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. 
The department is launching AusTreat, a new pre-border biosecurity scheme designed to ensure overseas treatment providers target the right pests with the required treatment.
Deputy Secretary of Biosecurity and Compliance Justine Saunders said AusTreat will enable a more efficient, future-ready biosecurity system to protect Australia from hitchhiker pests like the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB).
“By redirecting resources to higher risk pathways, we can streamline border clearances for industry and consumers.”
“If the department has more confidence in treatments conducted on goods before they arrive in Australia, it reduces the need for manual intervention at our borders,” Ms Saunders said.
AusTreat is a government-to-industry scheme that will replace the existing Offshore BMSB Treatment Provider program and set the conditions for the regulation of pre-border biosecurity treatment providers.
“BMSB threatens our agricultural industries and way of life,” Ms Saunders said.
“It feeds on more than 300 agricultural and ornamental plant species including fruit and vegetable crops. 
“It is also a domestic nuisance. It is known to hide in houses in large numbers, exuding its signature stench through our living spaces.”
“AusTreat is a holistic, integrated scheme that is designed to respond quickly by targeting emerging biosecurity pests. In the future, AusTreat could expand to incorporate other existing schemes, as well as measures against future biosecurity risks.”
“This gives us the flexibility to respond to risk changes over time and increase our oversight of treatment providers in other countries.”

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Unions Accept Fair Work Commission Offer Of Bargaining Assistance

July 25, 2024

Last week, Wilmar Sugar and Renewables reported that the unions have joined Wilmar in accepting an offer from the Fair Work Commission to assist in resolving a long-running enterprise agreement dispute.

The Electrical Trades Union (ETU), Australian Metal Workers Union (AMWU) and Australian Workers Union (AWU) informed Wilmar this morning that, following consultation with members, they were willing to participate in the Commission process.

A Wilmar Sugar and Renewables spokesman said the company hoped the unions’ agreement to accept the Commission’s offer of assistance would pave the way to reaching an enterprise agreement that is fair, reasonable and sustainable for all parties.

“We are optimistic that, with the expert help of a Commissioner from the Fair Work Commission, we will finally be able to close the gap between the company’s offer and union claims,” he said.

“At our last negotiation talks, we indicated we were willing to consider a wage increase of up to 15% over three-and-a-half years, with productivity improvements.

“Unions tabled a claim of 22% which is higher than their previous claim of 18%, so there is a significant gap between the parties.

“The range we have offered for settlement of the EA is fair, reasonable and based on both economic data and more than 4,500 enterprise agreements approved by the Fair Work Commission over the past year.”

The spokesman said that, given unions had now agreed to participate in discussions facilitated by the Fair Work Commission, it was hoped they would withdraw next week’s planned industrial action.

“Last week’s one-hour industrial stoppage caused significant disruption across all eight sites. It has also put growers at risk of losing an estimated $3.5M in revenue.

“The last thing we or growers want to see is another unnecessary shutdown of sugar factories, and another $3.5M in growers’ revenue at risk.

“The agreement from unions to participate in the Commission process is a positive development and we are hopeful of reaching a resolution through this process.”

The spokesman said Wilmar would inform the Commission of the parties’ agreement to accept its offer of assistance, and await guidance on the next steps.

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July 25, 2024

In response to the growing crisis within Queensland’s sugarcane industry, Queensland Cane, Agricultural and Renewables (QCAR) held a critical Sugarcane Industry Forum yesterday, Wednesday 24 July, to address the urgent challenges facing the sector. The forum aimed to unite stakeholders to tackle severe issues, including milling preparedness, reliability, and cultural challenges.
The event, held at the Burdekin Theatre in Ayr, attracted around 140 participants, highlighting the deep concern and necessity for collaborative solutions. Stephen Ryan, CEO of QCAR, emphasised the importance of the forum.
"The decline in our sugar mills' reliability over the past two decades is alarming,” he said.
“Mills that once operated with remarkable reliability are now frequently experiencing breakdowns and delays. These disruptions impact growers, contractors, and the broader community economically, affecting season lengths, crop quality, ratooning, and overall crop returns."
QCAR Chair Christian Lago stressed the need to address both operational inefficiencies and cultural issues hindering progress. "By uniting stakeholders, we can confront these challenges head-on and develop a comprehensive action plan supported by everyone involved."
Lago noted the broad representation at the forum, with growers travelling from as far as Sarina and Mossman. He expressed disappointment over the absence of the Australian Sugar Milling Council (ASMC), which had initially agreed to attend.
"The key point of the event was to get all of the industry together, to get everything out in the open, talk about it, and work on solutions. It was disappointing that the ASMC didn't attend as the forum was arranged around their availability."
Poor mill performance dominated the forums discussions, with growers voicing mill reliability as their greatest concern. Lago explained that the crush was around 20 per cent behind due to industrial action followed by wet weather.
"As we get close to the wet season, we need optimal conditions from now till Christmas to ensure we get the crop off. If we don't, we may be facing standover, affecting next year's harvest.
“At the forum, we had the opportunity to hear firsthand from Liam Sharkey, representing the Electrical Trades Union Queensland, about the union's concerns and issues. Notably, the ETU has agreed to commissioner-assisted bargaining, which will commence next week, aiming to bridge the gap and reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
“Additionally, we were inspired by Mark Richards, Director of Commercial from Energy Estate, who shared his vision for Queensland as a green energy superpower. He highlighted the vast potential for harnessing our natural resources, particularly sugarcane, to produce green molecules for both domestic and international markets. This aligns with our goal of diversifying the sugarcane industry and embracing renewable energy opportunities."
Russell Hall, AgForce Cane President, echoed the concerns.
"Our growers are under immense pressure due to the operational issues at the mills. It’s time we bring everyone to the table and develop solutions that ensure the sustainability and profitability of our industry."
Despite the challenges, QCAR remains committed to leading the way towards a brighter future. The forum was a crucial step in unifying all parties together to find sustainable solutions.
"We will evaluate the feedback and ideas from the event to assess what needs to be done in terms of representation moving forward," said Lago.
QCAR has called on everyone impacted by the sugarcane industry to share their perspectives and work collectively towards addressing the current crisis. The forum highlighted the urgent need for a coordinated and comprehensive approach to ensure the future viability of Queensland’s sugarcane industry.

QCAR Chair, Christian Lago 

L-R_ Stephen Ryan, Christian Lago, Liam Sharkey (ETU), Russell Hall, Matthew Pappin, John Board, Charles Quagliata, Panikos Spyrou and MC Michael Nelson 

L-R_ Stephen Ryan, Christian Lago, Mark Richards (Energy Estate), Russell Hall, Matthew Pappin 

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Burdekin region mills Week 6, ending 20 July 2024

July 25, 2024

Cane crushed
This week
Season to date
Weekly variety performance for region

The Burdekin mills processed just over 300,000 tonnes of cane for the week, bringing the season-to-date total to more than 1.4M tonnes.
This represents just over 17% of the estimated crop.
Production was impacted this week by a number of unplanned stops as well as notified industrial action. The opportunity was taken during the stoppages to carry out necessary maintenance work.
The average weekly CCS was 13.92, which was above budget.
The highest CCS sample of 17.2 was from a rake of KQ228-1R in the Colevale (Pioneer) productivity district.
The number of reported near misses in the Burdekin rail network has been low so far this year. Drivers should not attempt to race the train.

John Tait
Cane Supply Manager
Burdekin Region

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BQC Profiles

July 25, 2024

Shane Butler
Burdekin Concrete Manager 

Star Sign: Virgo 
Fav Movie: Grease 
Fav Colour: Yellow 
Fav Holiday destination:
Fav Music:
Fav Quote:
Take me how I am or don’t take me at all

Having lived in Ayr for almost 62 years, Shane is a seasoned local, and enjoys spending his spare time with his family, especially his Grandson Vinnie. One of six children, Shane, has four sisters and a brother, and there’s never a dull moment in the Butler household.
Shane and his wife Rita have been married for 37 years, and their son, Kiel and his wife Louise have baby Vinnie to keep everyone company, and when asked what Shane’s significant life moments are, he shared they’re marrying Rita, and the birth of both Kiel and Vinnie.
A lover of the quote, “it is hard to fly like an eagle when you work with turkeys”, and a fan of the movie Grease, Shane reminisces on one of the weirdest, and funniest moments in his life which claims is the 1999 New Years Eve Party – ask him about it next time you see him!
Described as a fun and loving person, you’ll often find Shane by the water having a fish, gardening, relaxing or enjoying a Sunday outing for brunch with family and friends.
Shane’s professional career began in his younger years when he would carry out contract work for cane planting and harvesting. He then transitioned into corporate cane farm management, however towards the end of 2020, shifted his career path and started working with Burdekin Concrete as an Aggi Truck Driver.
In February of 2021, Shane took the position of Concrete Manager of Burdekin Concrete, and explained that although it’s a very challenging role, he enjoys it immensely.
Shane’s value for family, and strong work ethic have led him to be an invaluable member of the Burdekin Concrete team.

Photo credit: Rachael Smith

Robert Jack Gottadi
Plant Operator at BQC Quarries

Star Sign: Leo
Fav Movie: Top Gun
Fav Colour: Red
Fav Holiday Destination: New Zealand
Fav Quote: Such Is Life

Meet Robert Jack Gottadi, (also known as Rob), a dedicated Plant Operator at BQC Quarries, who has called the Ayr area home for the past 29 years. With a robust background in civil construction and five years of experience as a harvester operator, Rob brings extensive expertise to his role at BQC.

Rob’s most cherished moment was welcoming his two-and-a-half-year-old daughter into the world and now, he eagerly awaits marrying his partner of 11 years. Known for his devotion to family, Rob also enjoys spending time with the beloved family dog.

Describing himself as determined and a perfectionist, Rob’s traits contribute to his success both professionally and personally.

Outside of work hours, Rob indulges in his passions for the great outdoors, whether it be dirt biking, speedway racing or adventuring out of town on a rejuvenating camping trip.

Rob’s dedication, extensive expertise in civil construction and meticulous, yet determined nature, make him a valuable employee at BQC Quarries.

Photo credit: Rachael Smith

Melissa Connell
BQC Quarries Business Manager

Star Sign: Virgo
Fav Movie: The Other Woman
Fav Colour: Pink
Fav Holiday destination: Queenstown, NZ
Fav Music: Country/Rock
Fav Quote: The best view comes after the hardest climb

Melissa Connell has been a part of the BQC Quarries team since 2005. Currently holding the position of Business Manager, Melissa has grown her skillset exponentially over the past nineteen years, including completing a Certificate IV in Business Administration, a Certificate III in Extractive Industries, and becoming a Technical Member of the Institute of Quarrying.
An invaluable member of the team, Melissa has also single-handedly revamped the organisation’s Quality Management Systems, and successfully upgraded the system to be compliant to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015. Responsible for ensuring the business activities meet relevant legislative requirements, standards and guidelines, Melissa also ensures all permits and licences for the associated business are in place and renewed periodically.
When she is not dedicating her time to advancing BQC Quarries, Melissa loves to be with her family, or venturing overseas to destinations like London, Fiji, Bali or, her personal favourite, New Zealand.  Having lived in the Burdekin region for her whole life, Melissa has raised her two boys, Clancy (4), and Henry (2), and between the pair of them, she is forever busy, and shared there’s never a dull moment.
“Becoming a mum has hands down been the hardest, yet most rewarding thing that has ever happened to me,” explained Melissa.
“They drive me mad most days, but seeing their little smiling faces and their cuddles and kisses makes every day brighter.”
Melissa also loves to visit her sister, brother-in-law and niece who live on a station in Winton when she has the time free for a trip, and also shares a passion for home organisation and decorating.
Many people don't know this, but Melissa was crowned RSL Girl in a Million ‘Golden Girl’ in 2008 for raising the highest funds for RSL Queensland.
Considered to be an integral member of the BQC Quarries team, Melissa’s dedication to the business is to be celebrated.

Makayla Jae Bass
Apprentice Diesel Fitter For BQC Quarries

Star Sign: Taurus
Fav Movie: Yellow Stone
Fav Colour: Pink
Fav Holiday Destination: Rodeos
Fav Quote: ‘There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can’t. What you’ve got to do is turn around and say, ‘watch me.’’

Introducing Makayla Jae Bass, an Apprentice Diesel Fitter at BQC Quarries, originally hailing from Cooktown and residing in the Burdekin area for the past three years.

Makayla is diligently working towards becoming a qualified Diesel Fitter through her apprenticeship, leveraging a strong foundation of qualifications that showcase her dedication and hardworking nature.

Alongside pursuing her trade, she holds certifications including Cert 3 in Hospitality and Art, as well as Cert 2 in Working at Heights and Working in Confined Spaces.

Outside of her work in the quarry, Makayla's passion lies in rodeo and barrel racing, accompanied by her love for country music.

She says that winning her first barrel racing buckle stands out as one of her most cherished memories.

Describing herself as positive, adventurous and loving, Makayla shares her days with her partner who is also a diesel fitter and takes pride in caring for her beloved dog and five horses, whom she competes with in barrel racing competitions.

Photo credit: Rachael Smith

Laura Clive
Senior Administration Officer At BQC Quarries

Star Sign: Leo

Fav Movie: The Big Fat Greek Wedding

Fav Colour: Pink

Fav Holiday destination: Sydney

Fav Quote: Love Life – Go Live your Best Life

Laura Clive is the Senior Administration Officer at BQC Quarries, bringing a diverse range of experience and a vibrant personality to her role.

Laura was born and raised in the Burdekin, having grown up in Giru, she then moved to Brandon, then Ayr and is now living on Rita Island.

Her past career endeavours have seen her in roles ranging from haberdashery and hospitality to customer service at Australia Post. She also held administrative positions in automotive dealerships before finding her niche at BQC Quarries, where she has displayed her dedication, professionalism and skill over the past 12 years.

Outside of her professional commitments, Laura finds joy in listening to classic pub music, traveling with her family in their van and enjoying precious time spent with loved ones during the weekends. Her family includes her husband and two daughters, each living their own independent lives with one in Townsville and the other in Sydney, both married with children of their own.

Among her most memorable life moments, Laura treasures the joys of motherhood and the unique experience of becoming a grandmother, alongside exhilarating experiences such as hot air ballooning and climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Describing her personality in three words, she says ‘optimistic, adventurous, and patient.’

Laura’s positive outlook and willingness to embrace new experiences are evident in every aspect of both her work life and personal life, making her a great asset and invaluable member of the BQC Quarries team. 

Julie Heidke
BQC West Euri Quarry-Weighbridge & Transport Controller

Star Sign: Cancer
Fav Movie: Game Of Thrones
Fav Colour: Turquoise
Fav Music: ACDC, Guns and Roses, Queen, INXS, U2
Fav Quote: C’est La Vie (such is life)

Julie Heidke has been a valued member of the BQC team since 2007 and has always been an Ayr local at heart despite moving to Mackay, and now Bowen where she has lived for the past 25 years. Something many people may not know about Julie is that when living in Mackay, she enjoyed driving and racing a speedway car in the V8 Stock Sedans class, however she’s since hung up her racing gloves and is now a proud Grammy to little Henry.

Julie loves to enjoy time spent with her family, and could not be more proud of her two daughters, her eldest Jenna, and her youngest Dana who has recently made her a Grammy. When the weekend rolls around, Julie can be found doing one of a few things. Like the animal lover she is, Julie loves spending time with her four dogs and three horses. Another weekend activity of Julie’s is sewing tradesman’s Tool Bags for a major tool company, “Snap-On”.

Julie’s professional career before joining the team at BQC Quarries began when she was a car detailer for Honeycombs Holden in Ayr. After she had her two girls, Julie began a career in hospitality which she continued for over 20 years in both Mackay and Bowen.

Julie’s current position with BQC Quarries entails the responsibility of weighing all vehicles moving in and out of the sites, ensuring weights are legal for transportation. On a day to day basis, Julie oversees the Quarries’ orders and distribution of road base materials to major roadworks down to small home projects.

With a love for the quote, C’est La Vie (such is life), Julie stands as a valued member of the BQC Quarries team, and her continued commitment to her duties is celebrated.

Photo credit: Rachael Smith

Joe Giddy
Sand Quarry Manager at BQC Sands

Star Sign: Aries
Fav Movie: Marvel Movies
Fav Colour: Green
Fav Music: Listen to all gene

Joe has called Ayr home for all of his life and has raised two kids in the region alongside his wife, Janai, who he describes as the most “amazing mother to my amazing children, Jayden and Mikayla”.  A highly family orientated man, Joe prioritises his time spent with his loved ones, and if he has anywhere from an afternoon to a weekend free, he’ll spend it with his family.

Along with family time, Joe also has a passion for cars, a soft spot for the Marvel Movie Series, and another love of Joe’s is music. An active and celebrated member of the Burdekin Brass Band, Joe can often be seen performing at community events alongside his band mates, and solo for ANZAC Day parades where he often performs the Last Post and Reveille.

Throughout Joe’s professional career, he has held a few positions before joining the team at BQC Sands. Joe spent 17 years with O’Brien Glass, 10 years with Burdekin Transport Services and has spent the past 2 years with BQC Sands. His love for his work shines through the way he works alongside the team at BQC Sands, and Joe shared he loves every second of what he does day to day.

“I love what I do, and don’t feel like I go to work most days,” said Joe.

Photo credit: Rachael Smith

Dwayne Bradford
BQC Bowen Quarry Manager 

Star Sign: Capricorn 
Fav Movie: Anything comedy 
Fav Colour: Blue  
Fav Music: Country 

Bringing plenty of knowledge and expertise to his position of Quarry Manager with BQC Quarries Bowen, Dwayne Bradford has been part of the mining and quarrying industry for almost his entire professional life.

An Ayr local, Dwayne has lived in Bowen for the past six months where he has been an invaluable member of the BQC Quarries team. Prior to commencing the role, Dwayne held similar positions within the mining and quarrying sector, leaving him highly experienced in the field.

A lover of any movie in the comedy genre, Dwayne describes himself as having a happy, go-lucky and outgoing personality, and prides himself on having a good sense of humour.

When he’s not spending valuable time with his wife and three children, Dwayne enjoys listening to some country music tunes, fishing by the water, or watching a good game of football.

In respects to his Capricorn star sign, Dwayne is ambitious, and hardworking, with his celebrated efforts making him a highly valuable member of the BQC Quarries team.

Photo credit: Rachael Smith

Deanne Lewty
Compliance and Transport Officer at BQC Quarries

Star Sign: Aries
Fav Movie: Fast and Furious
Fav Colour: Blue
Fav Holiday destination: Tasmania
Fav Music: Waves by Dean Lewis

A local for just over 34 years, Deanne and her family are originally from Brunswick Heads in New South Wales, then moved to Cairns before hanging their hats and calling the Burdekin home.
Between Deanne, her husband, two daughters, and one granddaughter, there are also nine fluffy pups in her family, and when she’s not at work, Deanne loves to enjoy time with her loved ones. With strong family values, Deanne believes the best thing to happen to her in her lifetime was becoming a mother.
“I’m lucky to have a supportive and caring husband, two intelligent and beautiful daughters, two loving and devoted sons-in-laws, and one gorgeous granddaughter,” shared Deanne.
With a love for sewing, Deanne hopes to one day build upon her creativity to learn the art of pottery, and she enjoys spending her free time ticking off odd jobs around the house, or watching her favourite movie series, The Fast and Furious.
Over her professional career, Deanne’s positions have always been clerically orientated. Her position with BQC Quarries encompasses a wide range of tasks including customer service, arranging orders, audit and compliance checks as well as ensuring all permits and licenses are up to date. Deanne continues to produce work to a high standard and finds plenty of work to do in her day to keep busy.
Deanne describes herself and her personality as reflecting the characteristics of competency, thoughtfulness, and loyalty and loves the saying; “yeah sure, no problem”. Her dedication, and commitment to her role as a Compliance and Transport Officer makes her an invaluable member of the BQC Quarries team.

Photo credit: Rachael Smith

Amy Marie Rea
Loader Operator at BQC Quarries

Star Sign: Sagittarius
Fav Movie: Outer Banks
Fav Colour: Blue
Fav Quote: Yeah Right
Fav Holiday Destination: Maldives

Meet Amy Marie Rea, a valued loader operator at BQC Quarries, bringing seven years of industry experience and a wealth of qualifications from diverse career backgrounds that distinguish her as a standout employee in the trade.

Having lived in the area as a local resident for the past thirty years, Amy possesses extensive knowledge of the area.

Amy's professional journey began in childcare, where she dedicated five years before transitioning to milling for a season. After a brief return to childcare, she eventually found her calling at BQC Quarries, where she has remained and thrived for the last seven years.

Reflecting on her time with the company, Amy said “the best thing that happened to me was when Lawrie brought me a new loader!”

Amy describes herself as fun, outgoing and kind, and when she’s not behind the wheel operating heavy machinery with skill and precision, you might just find her unwinding with a drink in hand listening to country music.

In her spare time, she also loves camping, crabbing and spending time with her much-loved family, friends and fur babies, which she says “I’d be lost without them all.”

Photo credit: Rachael Smith

Alana Payne
BQC Quarries Administration

Star Sign: Cancer
Fav Movie: Anything but horror
Fav Colour: Red
Fav Holiday destination: Tassie &NZ  
Fav Quote: You're terrible Muriel

Originally from Thursday Island, Alana Payne has lived in various parts of Queensland throughout her life. She spent most of her years in Cairns, followed by a decade in Townsville, before settling in Ayr in 2015.

Alana's career journey has taken a few turns, starting with owning and managing a Newsagency in Townsville. She then transitioned to roles with a prominent builder before trying her hand at property management in the Burdekin. Today, she excels in her role contributing to administrative operations and says it’s ‘my home here at the BQC Office.’

Alana's passions include breeding British Bulldogs which has proved to be a major success with her pups finding their fur-ever homes all across Australia. On weekends, she enjoys relaxing at home, watching NRL games and escaping to Dingo Beach for quality time with family and friends.

Family is central to Alana's life and she takes pride in being a mother to two sons and a devoted grandmother to her grandson. Her partner, who originates from the Burdekin adds another layer of happiness to her life.

Among her most cherished life moments is watching her sons mature into responsible men and embracing their roles as a father and uncle.

In three words, Alana describes herself as a ‘Crazy Dog Lady,’ reflecting her deep affection for British Bulldogs and her enthusiastic involvement in breeding them.

Her bright personality and great attention to detail in the office makes her a great administrator at BQC Quarries.

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A History Built In Stone And Sand

July 25, 2024

Steeped in history and carved with the workmanship of generations, BQC Quarries has provided the stone and the sand that has helped sculpt the landscape of our community. Supplying materials for the construction of many local landmarks, from bridges to schools, highways and subdivisions, it is easy to see how this powerhouse local business is still growing after 50 years. Constantly innovating and setting new benchmarks for the region, this forward-thinking enterprise has ensured the Burdekin region is built with best and supplied by the best.
The company began in 1974 when Ray Wall, who had been operating a sand and trucking business in Ayr, saw the opportunity to purchase a quarry on the banks of the Burdekin River at Mona Park near Clare.  
Ray was supplying his clients from this quarry and was aware that the operation needed much improvement to be able to keep up to the districts demands.  
He approached Frank Fahey to help put together some investors to purchase the business. Frank was already involved with a syndicate of local farmers and they, along with a local builder, Marco Populin, were quickly able to form a partnership (trading as “Burdekin Quarrying Company”) to fund the purchase from the Heuir family.
On the “Rocks Quarry” site there were two houses in poor repair and a shed full of discarded parts and a static compressor. Three-inch steel air lines were laid from the shed to the blast face to power a wagon drill that was all moved about by hand.
The Powder Monkey and staff (one was Ray’s brother Keith) came with the quarry. Crushing gear consisted of a small white metal jaw and screen plant. The crusher was fed with a small tip truck and the crusher operator had to pull each rock by hand into the jaw with a steel hook. There were a couple of loaders on site but in poor repair.
A larger crushing plant was immediately ordered. Marco Populin constructed the footings and the concrete abutment that was required to allow dump trucks to feed the rock directly into the new plant and all operations were to be controlled from an electrical enclosure connected to mains power.
Large front-end Loaders were hard to get and whilst waiting for a CAT 950 and 966 to arrive in Australia, they had to make do with the only large machine we could lay our hands on. It was a four cubic metre Moore LD8 Scoopmobile.
A compressor and Air Track was purchased to enable blasting to keep pace with the new 160 ton per hour plant.
Further purchases included a 13-ton Articulated Volvo Dump Truck, D7 Dozer, and a Cat 12E Grader. An industrial shed, office and ablution block also needed to be built.
Hydraulic excavators were later introduced into the quarry pit which was a first in the industry. The normal practice for loading operations in a hard rock quarry, was with front end loaders or face shovels.
The first excavator was a 30 ton Kato backhoe type machine which was able to sort and load rock at the blast face.
Part of the quarry purchase from Heuir also included a sales permit at Stokes Range Quarry on Rifle Range upriver Home Hill. This quarry had a double toggle jaw crusher with home-made track feeder and a Hazemag impact crusher, none of which was operating at the time.
This quarry has excellent quality rock suitable for high quality Screenings and was used for the concrete in the Burdekin River Bridge. There was limited demand from this quarry at the time, and it was to be 1984 before any further development was continued at this quarry.
At the start sales were sporadic in the district and it was the demand for rock to repair riverbanks after flooding in 1974 and the construction of the Burdekin Weir at Clare which kick started the struggling business. The Burdekin River Irrigation Scheme continued the demand for construction material from the Rocks Quarry but provided little work for Stokes Range.

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A Timeline Of Industry Growth

July 25, 2024

Ray Wall who was then operating a sand and trucking business in Ayr, saw the opportunity to purchase a quarry on the banks of the Burdekin River at Mona Park near Clare.  

In 1977 John Fahey, who had a background in Civil Engineering, joined the Business full time which enabled the business to expand into civil construction such as subdivisions and infrastructure work including road and rail projects.

Burdekin Concrete was established at Airdmilan Road to secure outlet of quarry product. At that time the two existing nationally operated readymix plants (Pioneer Concrete and Humes) were sourcing supply from each other using local sand and Townsville Quarry Product.
Within a very short time frame of 7 weeks, BQC Group were able to construct and commission a concrete plant on industrial land they already owned. Two agitator bowls fitted to owner driver trucks were set up to service their first customers.
Ron Sullivan was the first Plant Manager and with the support of loyal local builders the business was able to survive several years of fierce price competition even though we were not a national company with affiliations to Cement manufacturers like our competitors were.
It was quite some time before we were even allowed to have a cement account and had to purchase our cement through a third party until we could prove to North Qld Cement (the only supplier) that we were here to stay.
During the first 10 years various members and their families left the original syndicate of investors and finally coming down to just 3 families left in the business. These were Wall, Fahey and Populin.

BQC Group ceased being involved in construction projects and concentrated on just its quarry and concrete operations as suppliers only and was able to consolidate core operations.
It was around this time that they purchased and developed operations at Mt Kelly mainly as a supplement to Rocks Quarry operations but also able to supply quality fill for local roadworks projects.

West Euri suffered a major setback when an arsonist set fire to the weighbridge, three machines and the hay shed. Artie (the Quarry Manager at the time) lost personal items including his tractor and his car.  It was devastating for all at the time.

The construction of the first truly mobile pugmill commenced. After several modifications this machine proved capable of handling over 300 t/h.
Tylden in Melbourne was able to modify a transportable cement silo fitted with a rotary valve, variable speed gear box all mounted on weigh cells, so that they were able to accurately control cement feed into the new pugmill.
The final set up which now included a large generator, compressor and operators’ cabin was not very mobile, but this prototype has served the team well to this day. A few years later we were able to duplicate this setup at the Bowen Quarry.

Saw the retirement of Ray Wall and his wife from the BQC Group partnership and Ross & Gay Lewis took up a share in the quarrying operations as a supplement to their transport and sand operations. Both quarry and concrete operations continued to grow over the following years and equipment purchases changed to larger and more mobile machines, more able to cope with ever increasing product demands and changing specifications.

2000 onwards
Over time since 2000 BQC Group has supplied some major projects including:
Coalstream – Collinsville (approx. 250,000 tonne) which had a heavy hand in developing West Euri Quarry
Many Bruce Highway projects including West Barratta, Didgeridoo, Yellow Gin Creek crossing and the BSES overpass and sandy corner. All of these included concrete supply as well.

John Fahey’s son, Lawrence, was introduced to the business and he brought with him the skills to help manage the complex project requirements associated with the large supply contracts that were becoming more common.
The largest train of mobile crushing equipment was also purchased this year which is now known as the Red Devil. Similar machinery has since been introduced at West Euri Quarry.

BQC Group was able to develop Bahr’s pit in Giru to supply large amounts of select fill for the Haughton Floodplain Project on the Bruce Highway as well as supplying the high spec material from Rocks Quarry.  At the time this was the largest supply contract they had ever undertaken, and included establishment of a Foam Bitumen Plant in the quarry which was a first for North Queensland, with regards to plant mixed Foam Bitumen. The results achieved with respect to the Foam Bitumen strength were the highest ever seen in Australia and forced TMR to rewrite the spec to put conditions on the mix design to limit the strengths achieved. They were at the time chasing a flexible pavement.

The business upgraded the batchplant to automatic batching software.

The company installed the Chilled Water system at the batchplant which reduced the quantity of ice required in high spec concrete but also put the plant on par with any metropolitan batchplant.

BQC Group took over Ross & Gay Lewis’s sand allocations in the Burdekin River as part of their retirement strategy. This would ensure the business always had access to sand supply and the purchase was timely as large amounts of sand was required for upcoming pipeline projects. In 2023 the operation moved across to the Home Hill side to gain access to more resource in preparation for the upcoming Haughton Pipeline project.

BQC Quarries celebrates 50 years in business, Burdekin Concrete celebrates 40 years and BQC Sands marks 2 years. 

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Nonna's Kitchen: Preserving Italian Culinary Heritage

July 25, 2024

ItaloWorld Inc. stands as a dedicated not-for-profit organisation committed to the preservation and promotion of Italian culture in all its facets – past, present and future.

The organisation has proposed the publishment of a book like no other, which will encompass 107 recipes sourced from Italian grandmothers (nonne) living in the Northern Territory and Queensland.

“We are excited to announce a project which aims to celebrate and maintain traditional Italian recipes still in use in our corner of the world,” shared Cofounder of ItaloWorld Inc. Armando Cristofori.

“The initiative aims to highlight the rich culinary heritage of Italy and ensure its preservation for future Australian generations.”

Residents of the Burdekin community have been invited to be part of the publishment, with Italian seniors encouraged to contribute their cherished traditional recipes, to celebrate the culinary heritage of the region.

Submissions can be made by emailing Armando at Armando.Cristofori@icloud.com, and the shortlist of the submission finalists will be released in September of this year, with the official publishment date set for 9 April 2025.

The initiative hopes to both honour and sustain Italian cultural traditions in Queensland and the Northern Territory and ultimately create a meaningful and lasting tribute to the region’s shared Italo-Australian heritage.

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Pet Of The Week Meet Bubbles

July 25, 2024

Rehoming fee: $195
DOB: 9/04/2022
Sex: Female
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Kid friendly: Yes
Dog Friendly: Slowly introduce
Other cats: No
Indoors/Outdoors: Indoors

Bubbles has mastered the art of being the perfect companion with her
mesmerising black fur and gorgeous amber eyes you won’t be able to resist snuggling up to her.

Her sleek coat and striking features make heads turn wherever she goes, but it's her charming personality that truly steals hearts.

Whether it’s curling up on your lap for a cozy nap or rubbing against your legs to say hello, Bubbles is always ready to shower you with love and purrs.

Bubbles enjoys scaling the tallest cat trees to chasing after feather toys, she embraces life with gusto and curiosity.

Bubbles is available for adoption and is desexed, microchipped, up to date vaccines and flea/tick/worm treated.

To meet Bubbles please fill out an animal inquiry form at: https://www.angelpawsinc.com.au/forms.html.

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Learn About Lymphoedema

July 25, 2024

Join the upcoming free informative morning tea at Gudjura Deck Cafe on Thursday July 25th, at 10am to discover the ins and outs of lymphoedema - a condition affecting individuals, particularly women, navigating breast cancer and its aftermath.

Hosted by The Restore Clinic, this event aims to illuminate the pivotal role of physiotherapy across the spectrum of cancer care:

What is lymphoedema? Lymphoedema is described as the accumulation of excessive amounts of interstitial fluid in the tissues which results in swelling and other associated symptoms in one or more regions of the body. Lymphoedema occurs when the body’s lymphatic system is not working properly, meaning the excess fluid from your limbs is not draining.

Stages and Symptoms: From latent (Stage 0) to advanced (Stage III), lymphoedema presents symptoms like limb heaviness, tightness and skin changes. Physiotherapy treatments encompass compression therapy, manual lymphatic drainage and low-level laser therapy to effectively manage symptoms.

Early Detection and Diagnosis of Lymphoedema: Utilising advanced technology like the SOZO Bioimpedance Spectroscopy (BIS) device, The Restore Clinic pioneers’ early detection of lymphoedema. This non-invasive tool accurately measures fluid volumes, enabling proactive management strategies that prevent progression and improve outcomes.

Recovery from Surgery: Physiotherapists specialise in addressing post-surgical challenges such as cording or axillary web syndrome, scar tissue management, movement restrictions, and fatigue. These interventions are crucial for optimising recovery and restoring mobility.

Exercise and Rehabilitation: Tailored exercise programs designed by physiotherapists enhance movement, strength and endurance while alleviating pain, thereby improving overall quality of life and mitigating cancer-related fatigue.

This morning tea offers a nurturing environment for individuals seeking information on lymphoedema prevention, early symptom recognition and comprehensive treatment options.

For further details or to RSVP, please contact (07) 4722 3880.

What: FREE Lymphoedema Information Morning
When: Thursday 10am, July 25
Where: Gudjura Deck Cafe, Plantation Park, Ayr

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Tips for Selling Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide

July 25, 2024

Selling a home can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and execution, you can navigate the process smoothly and achieve a successful sale. Whether you're a first-time seller or have sold homes before, these tips will help you prepare your home, attract potential buyers, and negotiate the best deal.

   1. Prepare your Home for Sale
Before listing your home, invest time and effort in making it look its best:
   • Declutter and Depersonalize: Remove personal items and excess clutter to help potential buyers envision themselves in the space.
   • Clean Thoroughly: Deep clean every room, including carpets, windows, and appliances. A clean home creates a positive impression.
   • Make Repairs: Fix any visible issues like leaky faucets, cracked tiles, or peeling paint. Small repairs can make a big difference in buyer perception.

   2. Set the Right Price
Pricing your home correctly is critical for attracting buyers:
   • Research Comparable Properties: Look at recent sales of similar homes in your area to gauge the market value.
   • Consider Market Conditions: Assess whether it's a buyer's or seller's market, as this can impact pricing strategy.
   • Consult with a Real Estate Agent: An experienced agent can provide a comparative market analysis (CMA) to help you set a competitive price.

   3. Market Effectively
Effective marketing increases visibility and attracts potential buyers:
   • Professional Photography: High-quality photos highlight your home's best features and attract more online views.
   • Online Listings: Utilize multiple online platforms and social media to reach a broad audience.
   • Open Houses and Showings: Make your home accessible for showings and consider hosting open houses to generate interest.

   4. Highlight Key Selling Points
Showcase what makes your home unique and desirable:
   • Curb Appeal: Enhance the exterior with landscaping, a fresh coat of paint, or minor repairs.
   • Interior Appeal: Highlight features like updated kitchens, spacious closets, or energy-efficient appliances.
   • Highlight Neighbourhood Benefits: Mention nearby amenities such as schools, parks, shopping centres, and transportation options.

   5. Be Flexible and Responsive
Stay adaptable throughout the selling process:
   • Accommodate Showings: Be flexible with showing times to accommodate potential buyers' schedules.
   • Respond Promptly: Address inquiries and offers promptly to demonstrate your commitment to selling.

   6. Negotiate Wisley
Navigating negotiations requires patience and strategy
   • Review Offers Carefully: Consider not only the price but also contingencies and closing timelines.
   • Counteroffers: Be prepared to negotiate terms that are favourable to both parties.
   • Consider All Offers: Evaluate each offer objectively before making a decision.

   7. Prepare for Closing
Once you’ve accepted an offer, prepare for the final steps:
   • Coordinate with Professionals: Work closely with your real estate agent, attorney, and lender to ensure a smooth closing process.
   • Address Inspection Findings: Address any issues identified during the home inspection promptly.
   • Final Walk-Through: Ensure the buyer's final walk-through goes smoothly by having the home in the agreed-upon condition.

Selling your home involves careful planning, preparation, and effective execution. By following these tips, you can maximize your chances of a successful sale while minimizing stress. Remember, each home sale is unique, so adapt these strategies to suit your specific circumstances and market conditions. With the right approach, you can confidently navigate the selling process and achieve your desired outcome.

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Chat With Chelsea

July 25, 2024

Hi everyone, I hope you have all had a great week! It’s been lovely hearing from you all, and please feel free to reach out to me to just say hi or share your stories with me – my email is chelsea@lifepublishinggroup.com!

With university resuming for Trimester 2 this week, I’ve been busily working away already on my final few courses before I graduate from my Bachelor of Communications and Journalism degree later this year! It’s all flown by and I’m so excited!

Along with university resuming, this week was origin week! My friends and I watched the game on Caxton Street, like we have the past Brisbane Origin games, as the atmosphere never disappoints no matter the results of the game. My grandparents are actually visiting Brisbane at the moment too and went to the game themselves. It’s always fun to have my family and friends visit me, and to catch up with them here and there while they’re on “holiday” in the city I’ve called home for almost 3 years!

My busy week has not stopped yet as it’s my 21st birthday on Saturday! I’m calling this one my “Brisbane birthday”, and then I’ll be popping back at the start of August for a weekend with my family to have my “Ayr birthday”! I’m excited to visit everyone again, especially to see my 2 dogs, Holly and Minus! My Mum always tries to put them on Facetime to me but it’s not always a successful activity!

I hope you all enjoy the read! Chat soon.

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Burdekin Catholic High School Students Rally For Childhood Cancer Support

July 18, 2024

In a heartwarming display of compassion and community spirit, Year 7 students at Burdekin Catholic High School came together to make a significant contribution to childhood cancer support.

Through their dedicated efforts, they raised an impressive $953.50, demonstrating the power of unity and generosity among the school's youngest members.

This fundraising initiative was further bolstered by a generous donation of $1,000 from Queensland Country Bank in 2023, underscoring the local community's commitment to supporting vital causes.

The funds raised, along with the bank's contribution, have been directed towards the 2024 Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride (TCBR). The TCBR will commence on Thursday 25 July with nine Burdekin locals set to ride, raising awareness and funds for childhood cancer research and support services.

The school extends its gratitude to the Year 7 families for their support, Queensland Country Bank for their generous donation, and Burdekin Distributors for their contribution of bags for the lolly fundraising efforts.

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Last Calls For Estimates Integrity To Be Upheld

July 18, 2024

As the spotlight turns to how the state government plans to roll out future funding for services and projects across Queensland, Member for Burdekin Dale Last has called for a commitment of transparency as Budget Estimates approaches.
Mr Last said with allegations already swirling that one state government department had employed and since ceased separate media training ahead of Estimates proceedings, Queenslanders deserved assurances the parliamentary process of Budget Estimates would be held with the utmost integrity.
“The Budget Estimates process is about ensuring that revenue and taxpayer funds paid by Queenslanders funds state government projects efficiently and supports our front-line services according to the needs of the communities they serve,” Mr Last said.
“We know that in rural and regional Queensland we have to fight tooth and nail for every cent of funding we need to keep our roads, health services, schools and emergency services at a standard where they can effectively service their communities and that is why Budget Estimates is so important to me.”
“When we look at the Burdekin we already know we have seen our full-time firefighters on call 24/7 due to a reduction in the number of auxiliary firefighters and we as a community have called for additional plain clothes police officers and a CT scanner at our local hospital to reduce pressure on our local ambulance services.”
“These are the sorts of issues that ministers and their director generals need to answer for during Budget Estimates because when it comes to our front-line services in particular, quite often the price paid is someone’s life.”
Mr Last said the looming state election in October was all the more reason for ministers to be transparent during Estimates hearings.
“People in rural and regional Queensland deserve to know that they aren’t going to go without a full-time doctor at their hospital or that their front-line services aren’t being left understaffed and fatigued because this state government are more focused on sandbagging their jobs ahead of the state election.”
“If this state government is focused on keeping people safe, it will ensure that every one of its Ministers answers Estimates questions to the best of their ability.”

Opinion Piece By Member For Burdekin Dale Last.

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Flying-Fox Roost Management Plan

July 18, 2024

Burdekin Shire Council is calling on residents to review and provide feedback on the newly developed Draft Flying-Fox Roost Management Plan.

After extensive collaboration with community members, conservationists, and wildlife experts, the Council has crafted a comprehensive plan aimed at managing flying-fox populations in urban roost areas. This critical document is open for public review until 31 July, 2024.
Acknowledging the impact flying-foxes can have on residents, Cr Dalle Cort assured that the plan adheres to relevant legislation and incorporates feedback gathered through both in-person and online consultations.

“Council is committed to implementing management actions that minimise the impact on the community whilst also encouraging coexistence,” added Cr Dalle Cort.
The Council looks forward to active community participation in ensuring the sustainable coexistence of flying-foxes within the Burdekin community.

A copy of the draft plan is available online at https://bit.ly/Flying-Fox-Management-Plan and printed copies are available at the Ayr Library, Home Hill Library and Council Chambers. 

Feedback can be emailed to enquiries@burdekin.qld.gov.au or post to 145 Young Street Ayr Qld 4807 or PO Box 974 by Wednesday 31 July 2024.

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Community Grant Boosts Veterans Deep Creek Retreat

July 18, 2024

The Vietnam Veterans Australia Burdekin Subbranch have secured a significant boost for their Deep Creek Retreat thanks to a successful Bendigo Bank Community Grant application.

Situated approximately 45km upstream along the Burdekin River, the retreat spans 7 hectares of leased land from the Burdekin Shire Council.

Established to provide a tranquil haven for veterans and their families, the retreat features essential amenities such as caravan and camping facilities, showers, septic toilets, camping and kitchen facilities, sheds, and covered BBQ shelters. However, maintaining the grounds has become increasingly challenging due to invasive weeds like bindi-eyes and nut grass, exacerbated by feral pigs that cause extensive damage, especially around the Cenotaph.

The $5360.75 grant from Bendigo Bank Community Bank Ayr has enabled the veterans to purchase essential spraying equipment and chemicals. This investment is crucial for implementing a comprehensive spraying program aimed at controlling the invasive plants and minimising damage caused by feral pigs. Previously reliant on manual spraying, which proved insufficient given the retreat's size, the veterans can now efficiently cover the entire area with a newly acquired 100-litre trailing spray tank and necessary personal protective equipment.

Since acquiring the leased land in 2011, the Burdekin Subbranch of the Australian Vietnam Veterans Association Inc. has been dedicated to enhancing the welfare and wellbeing of veterans and their families. They host a range of activities and services, including welfare support, pension advocacy, and an annual Memorial Service commemorating the Battle of Long Tan. This service invites community members to honour fallen Australian Defence Force members who have served in conflicts worldwide.

The retreat also serves as a hub for community engagement, hosting monthly meetings and fundraising events like the Plantation Park markets, held every third Sunday. These events not only raise funds but also foster community spirit, offering stallholder sites and a sausage sizzle BBQ for attendees.

The impact of the Bendigo Bank Community Grant extends far beyond financial assistance; it represents a vital partnership in preserving the Deep Creek Retreat as a sanctuary for reflection, community, and support for those who have served our country.

The Vietnam Veterans Australia Burdekin Subbranch have secured a significant boost for their Deep Creek Retreat. Photo supplied

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July 18, 2024

Opinion Piece

Federal Member for Dawson, Andrew Willcox said Labor’s new mandatory emissions reporting is yet another attack on Australian farmers and will impose costly regulatory burdens.
“In a cost-of-living crisis, this reckless policy making is going to see an added cost of $2.3 billion to farmers, which will ultimately increase the cost of fresh food and produce nationally, and will be passed onto consumers at the checkout,” Mr Willcox said.
Under the new reporting requirements, farmers and businesses will have to report their indirect greenhouse gas emissions right along their supply chain that aren’t being generated by the company directly.
Mr Willcox explained that large reporting entities could pass their risk down through the supply chain, with banks factoring in farmer’s emissions data into lending decisions, or supermarkets could require farmers to report their emissions, even though farmers don’t have the science to do so.
“There are currently no standardised methods for calculating land and livestock emissions in Australia, plus there are no real alternatives available for lines used in their operations, such as fertiliser and diesel that have the same value or impact,” he said.
“This is yet another demonstration of the Government’s contempt for farmers and is punishing these hard-working Aussies, despite our farming industry already having some of the best land management practices in the world.”
Mr Willcox said the reporting requirements are going to impose significant compliance costs with accounting and recording on-farm emissions.

“And with these increase costs, we will see them being passed on at the checkout, making the cost-of-living and cost-of-food crisis worse for our families,” he added.
“Our Aussie farmers are already drowning in green and red tape, and this will add even more complexity to that and unfairly increases the burden on our farming industry.
“This policy has the potential to push some farmers and small businesses out of business altogether, and there are legitimate concerns about how this data will be used, who it will be shared with, or if some industry groups might be discriminated against.
“In Australia, we can support our farmers and fulfill our international climate commitments at the same time, without creating reckless and harmful policies such as this.”

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Letter to the Editor

July 18, 2024

Dear Editor,

Burdekin LNP member, Dale Last, highlights a section of the Bruce Highway in his electorate that has had a-high number of fatalities over a 10-year period.

Dale is quick to point out that the Federal ALP, who have responsibility for Main Roads, have allocated monies to upgrades of the highway but there have has been nothing implemented.

However, Dale, in his 10-year time frame, has failed to say the Federal LNP was responsible for 8 of the 10 years highlighted and for a couple of years prior to that time.
Dale is quite vocal to highlight the failing of the ALP in government but in the years of the LNP in government there was not a sound from Dale, and he has been in the Burdekin seat for an extended period.

We all understand the trauma of a road fatality and the need to have up-grades to ensure safe travelling and the time frame and costs for the required upgrade will require lots of time and different Federal Governments. Hopefully the focus of one is the same as the other. Time will tell.

Dale may even retain the seat so hopefully he keeps up his vocal crusade to fix the “Bruce”.

T.P. Chandler.

Response From Member For Burdekin Dale Last

From the outset it is important to note that responsibility for the Bruce Highway is shared between the federal and state governments. “Main Roads”, as Mr Chandler refers to, is solely a state government department.

Until recently, federal governments were responsible for 80% of the cost of maintenance and upgrades of the Bruce Highway.  Well, they were until Albo decided to reduce the amount contributed by the federal government.

Other than for major projects, such as the Haughton Floodplain Project for example, the money is simply handed to the states who are left to make the decisions about where it is spent and when.

The system is far from perfect but to say that a federal government has control over how the funding is spent is simply incorrect.

The perfect example of the current state government’s attitude towards the Bruce Highway is the recent announcement of a second bridge to Bribie Island.  Perhaps Mr Chandler would like to justify the fact that the cost of an 800m bridge in the South East will be more than 3 years of funding for the entire length of the Bruce Highway.

I sincerely agree with Mr Chandler that we need upgrades for safety and efficiency and that those upgrades are not cheap and, realistically, won’t happen overnight.  At the same time I can assure Mr Chandler, and your readers, that I will continue to fight for those upgrades regardless of who is in power.

Yours sincerely,
Dale Last MP, Member for Burdekin

Burdekin Life has written on Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox’s support for the LNP Opposition Leader Peter Dutton nuclear plan for the Australian nation.

The LNP are also seeking net zero emissions by the year 2050 and their proposal is supposed to support this goal. The most reliable date available at this time suggests that nuclear power is a long-term proposal, and Australians would not see any benefit from nuclear power until at least 2040. It’s too late to save Australia from global warming as the critical date is 2035 when extreme damage will occur.

The present Dutton plan is in direct opposition to the plan LNP Prime Minister John Howard put in place when he and his government introduced the plan to not be a nuclear nation. Even a number of the Opposition Ministers themselves are opposed to the nuclear plan and that is without mentioning State Opposition Leader David Crisafulli’s refusal to lead the State Opposition down that path.

The cost must also be a concern 4 to 6 times that of solar and wind generation. Convincing Australians might be hard. Remember the LNP call during the Voice referendum IF YOU DON’T KNOW VOTE NO.
T.P. Chandler

Response by Federal Member For Dawson Andrew Willcox

It is important for Australia to have base load power that is affordable, reliable, and available 24/7. 

Renewables simply do not provide this. So, if coal and gas are phased out, no emission nuclear technology is the only option. 

Nuclear generators can be fitted in the same locations as existing coal fired power stations. This will alleviate the need for the extra 28,000kms of poles and wires, and stop the massive destruction of good quality agricultural land and virgin native vegetation for solar panels and wind turbines. 

Labor’s reckless renewables only plan is forecast to cost between $1.2 and $1.5 trillion. Solar panels only last between 10 & 15 years, wind turbines, 15 to 20 years, not to mention neither are recyclable. Whereas nuclear technology has a lifespan of 80 plus years which I’m confident will be more cost effective in the longer term.  

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Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea At The Ayr Golf Club

July 18, 2024

Debbie Searle and a group of dedicated friends orchestrated a delightful event at the Ayr Golf Club on 30 June. Their efforts were to host a Biggest Morning Tea, an annual fundraiser that combines the simple pleasures of tea and treats with the noble cause of supporting Cancer Research.

Approximately 50 enthusiastic ladies gathered at the Ayr Golf Club to partake in a morning filled with camaraderie and goodwill. Among the highlights of the event was a captivating fashion parade featuring the latest collections from Glen Dell Boutique. Attendees enjoyed a delightful array of homemade delicacies, all savoured over warm cups of tea.

The morning proved not only enjoyable but immensely successful as well, with an impressive $2,600 raised for Cancer Research. The success of such an event would not have been possible without the generosity and support of the community. Special thanks and gratitude were extended towards the Ayr Golf Club, Delta Dry Cleaners, Dominique’s, Maria Porters Bakehouse, Shannon Peckham from Eyecare plus Optometrist, Rachael Southern, Kay York, Gudjuda Cafe, Bev Andrew’s and Di Wheadon, whose donations and support were instrumental in making the event a resounding triumph.

"A fabulous morning was had by all,” shared the Ayr Golf Club.

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Completion On The Horizon – The Establishment of Jean Morris’ Headstone

July 18, 2024

Launched over twelve months ago, the Community Fundraising Campaign to establish a monument to honour Jean Morris will see its completion this Spring.

Sage 1 of the project recently saw the placement of a cement slab on top of Jean’s 93-year-old unmarked grave situated in at the Ayr Cemetery. With the first stage of the construction complete, organisers have been eager to launch the last stages of the project. A dream that has been in the pipeline for those behind the initiative will soon become a reality with money tins now available in multiple Burdekin businesses in a final bid to raise another $3,500.

19-year-old Jean Morris was murdered in Queen Street, Ayr on 3 October 1932. Henery Peterson, along with co-organiser, Paula Dawson, wishes the Jean Morris Monument will stand as a reminder of every murdered woman within Australia’s right to a much better life.  

“Stiletto Jean Morris’s murder was one of the most brutal in Australian crime history and still to this day is unsolved,” shared the organisers of the Community Fundraising Campaign.

“Due to this fact alone, we believe Jean Morris’ unmarked grave at the Ayr Cemetery deserves to be acknowledged.

We are fundraising to place a headstone on her grave, so she is not just another unsolved murder statistic.”

Donations towards the Jean Morris Burdekin Community Fundraiser can be made at Paula’s Place Hair Salon on Queen Street, Ayr or online via the “Stiletto Jean Morris Headstone Fundraiser” Go Fund Me page at https://www.gofundme.com/f/stiletto-jean-morris-headstone-fundraiser

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$10,000 Raised And 88 Skin Cancer Checks At Biggest Kali’s Cup To Date

July 18, 2024

On Sunday 7 July, another highly successful and memorable Kali’s Cup was held at the Ayr Golf Course in honour of Kali Totorica.

Kali’s Cup stands as an annual event held to promote skin cancer awareness in memory of Kali who tragically passed away from Melanoma when she was just 21 years old.

The 2024 competition received both outstanding levels of community support and attracted record breaking team registrations.

“We had our largest golf competition to date with 22 teams of 4 people registered and many more people come along to purchase goodies from the bake sale, buy raffle tickets or try Nonna's famous pasta at lunch,” explained one of the event organisers, Kali’s sister, Liana Kennedy.

In a Burdekin first, Kali’s Cup 2024 saw the exciting attendance of the Australian Skin Cancer Foundation’s Skin Check Truck, and members of the community were encouraged to come along for their free skin check from 10am. Having the truck present provided locals with a representation of where their generous donations are being utilised, and the truck’s attendance was well received by the community, with many locals expressing their appreciation and gratitude towards Kali’s family.

“Having the Australian Skin Cancer Foundation's (ASCF) national skin check truck present on the day was so valuable,” expressed Liana.

“They were able to screen 88 people and identified 13 spots that would require biopsy - this is exactly why we do this.”

The 2024 annual Kali’s Cup event raised an amazing total exceeding $10,000, with Kali’s family extending immense gratitude towards the community for their support.

“We continue Kali's legacy to raise awareness for melanoma and to raise funds for organisations such as the ASCF who are doing such amazing work in this field,” shared Liana.

“We cannot thank the local community enough for getting behind this event and support us every year.”

Kali's family would like to once again thank the local community for their ongoing support and generosity. As always, they urge everyone to get a skin check as early detection may be the influential factor that saves your life.

Kali’s Family raise awareness and urge others to get regular skin cancer checks. Photo supplied

Kali’s Cup saw 22 teams take to the green for a spectacular day of golf
The slow-moes team who lived up to their name on the course
The winning team of Kali’s Cup 2024 celebrating their victory!
The best dressed winners nailing the mad hatter theme

Photos supplied

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Tips To Reduce Falls At Home

July 18, 2024

Worrying about falling is common. Falls are one of the main reasons older people are admitted to hospital or need to move to a higher level of care.

Whilst looking after your health and staying active is important to reduce your risks of falling, there are ways you can help reduce your risk of falling by adopting the following measures:

   • Ensure your bed is the right height for you and your mattress is firm as this may aide getting in and out of bed easier and safer.
   • Non-slip floorings/mats, especially in wet areas of the house like the shower or bath, can make areas less slippery. Clean up set spills as soon as possible.
   • Use a bath seat or shower chair and a hand-held shower hose to help with unsteadiness.
   • In areas you need additional support, install grab rails.
   • Go to the toilet before going to bed and have a commode or urinal next to your bed.
   • Leave a night light on to aide your vision in the dark.
   • Have fluid and your phone beside your bed, especially at night within easy reach to limit the need to walk around in the dark.
   • Sit on chairs with armrests and that are at right height to assist making getting in and out of easier.
   • Have household items, for example toiletries and food, within easy reach to avoid bending and stretching.
   • A well charged cordless or mobile phone will assist in elimination of some cords and will make using the phone easier.
   • Eliminate trip hazards by removing clutter on the floor, checking for curled edges on mats/rugs.
   • Don’t wear unsafe clothes. For example, clothes that drag on the ground, socks without shoes, or shoes with poor grip.
   • Prepare food while seated to prevent loss of balance.

Contributed with thanks to Debra Cochran, Chief Executive Officer
Burdekin Community Association 

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Taking The Time To Learn About The People Around You

July 18, 2024

In our busy lives, it's easy to overlook the importance of getting to know the people around us. Whether it's our colleagues, neighbours, or community members, each person has a unique story and set of experiences that can add depth and meaning to our lives if we take the time to connect.

One of the most important reasons to get to know the people around you is to build a sense of community and belonging. When we take the time to learn about our neighbours and coworkers, we’re creating a bond that can make everyone feel more at home.  By understanding each other's backgrounds, interests, and challenges, we can find common ground and work together to create a more inclusive and supportive environment.

Learning about others also broadens our perspective and empathy. When we hear about someone else's experiences and challenges, it helps us see the world from different angles and appreciate the diversity of human experiences. This can lead to increased empathy and understanding, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts while fostering a more harmonious community.

Furthermore, taking the time to learn about the people around us can uncover opportunities for collaboration and support. Whether it's helping a neighbour in need, finding a mentor in the workplace, or simply making new friends, the connections we build through understanding and empathy can lead to mutually beneficial relationships.

So, in a nutshell, it's really important to take the time to learn about the people around us. When we do, we create a warmer, friendlier, and more connected community where everyone feels valued and appreciated. Let's all make an effort to reach out, listen, and learn from those around us.

Until next time,
The Team
Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre

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Cr Column Councillor Amanda Hall

July 18, 2024

Is it just me, or as we get older, do the days seem to meld into one? Time passes too quickly and sometimes I think we all need to slow down and take stock of what really matters to us. There is a Whitney Huston song called “The Greatest Love of All” and part of the lyrics are:  … “I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make it easier. Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be.”
On Tuesday night, Councillor Fina Vasta and I had the privilege and honour of attending Ayr State High School’s “Voices of the Future” where students delivered an 6-8 minute speech on a particular topic. It is not an easy task to speak in public and these young people did so with both confidence and verve. They spoke on topics that were informative and interesting, at times making those in attendance question themselves. At least that’s how I felt.
To think that this form of public speaking competition was very nearly lost due to Covid. In 2021, in lieu of cancelled Rostrum Voice of Youth statewide events and thanks to an incredibly determined English teacher, Mrs Linda Attard, Ayr State High School hosted their own public speaking competition. It is a testament to the teachers at Ayr State High School through their dedication and care for their students that this event continues today. Congratulations to all students and teachers involved. Overall winners were:
Junior Runner Up:  Parker
Junior Winner:  Chloe
Senior Runner Up:  Mahala
Senior Winner:  Sophie
Special Awards:
Public Speaking Achievement Award:  Layla
Stan Simpson Encouragement Award: Lee
To those students who competed and to all our young people, I say ”Stand tall, stand proud.  Know who you are, know your worth and you will achieve great things”.  Until next time.

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Did you Know? Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort

July 18, 2024

My first 100 days as Burdekin Shire Council Mayor have been a busy start.
It has been such an honour to represent the Burdekin, to advocate to all levels of government and attended over 30 community events.
I have participated in numerous media interviews, ranging from television to radio, attended various school events, spoken at several community gatherings, and met with local businesses and organisations. These interactions have been invaluable in understanding the diverse needs and aspirations of our residents.
Delivering the 2024-25 Budget was a significant achievement not only for myself but for the new team of Councillors. This Budget was all about stretching dollars and strengthening communities. Council has been mindful of the cost-of-living pressures faced by residents and local businesses while committing to a range of initiatives in infrastructure developments, economic growth, and community projects that will benefit the Burdekin now and in the future.
It has been a jam packed 100 days but with much more work to do.
If you would like to get in touch with me, please feel free to phone me on 0447 150 582 or email mayor@burdekin.qld.gov.au

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Burdekin Christian College Students’ School Holiday Adventure

July 18, 2024

The school holidays hosted a memorable ski trip for the Year 10 and 11 students of the Burdekin Christian College.

The students began their adventure way before sunrise, gathering at the school in the chilly hours of the morning. The group of travellers boarded the bus to the Townsville Airport where they departed on a flight to New South Wales to embark on their frosty holiday.

With the dedicated professional supervision and support of Megan Diamond, David Nourdine and Madolyn Gabiola, the students spent their time enjoying the magical atmosphere of the slopes, with some seeing snow for the first time. Together, the students crafted spectacular snow angles, built impressive snowmen and engaged in the occasional snowball fight in between hitting the slopes.

The students began their Perisher mornings with two-hour long ski and snowboarding lessons, followed by free time to put their new skills into action by practising on the slopes. Many enjoyed the warmth of hot chocolates and concluded their action-packed days winding down in the cosy atmosphere of the Ski Rider Hotel with boardgames, arcade games, billiards, card games and movies. After three days at Perisher, the crew boarded a bus to Canberra to enjoy the remainder of their adventure exploring various local sites, enjoying the magnificent views the capital city had to offer.

A selection of the student’s many highlights from their Canberra travels included their trip to the Old Parliament House, which now operates as the Museum of Australian Democracy, and engaging in the heavily interactive Questacon activities at the Science Museum. The staff members of the Burdekin Christian College have expressed their sighting of future politicians, scientists, and engineers following the trip, noting the inspirations encompassed throughout the visit.

“This unforgettable trip has also taught the students many lessons such as responsibility of looking after one’s plane ticket, an appreciation for the cost of a bottle of soft drink back home and the trials and tribulations that come with sharing close quarters with multiple other teenagers (along with the various odours and sounds that also accompany),” shared accompanying staff member Mr Lequerica.

The students are already reminiscing on their time spent on the slopes and thank Miss Megan Diamond for organising the trip, Mr Tony Shaul for driving the students to and from the school, and David and Madolyn for accompanying the students on their travels.

Year 10 and 11 Burdekin Christian College students enjoyed their frosty journey to NSW for their 2024 Ski Trip.
One of the students’ highlights of their travels was their trip to Canberra.

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The Lower Burdekin Scout Group “LEAP” into Adventure

July 18, 2024

The Lower Burdekin Scout Group attended an educational and enriching LEAP Camp led by Scouts Queensland over the second week of the school holidays.

Scouts Queensland organised two camps, one at Bluewater, north of Townsville, and the other south towards Brisbane. The week from 30 June until 6 July, the Lower Burdekin Scout Group attended the LEAP Camp at Bluewater, along with 100 scouts, and 40 leaders originating from places as far as Rockhampton to Cairns. Together, the scouts and leaders enjoyed a week of camping, fun, and challenging team activities.

LEAP stands for Leadership, Empowerment, Adventure, Patrol. A patrol encompasses a group of 4 to 6 scouts aged between 11 and 18 years old who hold the responsibilities of organising everything camping entails from cooking and eating to participating in games and challenging activities. The week works to develop and empower the leadership abilities amongst the attendees whilst fostering opportunities for adventure within their patrols.

Each of the patrols engaged in a range of outdoor activities including abseiling at Castle Hill, archery, rafting and other water-based activities, STEM challenges, camp cooking challenges, numerous games, and the older patrol groups camped on Magnetic Island. Together, the scouts additionally crafted campfires, organised Night Market stalls, and engaged in an activity called the Townsville Ramble where each patrol was to complete a range of challenges in and around Townsville.

Many of the scouts and leaders will utilise the skills, and knowledge gained over this camp in their preparations for the upcoming 12-day Jamboree which will be held in Maryborough in January of 2025.

Each of the leaders and scouts thoroughly enjoyed the week, with many heading home quite tired, and thankful to all those who had a hand in organising the event.

Scouts and leaders attending the opening and closing ceremonies
The scouts and leaders abseiling at Castle Hill
The scouts and leaders canoeing at Loam Island

One of the patrol tents and the dining shelters all set up
Preparing for offsite activities in Townsville
STEM activity of building a device to transport a potato along a racetrack
The scouts in Townsville for their activities near Jezzine Barracks
The scouts engaging in archery activities

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Which House Will Win The Spirit Stick?

July 18, 2024

It’s all about school spirit at Ayr State High School with each of the athletic and swimming carnivals preceded by a special Spirit Stick event where each House Group vies for the prestigious title.

This week the Spirit Stick competition took the theme of a dance-off and students were tasked with creating a performance around ‘Battle of the Decades’ where each House Group was given a specific decade to use as inspiration.

Groups of performers were made up of every age-group from Year 7 right through to Year 12 and they each took to the stage to dance and lip-sync from their chosen decade.

The event culminated in each group chanting their war cry and gearing up some good-natured competition ahead of the carnival at the end of the week.

Deputy Principal Courtney Carrigan said she loved the event and appreciated everyone participating.

“It was great to see everyone get involved and showcase their spirits,” she said.

There are almost 560 students at Ayr State High School and there are four house groups - Banks, Cook, MacQuarrie and Phillip.

The Spirit Stick will be awarded this Friday at the Athletics Carnival to the House Group that showed the most spirit.

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Agriculture's Shift Towards Autonomous Machines - A Rabobank Perspective

July 18, 2024

The future of farming is steering towards a revolution driven by autonomous machines, poised to transform crop cultivation worldwide.

In a recent report titled "Global Agtech in Focus," Rabobank explores the evolving landscape of agricultural technology, emphasising the potential of autonomous machines to enhance productivity, precision, and operational ease.

According to Rabobank's analysis, while autonomous machines represent a significant advancement in crop farming, their integration into mainstream agriculture will unfold gradually. The report underscores these machines, equipped with capabilities ranging from autonomous steering to more complex decision-making processes, are set to revolutionise various stages of crop production.

Doriana Milenkova, a farm inputs analyst at RaboResearch, highlights that current agricultural practices are already benefiting from automation, which enables faster and more precise operations while reducing resource consumption.

“These machines must be capable of stand-alone diagnosis, decision-making, or task performance in changing environments, without a human operator or on-site supervisor,” explained Ms Milenkova.

However, she notes that achieving full autonomy across all farming tasks will require successive technological advancements and widespread market acceptance.

Vitor Pistoia, an ag tech analyst at Rabobank Australia, has highlighted that Australian farmers are leveraging technology to enhance efficiency, lower input costs, and simplify farm operations.

"Australia is a nation known to be early adopters of technology and this is no different in the ag tech space where our innovative farmers, supported by the large scale of their farms and paddocks, are well-advanced users of technology in their farm machinery which helps to increase efficiency, lower the use of farm inputs, save costs and simplify tasks for operators,” said Mr Pistoia.

“Australia is an important market for most global farm machinery companies and new technology releases or even trials of technology are taking place on Australian farms.

Those technologies range from traditional machinery that is enhanced by technology like sensors, all the way to more recently introduced innovative technologies, like drones and the use of artificial intelligence, to help convert a vast amount of data collected on farm into insights for the operator or for use by the machine itself for innovative weed control.”

The journey towards autonomous farming is marked by incremental advancements and collaborative efforts within the agtech industry. While the journey towards fully autonomous farming may be gradual, Rabobank's report highlights the future of agriculture is increasingly intertwined with advanced technologies that promise to redefine the industry's landscape.  

RaboResearch analyst Vitor Pistoia.

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Discover Quality and Service at Burdekin Motorcycles

July 18, 2024

Since 2005, Dave, Alissa, and their dedicated team at Burdekin Motorcycles have been proudly serving the Burdekin community as the local dealer for Yamaha motorcycles, Yamaha golf buggies, Yamaha WaveRunners, Toro, Bushranger, and now Landini tractors. Together, the team offers their customers a diverse range of products to suit every need and passion.

Over the past 19 years, Burdekin Motorcycles has garnered multiple awards for both sales and service excellence from Yamaha, underscoring their commitment to delivering top-notch customer satisfaction. Their reputation for aftersales service is unmatched, ensuring that every customer not only finds the perfect product but also enjoys ongoing support and maintenance.

As true locals, Dave, Alissa, and their team take pride in having nurtured talent by training numerous apprentices over the years. The pair are dedicated to supporting local events and initiatives whenever possible, contributing to the vibrancy and growth of the Burdekin community.

Whether you're looking to hit the open road with a Yamaha motorcycle, explore the waters with a Yamaha WaveRunner, manage your property with a Landini tractor, or enhance your leisure time with a Yamaha golf buggy, Burdekin Motorcycles is your go-to destination. Top of Form

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Farmers Urged To Reach Out For Help

July 18, 2024

A rural charity is encouraging farmers to reach out for assistance this Farm Safety Week.  

“This year’s Farm Safety Week theme is 'in safe hands',” Rural Aid CEO John Warlters said.  

“Rural Aid’s mission is to stand with farmers when they need it most.” 

“We’re encouraging farmers to register with Rural Aid, so that our organisation and its passionate donors, can support farmers’ wellbeing and safety with a hand-up.” 

Rural Aid’s range of assistance measures help farmers improve their lives and businesses before, during and after disaster events – be it drought, bushfire or flood.  

“Rural Aid’s mental health and wellbeing team do a fantastic job of heading on-farm to chat with primary producers, at no cost to the farmer," Mr Warlters said. 

“Our financial, water and fodder assistance provides urgent relief for farmers in need. 

“And our Farm Recovery Events supply farmers with a team of volunteers, ready to tackle farming jobs post-disaster,” Mr Warlters said. 

Rural Aid’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Manager, Myf Pitcher, said it takes strength to reach out for help.  

“We want farmers to treat themselves as their most precious business asset and be open to receiving help with their busy workload,” Ms Pitcher said.  

“One conversation at the right time with the right person can change everything”. 

“More than 18,000 primary producers are “in safe hands”, already registered with Rural Aid,” Ms Pitcher said.  

“Registering with Rural Aid means we can support farmers when they need it, now or in the future, and it helps us support rural communities as well.” 

“Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to see how we can help.” 

To register with Rural Aid, visit www.ruralaid.org.au or call 1300 327 624. 

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Unveil the Excellence of Rural Quip's Steel Department

July 18, 2024

Since its inception in 1982, Rural Quip has stood as a pillar in the community, renowned for its steadfast commitment to the steel industry. Nestled within the Burdekin, their business stands as a beacon for customers seeking both bulk steel solutions and meticulous 'cut to length' orders, with Robert Oar and his celebrated team catering to diverse project requirements with unparalleled expertise.

Rural Quip distinguishes itself with a comprehensive range of steel products and services designed to meet every need. The skilled team excels in shaping steel plates and bending reinforcing rods, ensuring precise specifications for construction applications. Additionally, operating with precision, Rural Quip ensures that each piece of steel meets exacting standards, from intricate hole punching to advanced processing capabilities and paired with the experienced and knowledgeable staff, the business provides its customers with expert guidance throughout both quoting and ordering processes.

In addition to the business’ robust steel offerings, Rural Quip provides an extensive selection of building materials essential for diverse projects in the areas of roofing, concreating, fencing and more. Going the extra mile, the dedicated team offers dependable delivery options, utilising a crane truck and a 45-foot semi-trailer to ensure prompt and secure transportation of materials to the job site.

Overall, from embarking on a major construction project or a simple renovation, Rural Quip stands ready to deliver superior steel solutions and building materials tailored to your specifications. Visit Robert, and the team to experience firsthand their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

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Hopes Of Fair Work Commission Mediation For Wilmar

July 18, 2024

Unions negotiating a new enterprise agreement with Wilmar Sugar and Renewables are consulting with members on a company suggestion that the parties accept an invitation from the Fair Work Commission for the assistance of a Commissioner in resolving issues remaining in dispute.
The invitation for assistance was extended by a Commission Vice President after a hearing of the Full Bench in Sydney earlier this month (5 July).
During last week’s talks between the company and union representatives, the company put forward the suggestion of taking up the Commission’s offer in order to move on from the continuing stalemate.
A company spokesman said: “We have been willing from the beginning to explore all options to reach a fair and reasonable outcome acceptable to all parties, and we have welcomed the Commission’s assistance in the past.
“We hope that union members agree with us that the Commission’s invitation is an opportunity to move forward.”
Company and unions representatives discussed a number of options to close the gap between their positions. However, progress was limited to log items and not the key issue of the increase in wages employees might receive.
The discussion between the company and union representatives had been proposed by Wilmar before the Full Bench hearing.

Meanwhile, Wilmar Sugar and Renewables’ mills reportedly hit a sweet spot on the weekend, with strong factory performance and improved cane supply.
Group Manager Operations (Sugar) James Wallace said Wilmar’s eight sugar factories averaged above 85 per cent crush time over the weekend, following a challenging start to the season.
“Our factories have settled in and we’re seeing some good daily totals,” Mr Wallace said.
“The Burdekin region recorded above-budget throughput last week.”
Mr Wallace said the Wilmar group had now processed about 10 per cent of the estimated 15.59M tonne crop.
“Despite the interruptions to the crush thus far, we are only a week behind our initial throughput targets. We remain optimistic that, with a continued good run, we will process this year’s crop in a timely manner.”
Mr Wallace said the factories had experienced some stops and starts in the first few weeks of the season due to industrial action and wet weather.
“Thankfully, we’ve now got dry conditions and good cane supply in most of our regions.
“The main cane supply gaps are in the Herbert region where there are still some wet paddocks, but conditions are improving every day.”
Mr Wallace acknowledged the efforts of employees across the business in maximising weekly throughputs and sugar production.
“Our people are pulling together and working hard to get this crop through the factories for the sake of local growers and communities.
“Unfortunately, we are faced with notices of industrial action from unions this Thursday, which will force us to shut down the boilers and stop production at all sites for up to 16 hours,” he said.
“Our Operations and Cane Supply teams are managing the impacts as best they can but this industrial action will hurt harvesting operators, growers and communities at a time when we need to maximise production.”
Latest production statistics:
Herbert region – 214,000 tonnes processed
Burdekin region – 1.2M tonnes processed
Proserpine Mill – 115,000 tonnes processed
Plane Creek Mill – 98,000 tonnes processed

Group Manager Operations (Sugar) James Wallace

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NAIDOC Day With Ayr State High School

July 18, 2024

Ayr State High School’s cultural fire was burning “Loud and Proud” at their annual NAIDOC day held last week on 11 July.

Led by Indigenous Captain Seanna Chapman, the event commenced with a traditional Welcome and Smoking Ceremony by Uncle Randal Ross. The day also saw Year 7 students engage in cultural games, craft Message Sticks, and immerse themselves in traditional Dreamtime stories with the guidance of Uncle Neal and Aunty Leah Tabo.

“It was a privilege to have Uncle Neal and Aunty Leah Tabo helping with the cultural games, along with other elders and families attending to support the day,” shared Ayr State High School.

During the afternoon lunch break, the entire school community and honoured guests came together for a Cultural Feast, where the aromas of coconut, curry, and freshly baked damper filled the air, tantalising everyone's senses and transporting them on a culinary journey.

The festivities culminated in a special NAIDOC assembly, where the school community and guests were treated to captivating performances of traditional dances by talented Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

The assembly provided an interactive and memorable conclusion to the cultural journey of NAIDOC 2024, with staff and students joining in on the dancing in a fitting way to end the school’s annual celebration.

Photos supplied

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July 18, 2024

By August 1933, the Burdekin River had not had a flood since 1927 and the underground water level had diminished somewhat.  The Shire Council along with the farmers and townsfolk were getting worried about the water supply. Mr R. E. Shaw, assistant engineer of the Irrigation branch of the government addressed the Council.  The Plantation Creek, (a delta mouth of the Burdekin River) was selected to replenish the underground water supply.
The Burdekin River water would be diverted through a tunnel from the river into Plantation Creek. A survey was to be undertaken to include a pumping plant in the Delta, their capacity, distance to water and depth of drift at various points along the creek. It was ascertained from this survey that Plantation Creek was once the main channel for the Burdekin River to enter the sea.
The Burdekin River water would enter Plantation Creek through a pipe line that will be about 644 feet long and 5 feet above the bed of the river.  From here Plantation Creek was a well watercourse (with high scrub covered banks) to Cameron’s Waterhole (at the junction of Giddy Road Plantation Creek and Maidavale Roads). At the entrance to Plantation Creek much dirt would have to be excavated. The water would then flow down to what was known as the Klondyke Lagoon, (once known as Gilmore’s Lagoon and now Hutching’s Lagoon). Klondyke means a very rich source of wealth - it can refer to a card game, mining such as gold, or in this case, untold water.  Klondyke Lagoon is not only a part of Plantation Creek but it has beneath its bed a spring of water that bubbles away timelessly. There were to be 12 pumping plants between the river and Klondyke Lagoon.
Between March and April in 1934, the Plantation Scheme was established after the Council had voted for it to go ahead.  The estimated cost was £19,000 with the Government paying subsidising half and the shire to pay the other half. It was depression years and 75% of the labourers were to be chosen among relief workers and the other 25% labourers to be chosen by the Ayr Shire Council. As usual the estimated cost to the scheme would run over the £19,000. Sometime in 1934-35 tenders were called for the construction of the pipe line and the successful tenderers were Super Pipe and Construction Companies of Brisbane and Sydney, the local manager of the firm was Mr E H Bishop.  The pipe line was 644 feet long, 7 feet high and 7 feet wide.  It was constructed of reinforced concrete the tops and bottoms being 11 inches in thickness and sides 6 inches.  Some 240tons of cement was required and 43 tons of steel for the job and 700 cubic yard   of concrete will comprise the pipe and conduit. The bottom will be 5 feet above the bed of the river, and when the flood water of the Burdekin is level with the rails at Inkerman Rail Bridge, the conduit will be running full bore.
As a safe guard against erosion of the river bank, the first 120 feet of the conduit will be laid after tunnel laid for that distance.  This work was well in hand by October-November 1935. The remainder of the conduit was laid in an open cut approximately 24 feet in depth.  For the work of excavating this huge trench, a Bucyrus Excavator was employed, working three shifts of eight hours each.  The soil removed in a day of 24 hours is from 800 to 1000 cubic yards. The excavator steam shovel did an excellent work and had previously been used in the Theodore area during the irrigation works there. The conduit laid in the open cut will be covered after the completion with the soil which has been excavated. At one portion of the tunnel the floor will be approximately 27 feet underground.
As a further safeguard against erosion, the banks of the river from the bed to the top in vicinity of the intake was to be stone faced.  To prevent large timber and other debris from entering the pipe, the face was provided with a grid consisting of three-inch trash bars 15inches apart. In order to ensure that the water flowing into the pipe will all find its way to the creek and not be lost when the river commences to recede, a flood gate was provided near the intake. This will result in impounding all the water in the pipe when a flood is at its peak.  This flood gate was worked on a screw known as Archimedes Screw which is very simple to operate.
On account of the low level of pipes there will be 22,000 cubic yar of excavation between the outlet and the end of the conduit and Cameron’s Waterhole, a distance of eleven miles of open drain. This work was not completed until sometime in late 1936. This Plantation Replenishment Scheme was an experiment as authorities did not know if pumping water from the Burdekin River into Plantation Creek and into the underground would work. It has proved to be a success over the years as will be shown.
It is interesting to note the names of some of the road crossings along Plantation Creek to Cameron’s Waterhole. There is Gilligan’s Culvert near the river and Plantation Creek entrance.  Gilligan was bailiff for North Queensland Pastural Co which had property from Inkerman Station to the Burdekin River on the Southern side and on the Northern side of the river,  Jarvisfield and along Plantation Creek. The Clare Crossing on Clare Road, then we come to Old Clare Road, known as Laun’s Crossing.  Laun’s had a farm there which previously had been in the Rossiter Family and now Bugeja’s. Burnett’s Crossing at Giddy Road and Maidavale Road and down to Craig’s Crossing at the junction of Robertson’s Road and Maidavale Road. Craig’s Farm was previously owned by Spelta, and after Craig it became Whitson’s Farm.

Sometime towards the end of 1938, a cutting in Plantation Creek between Cameron’s Waterhole and Klondyke Lagoon to remove debris and certain obstructions along the Creek give Plantation Creek uninterrupted flow were submitted to the Department of Irrigation and Water Supply.  It was not until the floods of 1940, that the Plantation Replenishment Scheme proved to be a success.
For two or three days after the flood in the Burdekin River, the 7 by 7 feet conduit at the entrance to Plantation Creek from the river, the Creek ran full bore and the water reached the town boundary.  During the water’s progress, the large lagoons and water courses were all filled and immense quantities have penetrated the sandy soil to the underground storage.  The original scheme cost about £19,000 with the shire paying half on a 50-50 loan subsidy.
By 1945 the river ran into the creek for about 2weeks every year and growers using the irrigation plants along the bed of the creek noticed an improved supply of underground water since the installation of the diversion roughly ten years ago from 1935 onwards. One of the old hands that worked and irrigated along the creek gauged the depth of Hutchings Lagoon by the number of turtles sunning themselves on an old tree log in the creek. The depth being two turtles down to 4 turtles or maybe 5 turtles on the tree log.
This Replenishment Scheme which began in 1934-35 is noticed in the underground from the entrance to Plantation Creek down past Norham Road today.  A fish ladder has been installed at the culvert on Cislowski Road, Ayr town water is pumped from Plantation between Hutchings Lagoon and Cislowski Road. Plantation Park and its recreation facilities benefit from the Scheme also. Down towards the mouth of Plantation Creek which once acted a port for the Ayr District, an embankment has been built to stop the Salt from the ocean penetrating to far up the creek. Yes, the Plantation Replenishment scheme has been a success.
Note:  Much fishing has taken place along the banks of the Plantation Creek where Barramundi and other fish has been caught over the years.  Crocodiles have been known to lurk in the creek between Robertson and Cislowski Roads.  Swimming and kayaking have been another favourite pastime of the locals in the creek. Another pastime that was carried on by the young folk of the district was swimming through the culvert on Cislowski Road when the stream was flowing. Perhaps this was carried on at other crossings along Plantation Creek as well.

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Will it Rain? by Anne McCubben ©

July 18, 2024

The sky again is overcast; it’s threatening to rain.
The farmer gazes at the clouds; He has to burn his cane
And “ Will it rain or clear away? What will the weather do?”
‘Tis Sunday afternoon and dull; The farmer’s in a stew.
“Perhaps another break I’ll push and burn a little less.
Then if I’m caught by lots of rain, there won’t be such a mess!”
The time of year that should be wet was very, very dry
And harvest time’s supposed to have a cloudless, sunny sky,
But round here in the Burdekin, the harvest’s been delayed.
The crushing’s held up by the wet, and farmers are afraid
The mill won’t have capacity to crush the sugar crop
Because that rain, unseasonal, has caused the mill to stop.
The farmers try their very best to cut the soggy cane,
The haul-outs bog, the harvester has skidded In a drain.
The farmer’s thoughts turn back a bit, he ponders once again
On seasons, crops and harvesting, as happens now and then.
The farmer’s thoughts swing back again, he’s in the present now,
Decisions must be made and soon; a frown is on his brow.
“It’s overcast again,” he says, “I’ll have a smaller burn
And hope that soon again I’ll see the sunny days return.

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Meet Local Hero Kay Duggan

July 18, 2024

Kay Duggan is a ‘born and bred’ local in Ayr, and a volunteer at the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre where she is President and life member of the committee.

Having grown up and lived in Ayr for her whole life and attending St Francis Catholic School as a child, Kay knows the Burdekin community especially well.

She has been volunteering at the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre since retiring in 1995 and became president in 2010. Before this, Kay was a minute secretary for the organisation.

While she is president, Kay insists that the Neighbourhood centre is a team:

“We're a team, I'm not into being the boss.”

Explaining why she loves the work she does, kay emphasised that the committee have become valued friends to her, and the centre is made to feel like a “house,” to invite community members in.

Kay assists people around the centre and said she has always had good interpersonal skills.

“I feel that if I meet somebody, I like to know how they are, what they're doing and why they're doing it,” said Kay.

Alongside her duties at Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre, Kay also is involved in the Hockey association in Burdekin, obtaining life membership in 1982, as well as becoming a life member for the squash association in 1981.

Speaking about her highlight from the year, the Burdekin ‘Biggest Morning Tea,” Kay stated:

“Donations came from in town, from the Community, from the business houses and also private people, they all donated with no worries whatsoever, the community is very, very generous.”

Coordinator at Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre Natalie Saroglia said, “Kay is one of those people that will get in and do things and where she excels is that she will take people as they are, she doesn't try to change them.”

The Neighbourhood centre is looking for a new volunteer secretary, if you are interested in joining Kay and the team, please contact the Centre below:

Ph: (07) 4783 4243

President Kay and Treasurer Elvie being awarded lifetime membership for their long and outstanding contributions to the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre, Photo supplied

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Take A Moment With Mary

July 18, 2024

I was asked for advice on how to move on in mid-life after divorce. A woman in her mid 50s has found herself divorced after 28 years of marriage. Her children are grown, there was no other woman. She simply decided that she was absolutely miserable in her marriage and at the age of 54 took stock of her life.

She was at a crossroads, she could carry on with her life, stay unhappy but not have to face the world alone. Or she could leave and start a new life for herself. Obviously, she took the second option and left. She told me that she struggles to navigate this new path. She is discovering what her likes and dislikes are and it’s been so long since she thought about herself she had forgotten!

She binge-watches Bridgerton with the volume up in bed at night while eating chocolate (which she loves!) but she also feels the ache of loneliness in her heart when she sees couples holding hands or shopping or having a cuppa. 

She is middle aged and what if she never finds love again? What if the car gets a puncture, what if her ex remarries? 

I asked her to close her eyes and imagine her husband moving back into her house with her.

What was the first thing she felt?

She replied, sadness.

I was just finding myself, finding my feet in my new life and that was gone. The peace, calm and freedom was lost. I felt grief that the bits and pieces of me that were returning would be lost all over again and I might never find them.

She looked at me and smiled.

The fleeting pangs of ‘what ifs’, ‘maybes’ and doubts might always be there but it was worth it for the peace and calm she had found. 

Life is fleeting, weeks go by in a blink. Grab any chance of happiness you can. Laugh at the absurdities in life.

I've had the privilege in my nursing career of caring for people who were at the end of their journey in this life. Without exception the last conversations and memories involved were how much they loved and were loved. Be kind to each other and especially to yourselves.

Mary Torpey 

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Introducing Our New Sales Team at Nutrien Harcourts McCathies!

July 18, 2024

We are excited to share some important updates about our team. With Sue Perry moving into New Home Sales and Jo Gabiola retiring, we've had the opportunity to promote two of our dedicated staff members to sales agent roles. Amber Hornsby brings five years of industry experience to her new position. Known for her personalized approach and superior local market knowledge, Amber is committed to providing exceptional service to all our clients.
Candice Dyball, with three years of industry experience, also steps into her new role with enthusiasm. Candice’s excellent communication skills and deep understanding of industry practices, means she will be a valuable asset to our team. Both Amber and Candice are excited to continue servicing our clients with the same dedication and professionalism you’ve come to expect from Nutrien Harcourts McCathies.
Brielle Astorquia and Mikaela Casella continue their roles as assistant to the sales team ensuring every transaction matters. John Mottin plays a crucial role in the business, with over 25 years of agricultural experience and 17 years of real estate experience, John specializes in rural and lifestyle property sales, auctions and clearing sales.
Established since 1965 and rooted in local ownership, Nutrien Harcourts McCathies is deeply connected to the Burdekin community, treating every client like family. As the foremost agency in the region, we promise unparalleled local expertise, thorough industry insight, and unwavering dedication to delivering a seamless buying and selling experience.
The market in the Burdekin over the last financial year has been productive. We have seen an increase in growth over the last year in Ayr and Home Hill. However, the interest in units in the Home Hill area has been very slow moving. 19.6% of our buyers have been local, from the Burdekin area. Our rental yield for investment properties has remained consistent in Ayr at 6.7% and averaging slightly higher in Home Hill at 8.6% for houses and 8.8% for Units. The number of days on market has also decreased, averaging 50-70 days, which means properties are selling faster.
Nutrien Harcourts McCathies office has remained the top agency for the area in 2023- 2024, with an estimated market share of 55% for Sales Volume and Value. As trusted advisors to sellers, buyers, landlords and tenants, we would love to discuss your property goals.

Please call 07 47831911 to speak to an agent.

Contributed by, with thanks to Paula Mottin

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Good Deed

July 11, 2024

Home Hill Ayr Lions Club 2023 Harvest Festival Queen entrant, Alli-Jo Farry has made a celebrated donation to the Home Hill Kindergarten and to St. Colman’s Primary School.

Alli-Jo made the donations following her successful fundraising over the 2023 Harvest Festival Season in conjunction with the Lions Club, donating $1000 to the Home Hill Kindergarten, and another $500 to St. Colman’s Primary School.

Alli-Jo’s donation comes as another great accomplishment the Home Hill Ayr Lions Club has celebrated her following winning Miss Personality at last November’s Rotary Ball Harvest Festival Celebration.

Alli-Jo presenting the Home Hill Kindergarten with their $1000 donation.

Alli-Jo in the 2023 Harvest Festival parade wearing her Miss Personality sash.

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Chat with Chelsea

July 25, 2024

Happy first week back at school everyone! Both Ayr and Brisbane had a rainy start to Monday, solidifying my theory that it always rains on the first day back at school after holidays.

As you may already know, I went to Ayr State High School, and graduated in 2021. If you’re familiar with the lay of the land there, you’ll know that no matter what, if it’s been raining, you’re sure to have to make some extraordinary leaps around the library / office area to avoid soggy socks!

I remember always having new shoes ready to go for the new school year after the Christmas school holidays, only to have Mum make me wear last year’s fossils to save my new ones from getting muddy and destroyed. Although devastating at the time, saving their debut until the following week was always exciting, and the white on my shoes stayed white a little longer. Don’t let her know, but it’s safe to say Mum is always right.

This week I’ve been sort of back to school myself. O Week for Trimester 2 has begun, and I’ve been completing orientation tasks, planning my assessment blocks, and finalising my timetable, all in preparation for my final 13ish weeks of university (maybe) forever!

Everyone’s back in the swing of things, and routines are set! As always, feel free to send me a message to say hi and have a chat! Enjoy the read, and I’ll chat to you soon.

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Community Rallies To Support Local Scouts

July 11, 2024

On Saturday, 22 June five members of the Burdekin Men’s Shed teamed up with Harvey Norman in Ayr to fundraise for the Lower Burdekin Scouts.

Outside the store, they hosted a lively Sausage Sizzle, which was generously supported by Harvey Norman which donated bread, sausages, and onions. The Men’s Shed volunteers cooked and sold delicious sausages on bread, alongside refreshments, with all proceeds dedicated to the Lower Burdekin Scout Group in Home Hill.

President of the Burdekin Men’s Shed, Rob Ritchie, expressed their strong commitment to bolstering the local Scouting community, aiming to revive its historical strength in engaging young people in healthy outdoor activities. Ritchie emphasised the Shed’s close ties with the Scouts, having taken over their former premises in Ayr in 2011 after they relocated to Home Hill.

The Men’s Shed committee expresses great gratitude to Harvey Norman for their generous sponsorship in supplying both the food and venue for the event, along with Butcher on Queen, Bendigo Bank for their celebrated support and to the members who ran the sausage sizzle. Collectively, the Burdekin Men’s Shed have begun sponsoring the Lower Burdekin Scouts in hopes the scouting group will strengthen within the Burdekin community, acknowledging the work they do in encouraging younger generations to engage in outdoor activities.

“We look forward to conducting more Harvey Norman sausage sizzles for the Scouts in the future,” shared the Burdekin Men’s Shed.

Lower Burdekin Scout Group Leader, Chris Berkery, explained the scouting group has grown in numbers since January of 2023 from three members to fifteen. The group has set a recruitment target of twenty, and hopes to reach this total by the conclusion of 2024, with a long-term target of fifty hopefully on the horizon. The Scouts, who meet weekly in Home Hill, invite youths aged 5 to 15 for a complimentary trial period to experience activities like camping, archery, and community service.

Chris additionally welcomed support from other local organisations and individuals interested in sponsoring or volunteering with the Scouts. Scouting promotes healthy outdoor adventures and community involvement, offering a valuable experience for young people.

“Scouting is the largest youth organisation in the world promoting healthy outdoor activities for children,” shared Chris.

In appreciation of the joint effort by Harvey Norman and the Burdekin Men’s Shed, a $400 donation was presented to the Scouts, contributing to their annual operational expenses.

For more information about joining or supporting the Lower Burdekin Scouts, please contact Chris Berkery at 0419 104 035.

Burdekin Men’s Shed President Rob Ritchie presenting a $400 Bendigo Bank cheque to Scout Group Leader Chris Berkery. L to R Men’s Shed member Ed Chandler, Scout Group Leader Chris Berkery, M. Gill of Harvey Norman Home Appliances, Gary Roser of Harvey Norman Computers, Burdekin Men’s Shed President Rob Ritchie & member Alvin Thomas.

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One Life For Every Three Kilometres

July 11, 2024

Revelations that in the last ten years at least one person has lost their life for every three kilometres of the Bruce Highway in the electorate, has left Member for Burdekin Dale Last questioning how much more blood needs to be shed before desperately needed safety upgrades are funded.

Mr Last said despite community calls over the years for safety improvements the tragic events of recent weeks had shone a spotlight on a fact that regional Queenslanders were all too familiar with - the Bruce Highway is a national disgrace.

“To think that 59 fatal accidents equates to a tragic loss of life every three kilometres along the 187km section of the Bruce Highway in the Burdekin Electorate beggars belief,” Mr Last said.

“The question I have for the Minister is, how many more fatalities will it take before we see serious road investment from this state government?”

“Any life lost on our roads is one too many and as we have seen in recent weeks the wide-spread impact these tragedies have, goes further than the site of the accident.

“It tears at the heart of our community members, first responders and emergency services.”

Despite 36 projects being identified to improve safety from Bowen to Townsville in Labor’s strategic plan for the Bruce, Mr Last said the fact that none had received new funding sent a clear message to regional Queenslanders.

“Action plans and glossy documents won’t do anything to save lives on our roads, that comes down to funding for upgrades and maintenance, something the Minister has clearly forgotten about when it comes to the Bruce Highway in North Queensland,” Mr Last said.

“Perhaps the Minister needs to get in a car and experience for himself the Bruce Highway between Bowen and Townsville.  

“Maybe then he might understand that when we are screaming for road upgrades, we're not looking to get home faster, we are looking to get home alive.”

Opinion Piece from Member for Burdekin Dale Last.

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Local Students Complete Blue Edge Program

July 11, 2024

On Wednesday 19 June, 21 school students from years 9 to 12 celebrated their graduation from the Queensland Blue Light Association Incorporated Blue EDGE program.
The Blue Edge program was delivered at Home Hill High School over an 8-week period and works to uphold 4 core principles; educate, develop, grow and empower.
A Blue Light Queensland program, the organisation’s mission is to foster positive outcomes among police, community and young people through early intervention with the vision of every young person reaching their potential, and to live crime free.
The Blue Edge program was ran with the support of the Burdekin PCYC, local police, school staff, and Blue Light Volunteers.
Over the 8-week program, students attended 1.5hr sessions twice a week where they were provided with opportunities to engage in physical training and activities, provided with a simple, healthy breakfast before school, and the chance to learn from motivational guest speakers.
As a result of these activities, each day of the program ensured students would attend school alert, fed, motivated and ready for learning.
As part of their “Final Edge” graduation, the students travelled to Townsville to carry out the last day of the program, where they were rewarded with a tour of the North Queensland Cowboys HQ and enjoyed activities together at KinPin Townsville.
Families were invited to attend the graduation, to celebrate their child’s successful completion of such a comprehensive, and engaging course.

The graduating class. Photo supplied

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The Treasured History of Populins Hall

July 11, 2024

Populins Hall has stood proudly on the ever-bustling Queen Street for decades, and holding a rich history, and special place in the hearts of many within the Burdekin community.

The historic venue was, and forever will be a hive for activity, hosting regular events and occasions with millions of dancing shoes tapping on the classic wooden floors over the years. The space held many specular celebrations, sporting wrap-ups, weddings, dance rehearsals and more, with the balcony, overlooking Queen Street, hosting the official crowning of the Water Festival Queens during the Mardi Gra processions in the 60s.

The 1960s additionally saw the hall host many school dances and social events. St. Francis High School, the Marist Brothers School, and Ayr State High School annually held their highly anticipated, and ever popular dances, providing many students with the opportunity to dress up, and enjoy a formal night of celebration and socialisation.

In the 1970s Saturday nights had the community strapping on their dancing shoes, and donning their starched petticoats, stovepipe trousers, and hair sprayed updos to bust a move to the talented tunes including those produced by Townsville based band, The Squares. Many locals remember asking ladies for their hand to dance to the music of numerous local bands, and artists like Ron and Micky Odgers, Peter Wheelers, Billy Williamson, Norm Adcock, Allan and John Sinclair, and John McCathie.

Hundreds would fill the hall, spilling out to enjoy the popular atmosphere of the balcony, finding much enjoyment in meeting others, and engaging in casual conversations well into the night for what was “the highlight of the week” for most at the time. Many reminisce on having met their partners when indulging in the regular Saturday night happenings, and sharing in a dance for the first time with who would become their future husband or wife.

Populins Hall has homed millions of memories for both Burdekin locals, and travellers over its time, and its timeless structure will continue to welcome many more well into the future. An iconic pillar in the region’s history, Populins Hall has, and forever will be celebrated by the Burdekin community.

Populins Hall in September of 1967. Photo credit: Doug Thomas

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Danny’s Dream: The Opening Of Groper Creek’s “Our Front Yard” Shelter

July 11, 2024

On Saturday 29 June, many gathered on Groper Creek’s waterfront to celebrate the official opening of the “Our Front Yard” Shelter, a significant moment that completed the dream of Danny Garvey who sadly passed away in 2023 before his plans for the shelter came to fruition.

Over 100 locals, and travellers were in attendance at the event, including Mayor Pierina dale Cort, the region’s Bendigo Bank representative, David Catinzaro and representatives from the Home Hill Boat Club and Groper Creek Rural Fire Brigade.

Jeanette Garvey led the official opening, and was accompanied by her family and friends, some of whom travelled far to be present for the significant event to honour Jeanette’s late husband, Danny Garvey.

“Those who knew Danny, knew he always had a project on the go, and he was always proud of his “front yard”, mowing it to perfection, telling people to keep off the grass, and be respectful of our surroundings,” explained Jeanette.

Jeanette and Danny lived in Groper Creek for almost fifteen years, and immersed themselves in the community, quickly becoming active members of the Home Hill Boat Club and Groper Creek Rural Fire Brigade. 2016 saw Danny undertake the role of First Officer, and he was in turn, heavily involved in numerous clean-up efforts following the floods.

The pair were then appointed Park Managers in 2019, and despite the unprecedented times of COVID-19, Danny took advantage of his spare time, making valuable improvements to the area.

“Danny was busier than most during Covid times, setting about making improvements here with new fish fileting areas, unit upgrades, concrete pathways, and more,” recalled Jeanette.

“One of Danny’s last projects was to commence planning for this project – a new 10 x 6 metre shade shelter to replace an old Koppers log structure in the public car park area to provide a space for people to gather, picnic, fish or simply reflect by the water.”

In January of 2023, Danny sadly and suddenly passed away, leaving both his family, and members of the Home Hill Boat Club & Groper Creek Rural Fire Brigade devastated but determined to complete the “dream project” in his honour.

The Groper Creek Rural Fire Brigade raised substantial funds through Container for Change collections, and Jeanette reminisces on the lengths both herself, and her co-manager Wendy Coplick went to, recalling many dumpster diving instances to make every can count!

“We also thankfully had many visitors and locals who gladly drank more to contribute to the cause and attended our State of Origin and raffle nights,” said Jeanette.

The Home Hill Rotary club generously donated $1000 to the project, which kickstarted initial groundworks, and construction officially began in 2023 following a $10,000 donation from Bendigo Bank. With works underway, April saw the completion of Stage 1, and Jeanette received an amazing message, igniting the plans to begin Stage 2.

“Whilst the tradies were still onsite, we received notification that under this year’s funding round, Bendigo Bank was providing the additional $11,000 we needed to complete the project,” explained Jeanette.

“To receive this final funding amount and see this project completed was just amazing, I don’t know of any other bank which gives back to its community as generously as our Bendigo Bank.

“Danny’s original dream shelter has become a reality; it’s an everlasting legacy in his honour and it’s now here for generations to enjoy in “Our Front Yard” at Groper Creek.”

The Garvey Family - Dallan, Cas, Jeanette, Kurtis & Siahn Garvey toast the opening of "Our Front Yard Shelter" at Groper Creek.

Danny and Jeannette

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Home Hill Family Battle Tragic Diagnosis

July 11, 2024

The Savorgnan family are currently experiencing one of the toughest and most unthinkable situations a family can face with their young daughter recently diagnosed with a brain tumour.

Maria, Marty and their beautiful two-year-old daughter, Elenna, have flown from Townsville to Brisbane earlier this week after scans revealed a tumour on Elenna’s brain.

Additional scans have now shown the tumour has spread throughout Elenna's brain, and spinal cord, and the family is now awaiting emergency surgery and treatment.

With the rapid pace of Elenna’s diagnosis paired with the sudden travel and shock, numerous tests and treatments are still needing to occur. The uncertainty surrounding the entire battle ahead additionally leaves the family unaware of how long they will need to remain in Brisbane for.

Expecting their second child this month, the young Home Hill family have been hit with a whirlwind of emotions, expenses, and concerns, however numerous members of the local Burdekin community have provided the family with unwavering support, and a beacon of hope.

Earlier this week, Ashley De-Campo established a Go Fund Me fundraiser for the Savorgnan family to support Maria, Marty and little Elenna during this time.

“If you have the pleasure of knowing Elenna’s parent’s, Maria and Marty, you will know that they’re selfless, supportive, hardworking and kind-hearted people,” shared Ashley.

“Elenna is the absolute light of their life and as any parents could imagine, their whole world has been turned upside down with this news.”

The Go Fund Me page was created with the consent of the Savorgnan family to support them with the financial stressors that come with an event so life changing.

The Burdekin and surrounding community have supported Ashley’s efforts amazingly, with widespread donations now totalling far more than double the initial fundraising goal.

“It is unknown how long Elenna will be receiving treatment in hospital for - they are taking each day as it comes,” added Ashley.

“We kindly ask that their privacy be respected at this time - we truly appreciate everyone who has supported the Go Fund Me and Savorgnan family.”

The fundraising page has attracted over 200 donations and messages of support, with over $20,000 raised for the family.

Donations can be made to “The Savorgnan Family” Go Fund Me page at https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-savorgnan-family.

Maria and Marty Savorgnan with baby Elenna. Photo supplied

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July 11, 2024

Local family set to celebrate 6th birthday of young boy who was diagnosed with quadriplegic cerebral palsy at birth and given just days to live.

Tia Wall with her five children, Ayden, Anastasia, Andrew, Ainsley, and Azaria. Photo supplied

Ayden Wall Seeks New Set Of Wheels

Defying all odds, five-year-old Ayden Wall has continued to persevere far beyond the expectations of medical professionals following his quadriplegic cerebral palsy diagnosis at birth.

His family are now calling on the community to contribute towards a wheelchair that will allow them to transport him easily as he continues to grow.

Ayden was diagnosed following the discovery of an in-utero cranial bleed during a routine scan 32 weeks into his mother, Tia Wall’s, pregnancy. Tia was advised by medical professionals of Ayden’s unlikely survival, and as she was pregnant with twins, surgery was not a safe option.

The twins, Ayden and Azaria, were born prematurely at 35 weeks, and Ayden was immediately placed into the neonatal intensive care unit under palliative care where hope for his survival was slim. After several weeks in hospital, Tia was allowed to take her infant son home to spend his final days with his family.

Almost six years, countless surgeries, hospital stays, and around the clock care later, Ayden will soon be celebrating his sixth birthday.

Ayden will never have the ability to walk or talk, and will continue to require 24-hour care, however with the love and support of those around him, he has been able to enjoy a few of the daily activities every five-year-old should experience. In his first year of prep at the Burdekin Special School, Ayden enjoys being out and about within the local community alongside his family and loves swimming - an integral part of supporting his pain and mobility.

A single mum to five children, Tia, with the support of her family and friends, has been living each day as it comes, working to provide Ayden with the best quality of life possible. Currently the family are raising funds to purchase a safe and reliable wheelchair accessible vehicle to transport Ayden to and from his specialist medical appointments and therapies, as well as in and around the Burdekin community. Living in Ayr, the family often travels to Townsville for Ayden’s medical requirements, making the purchase of such a vehicle all the more essential.

Exhausting all possible opportunities, Tia established a Go Fund Me fundraiser as a last effort to source the funds needed for her son.

“I don’t know where else to turn now to try to get help - I’m desperate to get any sort of help for this little boy, so here we are,” shared Tia.

The Wall family are kindly calling on the community for their support to relieve a little pressure.

“Even a small gesture of kindness can have a big impact,” shared the family.

Donations can be made via the Go Fund Me link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/wheelchair-accessible-vehicle-for-ayden.

Ayden with his twin sister Azaria
A new wheelchair would enable Ayden’s family to transport him more easily
Ayden with his mum Tia. Photos supplied

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July 11, 2024

At 3.40pm on Friday 28 June, Ayr Police were called to a local business after receiving a call of theft from that store.  As a result of investigations, a 23yr old Burdekin woman was charged with one count of stealing, three counts of possessing dangerous drugs and one count of possessing medicines when not authorised to do so.  She was released on conditional bail to appear in Ayr Magistrates Court on 22 July.
At 6.10pm on Saturday 29 June, Ayr Police intercepted a vehicle on Graham Street, Ayr.  As a result a 45yr old Burdekin man was issued a Notice to Appear (NTA) for drink driving, .232 and unlicenced driving.  He is due to appear in the Ayr Magistrates Court on 22 July.
At 3.20pm on Thursday 4 July, Ayr Police were called to an incident in Plantation Park, Ayr, where it was alleged an assault had occurred.  As a result of investigation a 46yr old Tablelands man was charged with one count of common assault and released on conditional bail to appear in Ayr Magistrates Court on 5 August.
At 9.50pm on Thursday 4 July, Ayr Police intercepted a vehicle on Norham Road, Ayr.  As a result a 46yr old Burdekin man was issued a NTA for drink driving, .104 and obstruct Police.  He is due to appear in the Ayr Magistrates Court on 22 July.
At 10.10pm on Thursday 4 July, Ayr Police intercepted a vehicle on Norham Road, Ayr.  At that time a 28yr old Burdekin man alighted from the front passenger seat and began abusing and swearing at Police.  As a result he was charged with one count of public nuisance and is due to appear in Ayr Magistrates Court on 22 July.

Vehicle Security

From time to time, vehicles are unlawfully entered with belongings stolen and sometimes vehicles are stolen.  
Some easy steps will help avoid being a victim of these types of offences:
   • Lock your car;
   • Do not leave the key in the ignition;
   • Do not leave valuables in the car.
Thieves don’t care whether you think you should have to lock up, they will just take advantage of any lax security.
Prevention and vigilance around your home and property can reduce these opportunistic thefts.  In most cases, locking your vehicles, homes and sheds & securing your belongings appropriately will reduce these thefts.
If you see someone acting suspiciously AT ANY TIME, ring Ayr Police Station on 4790 3555 or after hours ring 131 444, unless life threatening, then ring 000.
Crime prevention is a community effort.  Police regularly need public assistance and information to help solve criminal offences.  This information can be anonymous to crime stoppers.  If you have any such information, pls contact Crime Stoppers or Ayr Police.

Don’t let yourself become a victim of crime – Lock it or Lose it
If you have any information about crime or illicit drugs, phone crime stoppers on 1800 333 000.  The more detailed the information you give, the better it will be for all concerned.
Remember to secure your property – “lock it or lose it”.
You wouldn’t leave a dish containing thousands of dollars sitting on your bench or sitting out in the open, so why do this with your car keys
Car keys – treat them like cash

Did you know??
Who gives way at a roundabout??
A driver who is entering a roundabout must give way to any vehicle in the roundabout.
A vehicle includes a bicycle.
Regulation 114 Transport Infrastructure (Road Use Management-Road Rules) Regulation 2009

Home Security Audits
The Queensland Police Service have “ Home Security Audit” forms that can be accessed at the QPS website https://www.police.qld.gov.au/programs/cscp/homeSecurity/Homesecurityauditchecklistandfactsheet.htm
Anecdotally the majority of unlawful entry offences are committed on residences or vehicles that are unlocked and/or have valuables in plain sight.  Locking your house and car & securing valuables including money, keys, wallets and mobile phones will deter opportunistic thieves.  
If you see someone acting suspiciously AT ANY TIME, ring Ayr Police Station on 4790 3555 or after hours ring 131 444, unless life threatening, then ring 000.
Crime prevention is a community effort.  Police regularly need public assistance and information to help solve criminal offences.  This information can be anonymous to crime stoppers.  If you have any such information, pls contact Crime Stoppers or Ayr Police.
Don’t let yourself become a victim of crime – Lock it or Lose it
If you have any information about crime or illicit drugs, phone crime stoppers on 1800 333 000.  The more detailed the information you give, the better it will be for all concerned.
Remember to secure your property – “lock it or lose it”.
You wouldn’t leave a dish containing thousands of dollars sitting on your bench or sitting out in the open, so why do this with your car keys
Car keys – treat them like cash

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ON THE BEAT Police wrap-Up

July 11, 2024

Home Hill Police Station

On 30 June 2024 at 11:30am Home Hill Police responded to major traffic crash involving a bus and a 4WD towing a caravan on the Bruce Highway, Gumlu. The scene was extremely confronting requiring multiple emergency resources from the Townsville and Mackay regions. Sadly, three persons lost their lives as a result of the crash and a number of other persons seriously injured. Home Hill Police extend our condolences to the family and loved ones of the passengers who passed away. We would also like to thank members of the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) and Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) who work tirelessly at the scene in difficult conditions. Mackay Forensic Crash Unit continue to investigate the matter. Anyone with information that could assist investigations, including vision of the crash, is urged to contact police.
Home Hill Police have seen a minor increase in property crime in the division in the last fortnight. While the choice to offend is the offender’s alone, there are things you can do to reduce being targeted by opportunistic offenders. We can never stop all crime however, we can work together to discover what is the best practice and to make it just that little bit harder for criminals to find easy targets.

What you can do:
   • Ensure doors are always locked with a key even when you are home.
   • Ensure that all external doors, including your garage, of your home are solid and fitted with quality deadlocks. Always ensure car keys and house keys, together with mobile phones, handbags and wallets, are stored out of sight.
   • Follow your local Facebook pages and share information but don’t forget to tell police first, so that we can assist.
   • A carport or garage is not an impenetrable barrier for a determined thief.
   • Consider sensor lights and CCTV.

Please remember report crime to Police and inform us if you see something suspicious. If we don’t know, we can’t act!  If a crime is happening now, call Triple Zero (000). If not, think Policelink report online or via 131 444.

Ayr Police Station Report
At 3.40pm on Friday 28 June, Ayr Police were called to a local business after receiving a call of theft from that store.  As a result of investigations, a 23 year old Burdekin woman was charged with one count of stealing, three counts of possessing dangerous drugs and one count of possessing medicines when not authorised to do so. She was released on conditional bail to appear in Ayr Magistrates Court on 22 July.
At 6.10pm on Saturday 29 June, Ayr Police intercepted a vehicle on Graham Street, Ayr.  As a result a 45 year old Burdekin man was issued a Notice to Appear (NTA) for drink driving, .232 and unlicenced driving. He is due to appear in the Ayr Magistrates Court on 22 July.
At 3.20pm on Thursday 4 July, Ayr Police were called to an incident in Plantation Park, Ayr, where it was alleged an assault had occurred. As a result of investigation a 46 year old Tablelands man was charged with one count of common assault and released on conditional bail to appear in Ayr Magistrates Court on 5 August.
At 9.50pm on Thursday 4 July, Ayr Police intercepted a vehicle on Norham Road, Ayr. As a result a 46 year old Burdekin man was issued a NTA for drink driving, .104 and obstruct Police. He is due to appear in the Ayr Magistrates Court on 22 July.
At 10.10pm on Thursday 4 July, Ayr Police intercepted a vehicle on Norham Road, Ayr. At that time a 28 year old Burdekin man alighted from the front passenger seat and began abusing and swearing at Police. As a result, he was charged with one count of public nuisance and is due to appear in Ayr Magistrates Court on 22 July.

Ensure Vehicle Security
From time to time, vehicles are unlawfully entered with belongings stolen and sometimes vehicles are stolen.  
Some easy steps will help avoid being a victim of these types of offences:
   • Lock your car;
   • Do not leave the key in the ignition;
   • Do not leave valuables in the car.
Thieves don’t care whether you think you should have to lock up, they will just take advantage of any lax security.
Prevention and vigilance around your home and property can reduce these opportunistic thefts. In most cases, locking your vehicles, homes and sheds and securing your belongings appropriately will reduce these thefts.
If you see someone acting suspiciously AT ANY TIME, ring Ayr Police Station on 4790 3555 or after hours ring 131 444, unless life threatening, then ring 000.
Crime prevention is a community effort. Police regularly need public assistance and information to help solve criminal offences. This information can be anonymous to crime stoppers.  If you have any such information, pls contact Crime Stoppers or Ayr Police.

Don’t let yourself become a victim of crime – Lock it or Lose it
If you have any information about crime or illicit drugs, phone crime stoppers on 1800 333 000.  The more detailed the information you give, the better it will be for all concerned.
Remember to secure your property – “lock it or lose it”.
You wouldn’t leave a dish containing thousands of dollars sitting on your bench or sitting out in the open, so why do this with your car keys
Car keys – treat them like cash

Home Security Audits
The Queensland Police Service have “Home Security Audit” forms that can be accessed at the QPS website.
Anecdotally the majority of unlawful entry offences are committed on residences or vehicles that are unlocked and/or have valuables in plain sight. Locking your house and car and securing valuables including money, keys, wallets and mobile phones will deter opportunistic thieves.  
If you see someone acting suspiciously AT ANY TIME, ring Ayr Police Station on 4790 3555 or after hours ring 131 444, unless life threatening, then ring 000.
Crime prevention is a community effort. Police regularly need public assistance and information to help solve criminal offences. This information can be anonymous to crime stoppers. If you have any such information, pleas contact Crime Stoppers or Ayr Police.

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Mental Health Stepped Care Services

July 11, 2024

I’m please to let you know that BCA are expanding our mental health support services from Saturday the 6th of July 2024.
Our Burdekin Centre for Rural Health (BCRH) will be open to the public from 9.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Saturday.
Please visit the Centre at 12a Chippendale Street Ayr, telephone 4783 2711 or email bca@bcaburdekin.org.au to receive information about health and wellbeing services available at the Centre, via telephone and telehealth (online).
Sarah Lutkin (clinical psychologist), Phillip Murray (psychologist), Rick Scott (mental health social worker) deliver counselling sessions for adults and children under the Psychological Therapies Program. This is a free service for people who hold a health care card, pension card or concession card.
Please ask your GP for a referral through the Head to Health Phone Service. This Service will contact you and if you are eligible, refer you to the Burdekin Centre for Rural Health for counselling services. Our mental health team also offer private counselling sessions for a fee if you aren’t eligible for the free program.
In the next month, we expect to be able to recruit a Journey Coordinator to further support community members and provide more timely mental health care and coordinated support.
For information or services, please visit the BCA’s Burdekin Centre for Rural Health (BCRH), 12a Chippendale Street, Ayr.  Ph:47832711.  Email: bca@bcaburdekin.org.au.  Website: www.burdekincommunityassociation.org.au

Contributed with thanks to Debra Cochran
Chief Executive Officer
Burdekin Community Association Inc (BCA)

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July 11, 2024

When you think of taxes, neighbourhood centres may not immediately come to mind. However, the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre has assisted community members with their tax responsibilities for over 20 years.

We have been doing this in partnership with the ATO and the Tax Help Program. When we could not source a volunteer for this program, we explored other options. Fortunately, we discovered the JCU Tax Clinic and have been collaborating with them for the past four years to offer free help and assistance to the community.

"The JCU Tax Clinic offers support and assistance from JCU taxation students supervised by experienced tax practitioners to individuals, small businesses, and non-profit organisations with their tax affairs."

We are looking forward to being able to collaborate with the JCU Tax Clinic team again this year.  If you would like more information about how to access their help – please give us a call at the Centre on
47 83 4243.

At the Neighbourhood Centre, we aim to encourage study in various sectors at a local level and help to provide placement opportunities for local students.  

We have enjoyed having students from Social Work, Guidance and Counselling, Mental Health, Education and, of course, indirectly, the students from the JCU Tax Clinic.  

Our higher goal is to have future local place-based workers from our community – working with our community. We also provide a space and supervision for local external students to conduct exams, if required.  

We aim to enable local community members to achieve their educational goals without being disadvantaged by their location.

“It takes a village to raise a child” and a community to provide the opportunities!

Until next time,
The Team
Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre

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Cr Column Councillor John Furnell

July 11, 2024

Budget for 2024/2025 for the new term of Council has been handed down. A minimal increase (1%) in the minimum general rate and moderate rise in fess & charges. Congratulations to the hard work put in by Council staff, especially finance.
Congratulations to Brittany and Joshua Furnell on the birth of Delilah Joy Furnell (3rd July 2024), sister to Ali and our sixth grandchild.
Well done to Julie Pavone, committee and volunteers who recently donated four hundred thousand dollars to the “Brain Care Centre”. There has been over eight hundred thousand dollars raised and donated since ‘Laurie’s Love’ fundraising began.
Burdekin Show 2024 was well organised. Hats off to Chris and his hard working team for another great day. Can’t help the weather but seemed like a very good turn out. I was there for the middle of the day to view my grandchildren’s delight on the jumping castles and the many displays/entries presented by Burdekin locals and business houses. Good work by the Council team who manned the Environment tent to educate fellow locals on recycling and environmental concerns. From the feathered friends, horses, working dog presentations to the Melville Farm animals it was a wonderful morning.
Pacific Blue grants have just been announced so well done to the recipients of funding. How fantastic it is to see local Burdekin based businesses giving back to the local community. For those community organisations looking for funding there are many grants you can take advantage of. If you’ve never done one, just jump in and give it a go – follow the guidelines and if unsure give the Grant provider a call for queries you may have.
One game to go in ‘State of Origin’, well done to the Queensland women and may the best team win in the decider in Brisbane for the men.  
In regards to the Bruce Highway bus crash, my condolences to those who lost loved ones and friends, to those injured swift recovery. To the persons who assisted at the scene, first responders, helicopter crews, hospital personnel our community says thank you, thoughts and prayers to you all.

Cr John Furnell

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Did you Know? Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort

July 18, 2024

Did you know that Burdekin Shire Council has a Mosquito Management Plan?
The Mosquito Management Plan 2020-2025 provides a framework for Council and the community to manage mosquitoes throughout the region.
As there are many different types of mosquitos in the Burdekin, the focus of the Plan is to identify appropriate mosquito management activities to implement throughout the region. This will reduce the risk to the community of contracting mosquito-transmitted disease. It is important to note that mosquitos are vectors/carriers of disease – not born with disease.
The Plan establishes local priorities and sets out actions that aim to minimise the public health impacts of mosquitoes by clear directions of mosquito surveillance, management, and control activities.
The Pest Management team works with Queensland Health to conduct routine trapping which assists in virus detection such as alpha virus and ross river virus. Over the last few years the methods have changed from traditional chemical fogging to more environmentally friendly practices which also reduce the risk of adverse reactions to vulnerable members of the community. The main control method currently used is a selective bacterial solution applied to waterways that specifically targets mosquito lave, inhibiting their growth.
If you would like to get in touch with me, please feel free to phone me on 0447 150 582 or email mayor@burdekin.qld.gov.au.

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Enhancing Community: The Ayr Golf Club’s Grant Success

July 11, 2024

Established in 1926, the Ayr Golf Club stands as a cornerstone of the Burdekin community, offering an 18-hole, 5,861 metre championship course. With a membership of 200 dedicated individuals, the celebrated club thrives on the support of volunteers committed to promoting golf and creating a welcoming environment for members, visitors, and social players alike.

Golf plays a pivotal role within the Burdekin community, particularly for the aging population, as the sport fosters physical activity promoting strength, mobility, and social connectivity. The Ayr Golf Course recently sought funding through Bendigo Bank’s Community Bank grant program to enhance the course’s facilities and improve the overall experiences of players.

“The Community Bank application was targeted at improving community facilities by providing an on-course toilet block,” said the Ayr Golf Club’s Grants Officer Angie Baxter.

“With significant distances between some holes and the clubhouse, having a toilet available on the course ensures that players don’t have to trek back to the clubhouse to use facilities.”

The Ayr Golf Club was beyond grateful to be awarded an $8,000 grant from Community Bank Home Hill and Ayr, planning for the generous donation to fund the construction of an on-course toilet block.

“The provision of a practical and convenient amenity will enhance the playing experience for Burdekin golfers and would be a significant enticement for clubs, groups and individuals wishing to visit the beautiful Burdekin and play at the Ayr course,” explained Angie.

Throughout the year, the Ayr Golf Club hosts a variety of tournaments, championships, and social events that bring together diverse community groups. These initiatives underscore the club’s commitment of inclusivity and community spirit; values shared with the Community Bank.

The Ayr Golf Club extends a warm invitation to the local community to visit the clubhouse and join in on the Club’s social afternoons each Sunday from 11am to 5pm.

“Members, visitors and guests are welcome to join us for a round of golf, some conversation and refreshments,” said Angie.

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Calling All Burdekin Residents – Become A CAN Member

July 11, 2024

Burdekin locals from all corners of the region and walks of life have been encouraged to express their interest in becoming a member of the Burdekin-based Community Advisory Network (CAN).

The CAN plays a vital role in ensuring health consumers' voices are heard, giving feedback on existing services and identifying areas for improvement. Items discussed at the CAN are raised with the Consumer Advisory Council which looks at issues across the entire Townsville Hospital and Health Service catchment area. Members Joanne Barbagallo and Barb Stockdale have encouraged anyone who has had any interaction with the Ayr and Home Hill services to get involved in the CAN.

Joanne wanted to join the CAN to help improve the delivery of healthcare in the Burdekin.

“We come together for a monthly two-hour meeting and as a group we discuss issues, raise potential healthcare solutions and advocate for better healthcare in the Burdekin,” said Joanne.

“We want everyday people to be part of the CAN, especially people that are using our hospital and health service currently or are caring for someone who does.

“We need their feedback and information to understand the community’s needs.”

Barb said being part of the CAN was a fulfilling way to give back to the community and to provide support for better health care outcomes in the region.

“Over the past four years the CAN has been able to make improvements including changes to the dental service hours to better suit the community, advocate as a collective for important medical equipment, raising awareness about the challenges faced by healthcare staff and more,” explained Barb.

“Being involved in the CAN has given me a new appreciation for the challenging job our healthcare workers face and the impact I can have in improving health in the community.

“It’s not about having prior experience or expertise; it’s about sharing your perspective and helping us to shape a better healthcare system for the Burdekin.”

Expressions of interest close on Friday, 26 July, and more information can be found online at www.townsville.health.qld.gov.au/support-us/consumer-andcommunity-engagement/consultation-hub/.

Current members of the Community Advisory Network (CAN), Barb Stockdale and Joanne Barbagallo, encourage others to join up. Photo supplied

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Sharing Costs To Improve Farming Practices

July 11, 2024

Farmers are not just talking about change but are acting and co-investing in agricultural technologies for sustainable management of their farms.  

Practice change with machinery in the sugar industry is pivotal for modernisation. The integration of advanced machinery not only enhances efficiency, productivity and quality but also aligns with sustainability goals while ensuring a safer industry. Continuous adoption of advanced technologies is crucial to maintaining the sugarcane industry's sustainability in the global market. 

Funding through the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation provided grants across the Lower Herbert, Mackay Whitsunday and Lower Burdekin regions for machinery and technology to achieve management practice changes that better match nutrient application to crop requirements and reduce losses through runoff entering the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon. 

In the Lower Burdekin, the Major Grants project provided growers with financial incentives to implement additional improvements to irrigation technology, nutrient management practices and precision agriculture. NQ Dry Tropics, supported by Sugar Research Australia, agronomy service provider Farmacist and smart farming company Aglantis, engaged with 33 growers to improve management practices on their farm, delivering over $1 million in incentive grants with farmers investing over $1.2 million of their own money.

A range of on-ground actions were funded to achieve reductions in nutrients and pesticides and improve irrigation efficiency. These included the use of Stool Zippas to reduce fertiliser and chemical run off, GPS guidance and rate control for more precise application and recording of nutrients and pesticide, modems for accurate and trouble-free data collection and management, and improved water use efficiency through increased adoption of automated irrigation technology and infield scheduling tools.

Overall, the Reef Trust Partnership-funded Major Grants projects have delivered over $4 million in incentive grants across the three sugarcane regions and farmers have invested over $6.6 million of their own money. That equates to $1.65 invested by farmers for every grant dollar received. 

The farming practice changes funded through the program are resulting in improved land management, which is positively affecting growers’ bottom lines, boosting the local economy and having a significant impact on end of catchment pollution load reduction. This is a positive outcome for the future of farming in Reef catchments and the quality of water in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. 

Mario Barbagallo explains the benefits of combining GPS, variable rate control and Stool Zippas to improve nutrient and pesticide placement. Credit NQ Dry Tropics.
Scott Harness with his fertiliser box and Stool Zippa closing wheels in the lower Burdekin. Credit NQ Dry Tropics.

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Overcoming Adversity In Burdekin's Cane Sector

July 11, 2024

Passionately advocating for the interests of local growers and contractors is Charles Quagliata, the Burdekin District Chair of Queensland Cane, Agriculture and Renewables (QCAR).
As the 2024 crushing season unfolded, anticipation was high among growers and the broader community, however, their optimism was quickly met with challenges.
Several factors led to the delayed crush, including delays in mill readiness, sporadic industrial actions and unexpected rain showers in late June, all of which hindered progress and prevented them from fully utilising the early favourable conditions.
“We were looking forward to making a really good start this year as we had the advantage of having a dry start, but unfortunately there were delays between mills being ready and a couple of days of industrial action,” said Charles.
“It’s very disappointing that we ended up receiving rain at the end of June, where we’ve missed the opportunity to supply close to a month’s worth of cane due to growing evidence that most mills were not properly ready,” he added.
At the core of QCAR's mission lies a commitment to resolving operational challenges and
ensuring the sustainability of the cane industry in Queensland. Charles voiced concerns over ongoing issues with staffing shortages and operational inefficiencies, emphasising the significant impact on both mill operations and the field sector.

“QCAR have constantly and continually engaged with mill management about specific problems, and nothing seems to get done about it.  In fact, it feels as if it is being received on “Deaf Ears”” Charles remarked.

“We are aware that the shortage of staff is an issue, but it’s just one issue! We understand that whilst mills face this issue, so too do we as well in the field as growers and contractors, but unfortunately, the miller’s problems seem to continually fall back on the grower, their third party contractors and in turn, the entire local community and quite frankly, this continual transfer of risk is not acceptable to QCAR and its members.”

“We and our underlying harvest sector colleagues are disgusted with the arrogant reception received from local CS&T operation management when we raise such concerns and observations, and while senior management continue to fail to intervene to curb such conduct, then we have no unjustified reasoning to question our Miller’s good faith, integrity and genuine interest in providing a long lasting processing service to our communities.”
Central to QCAR’s objectives is the optimisation of the crushing season to an efficient 18-20 weeks. Charles stressed the importance of achieving this timeline not only for operational efficiency but also for mitigating the financial burden on growers and the broader community.
Charles also emphasised the economic consequences of extended crushing periods and the need for timely resolutions.

“QCAR’s priority is to get season lengths back to 18 or 20 weeks crushing so we can have all the ratooning done by the end of September, and as our Miller’s very own published data compiled by Dr Lisa McDonald shows, to have an ultimate crop for the next season we need to finish ratooning in September.”

“Ratooning in November and December is just an absolute joke!”  

“This and other research by our various productivity services concludes financially disastrous consequences for the Growers, the Miller and the local communities, particularly for the following season’s crush.”

“We’re just causing a lot of financial impact onto these growers by not having an 18-20 week crushing and it’s a lot of money for the town that’s getting lost.”

Looking ahead, Charles remains optimistic about overcoming the current challenges. He emphasised the necessity of collaborative efforts among all stakeholders to ensure a successful upcoming season and a sustainable future for the Burdekin's sugarcane industry.
"As QCAR works towards achieving the best possible outcomes, it’s important that we put an end to disruptions that harm our members," Charles affirmed.
“We look after a lot of local milling issues and engage with members, and the Burdekin District Board will continue to keep an eye on day-to-day operations with the Miller and its Cane Supply and Transport.”
“The growers, harvest sector and broader community are the innocent affected third parties in this dispute between the Mill and the Unions. I demand to see it resolved asap, and without any further belligerence, so we can get this crush properly underway as we’re already too far behind, and in a year where we were initially presented with such dry conditions, it is completely unfathomable that we are in this predicament!”

In the intricate interplay between weather patterns, staffing, machinery and unmasking the reality of mill readiness, Charles stands as a very strong advocate for the Burdekin’s sugarcane industry and is eager to provide the best possible outcome this crushing season.

Panikos Spryou and Charles Quagliata,  Burdekin district chair of Queensland Cane, Agriculture and Renewables (QCAR). Image supplied

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Home Hill Harvest Festival Queens: Celebrating Community Spirit

July 11, 2024

As preparations for the Home Hill Harvest Festival get underway, the excitement in the Burdekin community is palpable. The upcoming event on 9 November promises to be a spectacular celebration, with a diverse array of activities highlighting the spirit and vibrancy of the region. At the heart of these festivities are the Home Hill Harvest Festival Queens, who play an integral role in the event through their dedicated efforts in fundraising and community engagement.
Each candidate for the Harvest Festival Queen title is sponsored by a local not-for-profit club, sporting organisation, or business entity. Their journey, which includes fundraising and active participation in festival events, culminates in the grand Gala Ball presentation. This year's festival, like those before it, benefits greatly from the energy and dedication of these amazing young women.
Dayna Linton, the 2023 Charity Queen, and Ally-Jo Farry, the 2023 Personality Queen have shared their stories, providing an insider's perspective on the Harvest Festival Queen experience. Both Dayna and Ally-Jo’s stories provide a vivid picture of the commitment and joy involved in participating in this cherished community tradition.

Representing Burdekin Netball Association, Dayna Linton, 19, is an Agribusiness Relationship Assistant at Rural Bank and is currently studying a Diploma of Agribusiness Management. Having been involved with the Burdekin Netball Association from a young age, Dayna's role as Umpire Convener and her passion for developing junior players are testament to her deep commitment to the club.
Memorable Moment: "The most memorable moment for me as a Harvest Festival Queen was when I was on stage and got to look out at the crowd to see all my favourite people there supporting me."
Inspiration to Participate: "As a queen for Burdekin Netball Association, I have seen many other players and members of the club participate as queens before me. I wanted to be a role model like those girls were to me and give back to the club."
Impact on Club Involvement: "It was more the behind-the-scenes things I had to organise for events and fundraising that I became more involved with."
Rewarding Part of Fundraising: "The most rewarding part of raising money for my organisation was knowing what that money will be used for and that it will impact our club for many years to come."
Experience in Festival Events: "I had a lot of fun participating in the Harvest Festival events. The parade was definitely my favourite part, having players aged from 6-17 as part of the float supporting myself and Burdekin Netball was very touching."
Qualities for a Successful Queen: "I think the only quality needed to be a successful charity queen is passion. As long as you’re passionate about what or who you’re fundraising for and willing to be out in the community and give new things a go, that’s all you need."
Advice for Future Participants: "Don’t take it too seriously, enjoy the events and the group of queens you’re with. Get involved wherever you can!"
HOME HILL - AYR LIONS CLUB: ALLY-JO FARRY – Personality Queen 2023
Ally-Jo Farry, 18, represented the Home Hill – Ayr Lions Club. Currently a second-year apprentice at Phoenix Hair Studio, Ally-Jo has been a lifelong resident of the Burdekin district and treasures its tight-knit community.
Favourite Part of the Festival: "Throughout the Harvest Festival, my favourite part was seeing the whole community come together as one. I have met some wonderful people, and they are moments that I cherish. Their support towards the events and us queens was phenomenal and that is something I will never forget."
Feeling Winning the Title: "In my eyes, everybody is a winner. It was definitely a shock when I was announced that I had won Personality Queen. I almost cried! I remember sitting on the stage with butterflies in my stomach. Everybody was cheering. It’s definitely a moment in life that I will never forget."
Personal Growth: "Being a Queen has definitely influenced my personal growth. Before doing the Harvest Festival, I never liked speeches as I was never confident enough to stand on stage and talk in front of a large crowd. I have developed confidence in myself to do that, and that is something I’m really proud of."
Balancing Responsibilities: "Trying to balance work life and my commitments was actually a lot easier than I anticipated at the start. Sometimes there were events that I couldn’t attend, but the Harvest Festival committee was always very understanding. One thing that helped was most of the events were either on a weeknight or a Sunday, which I had already finished work."
Fun or Unexpected Experience: "The best event is definitely the pet show. It was the best day seeing everyone come down with their pets. Every pet was so different. There were cats, dogs, chickens, ponies, guinea pigs, and reptiles. Seeing all the different pets in costumes was definitely a fun night."
Role of Family and Friends: "My family, my partner Jaidyn, and his family were definitely my biggest supporters. I couldn’t thank my partner enough. As I didn’t have a car, Jaidyn would drop me off and pick me up from all my meetings and events, for which I am grateful. And of course, my mum and Jaidyn’s family for always being at every fundraiser I hosted or contributing in some way."
Preparation for Events: "When preparing for events for the Harvest Festival, such as my fundraising events, I definitely wanted to do something different that I felt the town would enjoy. Two major fundraising events were my trivia night at the Crown Hotel and my bake sale. The Lions Club was a massive help in organising and making the night perfect, and everyone jumped in to help bake some delicious treats."
Upcoming Events
The 2024 Home Hill Harvest Festival promises a full program of events, kicking off with the Ephemera & Harvest Festival Launch on 29 September at Lloyd Mann Gardens. Highlights include the Students Ball on 4 October, Town of Origin on 20 October, King and Queen of the Hill on 26 October, Derby Day on 2 November, Golf Ambrose on 3 November, the Pet Show/Bolt for Bucks on 6 November, the Harvest Ball on 8 November, and the Grand Parade/Street Party on 9 November.
The Queensland Country Bank Home Hill Harvest Festival celebrates the rich agricultural industry and laid-back lifestyle of the Burdekin region. With events running from September through early November, there's something for everyone.
This year, our 2024 queens will start their fundraising events from 1 August and value the support of the community. Keep an eye out for all the amazing events they will be putting on.
For more information and to get involved, visit the Home Hill Harvest Festival website, www.hhharvestfestival.com.au or follow the festival on social media.

Float entrants in the 2023 Harvest Festival Parade in Home Hill
2023 Harvest Festival Charity Queen Dayna Linton representing the Burdekin Netball Association in the2023 Harvest Festival Parade in Home Hill.
2023 Harvest Festival Personality Queen, Ally-Jo Farry representing the Home Hill and Ayr Lions Club in the 2023 Harvest Festival Parade in Home Hill.
Ally-Jo Farry being crowed as the 2023 Harvest Festival Personality Queen at the Harvest Festival Ball at the Memorial Hall in Home Hill.
Dayna Linton being crowed as the 2023 Harvest Festival Charity Queen at the Harvest Festival Ball at the Memorial Hall in Home Hill.
Dayna Linton and Ally-Jo Farry standing together after being crowned at the 2023 Harvest Festival Ball

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Tips for Selling Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide

July 11, 2024

Selling a home can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and execution, you can navigate the process smoothly and achieve a successful sale. Whether you're a first-time seller or have sold homes before, these tips will help you prepare your home, attract potential buyers, and negotiate the best deal.

   1. Prepare your Home for Sale
Before listing your home, invest time and effort in making it look its best:
   • Declutter and Depersonalise: Remove personal items and excess clutter to help potential buyers envision themselves in the space.
   • Clean Thoroughly: Deep clean every room, including carpets, windows, and appliances. A clean home creates a positive impression.
   • Make Repairs: Fix any visible issues like leaky faucets, cracked tiles, or peeling paint. Small repairs can make a big difference in buyer perception.

   2. Set the Right Price
Pricing your home correctly is critical for attracting buyers:
   • Research Comparable Properties: Look at recent sales of similar homes in your area to gauge the market value.
   • Consider Market Conditions: Assess whether it's a buyer's or seller's market, as this can impact pricing strategy.
   • Consult with a Real Estate Agent: An experienced agent can provide a comparative market analysis (CMA) to help you set a competitive price.

   3. Market Effectively
Effective marketing increases visibility and attracts potential buyers:
   • Professional Photography: High-quality photos highlight your home's best features and attract more online views.
   • Online Listings: Utilise multiple online platforms and social media to reach a broad audience.
   • Open Houses and Showings: Make your home accessible for showings and consider hosting open houses to generate interest.

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Chat With Chelsea

July 18, 2024

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a great week and enjoyed the school holidays!

As always, I’ve been keeping busy, chatting with you all here and there, hearing your stories, or just saying hi, and please feel free to reach out to me via email anytime!

My friends and I have had a big start to the “21st Birthday celebration season”, and it’s been great to catch up with everyone again after everyone heading off for the mid-year university break.

After just over a month off for the break, I’ll be back into the swing of it all next week with Trimester 2 O-Week kicking off on Monday. With graduation just around the corner, my workload consists of the last few subjects left on my “check list”, and I could not be more ready to smash them out! I’ll finish my degree, a Bachelor of Communication and Journalism, in October, and will officially graduate in December… exciting!!

I’ve been seeing plenty of posts on the Water Festival Facebook page of people reminiscing on their time as ambassadors, sharing photos of their extravagant floats, and I’m loving it! You may have seen, my mum, Kari is on the committee, and of course she’s been posting plenty on my time as a junior ambassador for the PCYC in 2015. It was such an amazing experience, and I loved every second of it! My float had a GIANT elephant on it dressed in an amazing outfit handmade by my Grandma, and we themed all our costumes, music and decorations to showcase the Wild & Wonderful (the 2015 theme) vibe of Bollywood, it was so much fun, and we took out Best Junior Float, and Grand Champion Float of the whole festival!

If you or anyone you know is thinking about applying to be an ambassador, do it!

I hope you all have a great week, enjoy the read, and I’ll chat to you soon!

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Making Lives Brighter

July 4, 2024

Barbara Stockdale has been celebrated for becoming the Home Hill Health Service’s first Brighter Lives volunteer.

Barb, as she’s warmly known within the Burdekin community began volunteering at the health service drawing inspiration from her experience of supporting her mum in hospital during the COVID 19 lockdowns. Barb’s decision to give back to her community has been commended by both residents of the Burdekin and Townsville, with her compassionate nature touching and inspiring many.

Wanting to use her spare time to help others, Barb spoke with the health service staff, and was connected to Brighter Lives. A few hours a week, Barb brightens the lives of patients with activities, walks, conversation and companionship, with many acknowledging she’s the most perfect person for such an important role.

Brighter Lives Townsville Hospital Foundation is actively seeking more volunteers in rural areas like the Burdekin.

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Last Sounds Fire Station Sirens

July 4, 2024

Member for Burdekin Dale Last has sounded the alarm for the Minister to announce a new Fire and Rescue Station in Ayr as local firefighters and the community grapple with the impacts of a toxic compound contamination.
While Labor’s budget included $4 Million toward remediation works at the current station, Mr Last said the lack of funding for a new station meant a lack of certainty for staff and the wider community.
“It’s been more than five years since PFAS chemicals were detected in Ayr’s drinking water and more than four years since the Detailed Site Investigation found its origins were the historic use of firefighting foam,” Mr Last said. 
“In that time we have seen under-funded and half-baked solutions that has left our local firefighters unable to undertake essential training on site for years and a water project unable to progress past tender.”
“If the Minister isn’t in Ayr within the week with funding to provide the Ayr community with a new fire station, it will send a clear message to residents and local firefighters that Labor is happy to turn a blind eye to community safety when it comes to water and emergency services.”
Mr Last said with local firefighters now facing the potential of having to either operate on a construction site or be pushed into a temporary facility, it would be a slap in the face to firefighters and the local community for Labor to not announce funding for a new local fire station.
“These are the people we rely on to save lives and this community will not stand by while an arrogant government refuses to treat them with the respect they deserve,” Mr Last said.
“For years now we have been asking for the Detailed Site Investigation which we now know was provided to the Labor government in February 2020 at the latest.  Even if the remediation works started today it would be more than 4 ½ years that Labor has left staff exposed to carcinogenic compounds.”
“You have to ask what it will take for Labor to do the right thing by the community and our firefighters.  Do we have to wait until someone is diagnosed with a life-threatening disease or for someone to die before this government actually lives up to its mantra of keeping Queenslanders safe?”

Opinion Piece contributed by Member for Burdekin Dale Last.

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July 4, 2024


Federal Member for Dawson, Andrew Willcox, is renewing his desperate calls for the Federal and State Labor Government’s to fix the Bruce Highway.

Following the recent fatal tragedy on the weekend near Gumlu, Mr Willcox said Labor’s decision to slash funding to the Bruce Highway in his electorate of Dawson is despicable.

“While the investigation into the cause of this accident is still ongoing, any life lost on the Bruce Highway is one life too many, and we desperately need investment into this road to ensure there are no more victims of the Bruce Highway,” Mr Willcox said.

“The stretch of highway that runs through my electorate, from Mackay all the way up to Townsville has the worst safety rating out of the entire Bruce Highway.

“While Labor is busy investing millions of dollars in the southeast corner to secure votes, innocent lives are being lost, and frankly, it’s disgusting.

“This isn’t about politics or political agendas; this is about the safety of my people and the safety of the people travelling through our region.”

The Department of Transport and Main Roads data of the 15 deadliest lengths of road between 2015 to 2024 shows that 9 of these are located in the Mackay, Isaac, Whitsunday and Townsville areas.

Mr Willcox explained that the previous Coalition Governments prioritised funding to upgrade the Bruce Highway during their time in office, and yet the State Labor Government has been sitting on this funding.

“I have called on the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Catherine King, many times to look at funding for this section of highway, I have even invited the Prime Minister and his Ministers to come and see it for themselves,” Mr Willcox said.

“Instead, they pulled millions out of our region and injected it into the southeast corner, all while slashing the funding model from an 80:20 split to a 50:50 split.

“This government is playing with the lives of every person who travels the Bruce Highway, and it needs to stop.

“We deserve better.”

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Ayr Water Treatment Plan Marks A New Milestone

July 4, 2024

The construction of the Ayr water treatment plant has reached a new milestone, with a contractor appointed to commence work on the $46.88 million project.

Under the funding allocations made in the 2024/25 Budget last week, the Tallai Project Group were awarded the construction contract following the Burdekin Shire Council’s extensive tender process.

The project consists of numerous stages, with Stage 1 of the new water treatment plant including iron and manganese pre-treatment, coal on sand dual media filtration, disinfection, solids handling, chemical storage, and dosing.

“This is a critical piece of infrastructure for the Ayr, Brandon and Alva communities that will ensure that we can continue to provide safe and reliable drinking water to our residents,” said Burdekin Shire Council Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort.

“We are excited to see this construction project nearing commencement after years of strategic planning and design.”

Works are expected to commence at the South Ayr borefiled in September, with the new bores expected to be up and running at the time of completion of the new water treatment plant.  

“The South Ayr borefield will also undergo a complete rejuvenation with the development of up to eight new submersible pumps and delivery infrastructure,” explained Mayor Dalle Cort.

“The water from this borefield will be treated by the filtration treatment plant to remove iron and manganese from the source water eliminating historical discolouration issues at South Ayr”

The 2024/25 Queensland Government Budget funding also provides support for costs associated with refurbishing South Ayr bores to supplement current drinking water supplies and is part of an ongoing management plan following detections of PFAS in the groundwater. Additionally, the Queensland Government will invest $1 million to better understand the groundwater in Ayr through monitoring and modelling the aquifer.

Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing, Minister for Water, Glenn Butcher believes the investments and support directed towards the Burdekin Shire uphold the Queensland Government’s commitment to supporting councils and delivering for Queenslanders.

“I look forward to working with Mayor Dalle Cort to continue to deliver for the Burdekin Region,” said Glenn.  

“We know how important water supply is for our communities and we’re always there to roll up our sleeves and help Councils with their water infrastructure needs.”

Burdekin Shire Council Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort with Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing, Minister for Water, Glenn Butcher.

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Wilmar Growers report July 4

July 4, 2024

The initial 2024 season sugar price forecasts from marketing companies indicate that the high physical premiums received by Australian sugar in the 2023 season, are likely to be repeated for this production season.

For Wilmar growers who use Target Pricing, the initial forecast is for $38.43/t Actual to be added to the AUD #11 swap price fixed by the grower. This is in comparison to QSL’s forecast of $21.12/t Actual.

While the initial forecast is below the 2023 season estimate of $53.22/t Actual (QSL $33.91/t Actual), it is important to remember that not long ago this premium was negligible to negative.

This is good news for growers and underscores the strong demand for the quality sugar that is consistently produced out of Australia.

An expected bounce back in the Thai crop, which is the main competitor in Asia for our sugar, may keep a lid on upside revisions from here.

As far as the broader market is concerned, the focus remains on the progress of the Brazilian crop. The ICE #11 continues to trade around 20c/lb as the market continues to digest the volume, ATR, and production mix from the early Brazilian crush.

The May 24 UNICA fortnightly reports indicate that all three sugar production key variables were trailing behind market expectation: tonnes are down, sucrose yield is lower and sugar make is below 50 per cent.

The trend through June was for the crop, yield, and sugar make to firm up. Nevertheless, the speculative community has reduced their short position, and upside resistance will depend on how the rest of the world crop is developing.

As previously noted, the Thai crop is expected to be recovering well this year and the monsoon in India appears to be on track for a normal season. Even if the Indian crop comes in higher, the increased production is expected to be absorbed into ethanol production and therefore, global sugar stocks will not be affected.

Wilmar’s Senior Sugar Trader Peter Bingham will be touring Queensland in the second week of July. He will be presenting in each of our regions, providing an update on Wilmar’s supply and demand forecasts, as well as an insight into the key destination countries for Australian sugar.

This is always a popular event, so make sure you contact your local consultant for further information.

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Being The Change – Sarah Chapman Providing Opportunities For Young Students In STEM

July 4, 2024

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) stands as a program designed to connect young, regional girls with local industries, and has made significant strides under the leadership of dedicated local educator, Sarah Chapman.  

Sarah Chapman, a former Ayr State High School student, Townsville Science Teacher, and recipient of the 2013 Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Science Teaching, has been the driving force behind STEM Changemakers, holding the position of Co-Chair of Women in STEM Australia.  

The two-month-long program has been celebrated for the experiences, mentorship, and opportunities it presents to its participants within STEM careers.  

“As a teacher with twenty years of secondary state school experience, I’ve seen countless talented girls in STEM who lacked support at home, or faced too many other life demands,” explained Sarah.

“That’s why six months ago, I decided to be the change I wanted to see in the world and take a year off work to devote my time to changing opportunities for regional girls in STEM; that is where I developed the STEM Changemakers program.”

Within the current workforce, 80% of the fastest-growing occupants require STEM skills, however, only 15 per cent of STEM-qualified jobs are held by women. The program, STEM Changemakers, works to provide girls with tangible experiences with the support of role models to further transform girls’ aspirations, enabling them to perceive a positive future for themselves on a STEM pathway.  

“The girls in the STEM Changemakers program walk away with a reinforced confidence in themselves - they have strengthened communication and networking skills and are able to collaborate with a range of stakeholders in the community,” said Sarah.

A central focus of STEM Changemakers is collaborating with local stakeholders and businesses, one of which being Wilmar Sugar Australia. Wilmar Sugar Australia has presented a real-world industry challenge to the students, involving ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions of the transport of sugarcane to the mills. Nina West, Manager of Design Engineering at Wilmar Sugar Australia, says this challenge not only gave the girls a practical problem to solve but also highlighted the relevance of STEM in addressing global issues.

“There have been amazing ideas resulting from the girls’, some of which we might not have considered without them, and that is exactly what we were hoping for,” said Nina.  

Ayr State High School’s Grade Eight student, Jorja Ahern has been part of STEM Changemakers over the past two months and believes the program has expanded her knowledge and understanding of the diverse career opportunities available.  

“This program has opened up opportunities for my future studies and career path - it has helped me understand the different types of engineering, and what I could achieve as an engineer, and I have found interest in electrical engineering and environmental engineering,” said Jorja.  

Tiana Cameron, fellow Ayr State High School student in Grade Ten, was also part of STEM Changemakers, and developed similar understandings to Jorja, explaining the program provided her with a glimpse into STEM careers.  

“Changemakers has brought me from a girl interested in science to a girl interested in a career in science, and I think that’s my biggest takeaway,” said Tiana.  

On Saturday 22 June, STEM Changemakers culminated, where the girls celebrated their involvement with the program by presenting their STEM solutions to over 200 businesses and supporters. Jorja Jerkic, Mia Formilan, Tiana Cameron, Briella Wassmuth, and Jorja Ahern made their presentations at the Science Precinct in Townsville, and in their audience was special guest, Australian Chief Scientist, Dr Cathy Folley, who has supported the girls and the growth of the STEM Changemakers program.  

Sarah’s inspirational and commendable mission has only just begun, and she has made long-term plans for the future to continue supporting young girls in STEM.

“Long-term, I am aiming to work with regional industries to provide targeted skills training that is flexible and responsive to young people’s needs, rapid technological change, and industry demand to ensure Australia’s STEM skills workforce can be more dynamic and responsive to change and allow our young people to be the leaders in solving future STEM challenges,” said Sarah.  

Jorja Jerkic, Mia Formilan, Tiana Cameron, Ms Sarah Chapman, Briella Wassmuth, Jorja Ahern, and Mrs Claire Brock at the Final Presentation Day.
Bella Lawry, Tiana Cameron, and Briella Wassmuth.
Jorja Ahern, Mia Formilan and Jorja Jerkic.

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BCA’s Make It Happen Life Skills 8 Week Cooking Class

July 4, 2024

The "Make It Happen" Life Skills Cooking Class was created following the Burdekin Community Association (BCA) observing an increase in people who haven’t learnt essential life skills like cooking.

The program works to educate and teach attendees essential skills like budgeting, and hygiene alongside cooking to empower participants to take control of their health, and finances.

The classes are designed for people who have never learnt the basics of cooking and creating meals on a budget - a crucial skill considering the rising cost of living.

Participants can expect to begin with the fundamentals of cooking including essential kitchen tools and techniques and students will learn how to chop vegetables, measure ingredients and understand cooking terminology. The hands-on approach ensures that everyone gets practical experience, making it easier to replicate the recipes at home.
Budgeting is a crucial component of the course. Many people avoid cooking because they believe it is too expensive or time-consuming. The "Make It Happen" course teaches participants how to plan meals, create shopping lists, and make the most of their grocery budget.

Another critical aspect of the course is hygiene as proper food handling and kitchen cleanliness are essential to prevent foodborne illnesses. The class covers the basics of food safety, including how to store ingredients, sanitize surfaces and avoid cross-contamination.

A free course, BCA is taking bookings no. Call the BCA Support Centre on 4783 3744 or email bca@bcaburdekin.org.au.

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July 4, 2024

We thought we would do a recap of the programs and activities that are available from the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre.  

Our regular programs and activities are:
   • Crochet Club -Monday’s 1pm – 5pm
   • Free Community Legal Advice – First Tuesday of the Month (depending on rostered solicitor)
   • Dementia Support Group – First Tuesday of the month 10am – 12pm
   • Burdekin Seniors Computer Club – 1st and 3rd Thursdays 9.30am – 11am
   • Be Connected – by appointment
   • My Time Program – Monthly activity for families with children with a disability
   • Emergency Relief Program – by appointment
   • Parkinsons Support Group – 4th Friday of the month (Feb – Nov) 9.30am – 11.30am

The newest star on the block will be our S.H.I.N.E Program (Seniors’ Health and Interactive Exercise Program).  Starting Monday 8th July running for 8 weeks.

We are also home to a number of local community groups that offer opportunities to learn, be social and support each other:
   • Burdekin Mahjong Players
   • Burdekin 4WD Club
   • Burdekin Games Society – Dungeons and Dragons / Warhammer
   • Aglow

The Neighbourhood Centre works closely with other services in our region to provide a space so that our community can access local based support.

Australian Hearing
54 Reasons Playgroup
Feros Care
My Pathway
Women’s Centre
DYNAH (Counselling)

The Centre always looks forward to talking with community and discovering where we can help fill gaps.  We don’t have all the answers, however, we know that by working together with fellow community members we can make the Burdekin a better place to live.  

Pop in for a cuppa – you bring the ideas – we bring the ears!  
Until next time,

The Team
Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre

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Cr Column Councillor Michael Detenon

July 4, 2024

I would like to start by congratulating everyone involved in the success of the Burdekin Show. This annual event continues to showcase the vibrant spirit of our region. It is a great opportunity for families and friends to come together, enjoy entertainment, exhibits, and activities. Your hard work and dedication have once again created a memorable experience for all attendees. 

Last week Council adopted the 2024/25 Budget, focusing on stretching dollars and strengthening communities. Council’s strategic planning ensures continued investment in essential infrastructure, community projects, and services that benefit all residents. Additionally, starting 1 June 2024 year, we will transition to half-yearly rates to provide greater flexibility and ease for our residents. This change aims to make payments more manageable and align with many households' financial planning. You can still pay your full year's rates. The half-yearly rates are half of the general rates and utility charges you would normally receive in a yearly notice.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Council’s upcoming Feral Deer Workshop on Tuesday 9 July 2024. This event will provide insights into managing the local feral deer population and understanding the impacts on our environment and agriculture. It’s a great opportunity for community members to learn and engage in discussions on effective management strategies.

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Did you Know? Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort

July 18, 2024

Did you know that a leaking toilet can waste more than 96,000 litres of water a year? Fixing leaks and using water-efficient fixtures can save not only water but also reduce your utility bills significantly. Simple actions like turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or taking shorter showers can make a big difference.
The allocation of water to properties in the Burdekin Shire (your annual entitlement) is generous compared to many other Councils across Queensland but property owners still need to monitor water consumption so that they do not exceed their entitlements.
You pay for every drop of water used, whether it is used wisely or wasted, so water conservation is something we should all practice.
Council’s website has some great resources available for smart water management. These resources offer tips and tools to help you conserve water, from efficient irrigation techniques to water-saving landscaping ideas. You can also find a guide on typical water use patterns for various activities throughout your home, such as dishwashing and leaking taps.
If you would like to get in touch with me, please feel free to phone me on 0447 150 582 or email mayor@burdekin.qld.gov.au.

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The Celebrated Family Business of GPB Constructions

July 4, 2024

GPB Constructions has been operating with a high level of workmanship for over 74 years, providing the surrounding communities with trustworthy, and reliable servicing opportunities.

George Populin has been the director and leader of GPB Constructions since 1975, and prides himself on his honest and realistic approach to business. In joining the family business, George developed his understanding of GPB Constructions under the guidance set by the original founder, George’s father Demetrio Populin, who began the business in 1950. With his family having been in the industry all his life, George has a lifetime of construction experience, and reminisces on building the Townsville Stadium in the 2000s as one of his many career highlights.

The Management and Administration team now consists of eight dedicated members; George, Christine, Kurt, Alicia, Dean and Alyce Populin, Michael Dodds, and Kerry Muller. Along with 15 employees, all observing the same 1950 values the business was built upon just under eight decades ago.

GPB Constructions specialises on concreting, reinforcing, and framework construction with professionalism and the act of completing projects on time at the forefront of their operations. Currently the team are working on numerous developments within the region, dedicating their skills towards projects in the areas of Sugar Mills, and Defence Force infrastructures.  

Looking towards the future, GPB Constructions will continue to uphold the same customer service and work ethic their customers know, love and expect from the family business, just as it has been achieving since 1950.

George Populin, Kurt Populin, and Dean Populin.

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The Release Of The Reef Water Quality Report Card

July 4, 2024

The latest Reef Water Quality Report Card (2021 and 2022) has been released.

The report shows progress towards targets being made in the Burdekin region to improve Reef water quality, with a 0.5% reduction in sediment recorded for the area.

The Burdekin catchment recorded a three per cent reduction in dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), one of the largest reductions across Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef catchments for the reporting period. 

The region also recorded good overall ground cover with 88 per cent of grazing lands having adequate ground cover in the late dry season in 2022, compared to 71 per cent in 2021 and 56 per cent in 2020. This result was largely due to the higher than long-term average rainfall in the Burdekin region in 2021 and 2022. 

The report card shows overall inshore marine condition was moderate in 2021-2022 with coral conditions remaining moderate, as recovery continues from Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi in 2011.

Inshore seagrass meadow condition improved from poor to moderate, with seagrass meadows showing high resilience, particularly in their capacity to recover from disturbances such as the large flood event in the Burdekin region in 2019.

NQ Dry Tropics Program Manager Sustainable Agriculture Rob Hunt said the report card demonstrated the reduction in sediment and nutrient loads as a result of the on-ground activities NQ Dry Tropics was funded to carry out across the region.

“NQ Dry Tropics and its delivery partners work directly with farmers to trial and validate farm management practices for improved farm production and water quality,” said Rob.

“We support Burdekin farmers to drive change from the ground up to identify, test and validate practices that can reduce their environmental footprint while also enhancing farm production and viability.

“The DIN result is positive - It reflects cane growers’ ongoing commitment to improve water quality through their management planning and practices while also ensuring business viability.

“Although the sediment reduction is small, major water quality programs were in their infancy during the reporting period.

“Greater progress is expected in meeting these targets as multi-year projects funded through the Australian Government’s Reef Trust, as well as projects funded by the Queensland Government, are completed and reported.”

Mr Hunt said the Paddock to Reef Integrated Monitoring, Modelling and Reporting (Paddock to Reef) program provided the framework for evaluating and reporting progress towards Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan targets and objectives through the Reef Water Quality Report Card.

Photo Caption: NQ Dry Tropics Program Manager Sustainable Agriculture Rob Hunt.

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Fair Work Commission Orders Suspension Of Industrial Action

July 11, 2024

The Fair Work Commission has ordered three unions to suspend industrial action at the Queensland factories of Wilmar Sugar and Renewables for six weeks after hearing submissions from unions and the company.

In light of the Commission’s decision, Sugar and Renewables is planning to have all of its eight factories crushing cane again this week, as soon as harvesting resumes in the wake of rain that drenched all its districts from Sarina in the south to Ingham in the north during the past week.

A spokesman for the company said that, assuming no more rain fell in the regions, it expected to have cane supply enabling production at all Burdekin mills this week, starting with Kalamia and Inkerman mills tomorrow (Monday) followed by Invicta and Pioneer mills by Thursday.

“Further south, Proserpine Mill is also expected to commence crushing Tuesday and Plane Creek Mill at Sarina is looking promising for Tuesday or Wednesday,” the spokesman said.

The Macknade Mill in the Herbert region to the north was expected to be in production early this week with Victoria Mill following mid-week. Fair Work Commission Deputy President Dobson had been asked by Sugar and Renewables to issue suspension orders after unions notified intention to mount a series of stoppages over coming weeks, further threatening company attempts to continue with the annual sugar season.

The company gave extensive evidence to the Commission on the impact of bans and stoppages, including the effect on regional economies and third parties in the sugar supply chain, particularly cane growers. The Sugar and Renewables spokesman said the suspension of industrial action relieves the immediate risk to the annual crushing season, and provides clear air for negotiations with unions on the enterprise agreement.

“Everyone in the supply chain can now make the necessary preparations to get underway and begin making up for lost time,” the spokesman said.

Meanwhile, Wilmar received another blow last week, with two staff with more than 14 years of experience handing in their notice of resignation at Invicta Mill.

The AWU (Australian Workers’ Union) claims that these latest departures come as a direct result of Wilmar’s low wages and will leave Wilmar’s largest mill critically short-staffed.

The AWU reported that one Wilmar worker at Invicta, who asked not to be named for fear of repercussions, said the departing workers will lead to the mill struggling to maintain quality and reliability throughout the crush.

“I fear the process side at Invicta will suffer this year as managers are pushing new starters to get signed off with only 3-4 weeks training,” they said.

“They still haven’t filled all positions in the fugals, mills or lab, it is a sh*t show for coverage - people are burned out already.”

AWU Northern District Secretary Jim Wilson said these reports confirmed what workers, cane growers and the local community had been saying for some time.

“Wilmar’s greed is slowly strangling the sugar communities of our region,” said Mr Wilson.

“We have also heard that Wilmar has had to send a boiler operator and a boiler assistant from the Inkerman mill to Proserpine because they don’t have anyone trained to do the job down there.

“It’s time for Wilmar to send an adult into negotiations to get this resolved.”

Invicta Mill’s startup commenced last month but production has been interrupted by industrial action and weather. Photo credit: Wilmar Sugar and Renewables

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Local Hero Elvie Dickinson

July 4, 2024

For more than 20 years Elvie Dickinson has been Treasurer of the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre.

As treasurer Elvie looks after the money of the neighbourhood centre, puts together the budget and oversees that everything is done correctly.

Elvie does more than volunteer her time at the Neighbourhood Centre, she is also the coordinator of a support group for people with Parkinson’s disease in the Burdekin.

After being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease herself in 2011, she noticed there was no support group for people in the Burdekin.

“I just thought that it was something that was needed and we meet on the fourth Friday of every month,” said Elvie.

“Parkinson’s is the second most prevalent neurological disease after Alzheimer's, in Australia. There are 18 or 19,000 people in Queensland, with Parkinson's disease.

“We help by what I like to call, a talkfest but we also have guest speakers as often as we can, they talk about different aspects of Parkinson's or the different ways that
you can get help for Parkinson's.

“We have people that provide help for people living with Parkinson's, the different programs that can help people.  

Coordinator at Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre Natalie Saroglia said Elvie has mentored her and that the neighbourhood centre would not be what it is today without her.  

“She has a huge heart and she’s here for the community and it's people like Elvie that make community organizations what they are.”  

Photo supplied

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Word On The Street

July 4, 2024

How is the cost-of-living crisis affecting you? Where is it hitting you? And What would you like the government to do to help?

Doreen Man
“It doesn’t affect me because I live by myself and have two pensions. I'd hate to have a family I don’t know how I’d do otherwise, I’ve got a gold card, and free health and medical stuff. For those struggling minimum wage could be raised without having to tax more people and if they could keep some control over the supermarkets and the pricing of goods, I don't think they'll be able to do that, but it’d be good.”

Yasar Dolu
“I'm just a backpacker doing the visa here and working on the farm. I need to work more hours than I expected. Before I came here, I thought I would save more money. But now it's kind of just enough for the bill for my rent, groceries and transportation.”

Jane Goodchild
“It's very high and making it hard. It’s affecting me most at the grocery store and you know your living expenses, your fuel, your rates and your insurances and everything. If the government can help bring prices down on groceries if they can, and car registrations and other stuff really.”

Hayley Vidler  
“I guess we’re just more cautious when we go to the grocery store and more cautious with after-school activities. We don't eat out anymore, we eat at home a lot more. The government can help with petrol and food they are probably the two biggest factors. They really need to come down, that's getting out of control and more funding for private schools would be good too, that would be great.”

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On the Za Za Road!

July 4, 2024

The exceptional talents of the young Zaza Road Quartet will ignite the Burdekin Theatre this July as part of the 2024 Outreach Tour.  

Violinist Keven Hsu, cellist Mya Whatson, clarinettist Nathanael Duffy, and pianist Mai-Lien Olsson attended the Australian Festival of Chamber Music’s (AFCM) International Masterclass Program as students, and now will lead the Outreach Tour to Charters Towers, Ingham, Ayr and Townsville.

“They are the perfect example of what we aim to do in both programs – to nurture young musicians, and to share music and pathways with North Queensland students through our Outreach Tour & Workshops Program,” said AFCM Pathways Program Director Lloyd van’t Hoff.

Much more than performances, the tour will host workshops at the secondary schools throughout the region, one of which being Ayr State High School to provide mentorship and inspire students about the opportunities and careers in music.

“We are hoping that students of music, and related studies, will take part in the workshops and we encourage everyone to come and watch our performances and talk to us about our respective careers and what’s ahead, as well as how students in regional Queensland can pursue careers in music,” said Lloyd.

The AFCM Outreach program stands as an important part of the festival’s commitment to community engagement, access and development, and has been made possible with the incredible support of Wilmar Sugar and Renewables.

Wilmar Community Relations Manager Kylie Newman said the company was proud to partner again with the AFCM to support this year’s Outreach Tour & Workshops Program.
“We are pleased to welcome Lloyd and the Zaza Road Quartet back to North Queensland to share their talents with music lovers in our regional communities,” Mrs Newman said.

“We know there is a wealth of musical talents in the regional communities of North Queensland, and we hope the young people who attend the workshops are inspired to continue to peruse their music studies.”

The free AFCM Outreach Tour Concert will be held on Monday 22 July from 6pm at the Burdekin Theatre, and more information can be found online at afcm.com.au.

What: AFCM Outreach Tour Concert.
When: Monday 22 July from 6pm.
Where: Burdekin Theatre.
More Information: Online at afcm.com.au.

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Burdekin Singers & Theatre Company Debutante Ball

July 4, 2024

On Saturday 22 June, fifteen debutantes made their official debut at the Burdekin Singers & Theatre Company’s 2024 Debutante Ball.

The theme of the evening was “A Night Under the Stars” with gorgeous decorations, dresses and suits igniting the Burdekin Memorial Hall in Home Hill.

Each debutante and partner shone bright for what was an amazing evening filled with both dancing choreographed by the talented duo, Eliza Worlein and Rory Jorgensen, and traditional dances debutante balls are known for.

Congratulations to all the debutantes.

The Debutantes with dance teachers Rory and Eliza on either side.

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Call For Stallholders At The Home Hill Harvest Festival

July 4, 2024

The Home Hill Harvest Festival has begun gearing up for what will be an amazing Parade and Street Party for the annually anticipated event.

The festival celebrates the rich agricultural industry within the Burdekin community and encompasses a range of events spread throughout the back end of the year from late September to early November. The Grand Parade, accompanied by a fantastic Street Party concludes the celebrations, and will run from 5pm at Eighth Avenue in Home Hill on Saturday 9 November. Set to bring extraordinary live entertainment, delicious food, wonderful merchandise stalls, and terrific carnival rides, it’s time to mark your calendars.

The unforgettable evening will follow the Home Hill Harvest Festival Street Parade and is now calling for stall holders to apply. Watson’s Green in Home Hill will become a lively hot spot for fun and excitement as the community comes together for a memorable 2024 celebration with the setting of the sun from 6pm.

Stall holders, travellers, and locals are all invited to enjoy an evening under the stars as the Home Hill Harvest Festival celebrated the bountiful harvest season for another year.

Applications will be accepted through the festival’s online form at www.hhharvestfestival.com.au. Those interested are invited to contact the committee via email at info@hharvestfestival.com.au.

What: Home Hill Harvest Festival Street Parade and Street Party
When: Saturday 9 November from 5pm
Where: Eighth Avenue Home Hill and Watson’s Green Home Hill
More Information: www.hhharvestfestival.com.au and the Home Hill Harvest Festival Facebook Page

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The Burdekin Potters’ Colourful Creations

July 4, 2024

The Burdekin Potters have been busily creating beautiful pieces as part of an Underglaze Decorating Workshop under the experienced guidance of the talented duo, Maleny Potter, and Judy Gardiner.

The treat of a workshop had members expanding their pottery skillsets to colourful new heights. Each member was taught the technique of applying a gorgeous design to a raw, dry clay plate, and then adding vibrant colours and depth through the medium of ceramic paints or underglazes. After decorating their creations, the pieces underwent a first firing, followed by the application of clear glaze and then being placed back into the kiln for the final glaze firing.

The results were stunning, and all the potters attending the workshop were amazed and impressed with their own creativity, with most of the attendees looking to continue utilising their newfound techniques and talents into their future pieces.

The workshop instilled confidence in the attendees, proving you do not have to be an experienced potter to achieve great results. Most members of the Burdekin Potters have not been long on their journey with clay, making the results of the workshop even more fulfilling, and commendable.

Since the workshop, the members of the Burdekin Potters have been creating many more unique, and colourful pieces, and the group extends a warm thanks to the generous funding provided by the RADF, and to the Burdekin Shire Council for their support.

“The opportunity to gain this valuable knowledge for members, was only available through generous RADF funding and the continued support to the Pottery Club by the Burdekin Shire Council,” expressed Burdekin Pottery Club President, Debbie Ferraris.

A marine choice for Sue.
Mara painted her pup Raff.
Lyn styles in black and white.
Kristy shows her self-portrait with tutor Judy Gardiner.

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A Showcase Of Burdekin Stories

July 4, 2024

On Wednesday 12 June, the Home Hill branch of the Burdekin Library hosted a fantastic showcase of the literary talents of Burdekin Creative Writers, and Burdekin Night Writers.  

The talented writers presented poems, and stories focusing both on the past, and looking towards the future along with stories filled with love, paired with stories sharing the tales of familial chaos.

Burdekin Creative Writers, and Burdekin Night Writers were joined by an audience of locals, and relatives, and once again, each story and poem transported listers far beyond the Burdekin and broke away from the regularities of everyday life – with each audience member being returned safely back to reality at the conclusion of the event.  

The Burdekin Creative Writers Anthology is now available to read at the Home Hill and Ayr branches of the Burdekin Library, and both Burdekin Creative Writers, and Burdekin Night Writers extend a warm thanks to the Burdekin Library for hosting the event.  

Thanks were also expressed to all those who attended and their contribution to making the showcase a success. George Venables was congratulated for being the driving force behind the Anthology, and his hard work and dedication to the publication of the book were acknowledged, with the groups expressing that its existence would not have been possible without him.

Members from both Burdekin Creative Writers, and Burdekin Night Writers sharing their stories

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Lower Burdekin Scout Group

July 4, 2024

The Lower Burdekin Scout Group dedicated their time at the 2024 Ayr Show on Wednesday 26 June for another year, ensuring areas including parking ran smoothly.

The group managed the carpark from 8am to 8pm, along with one of the entry admission points to fundraise for their organisation, with some scouts providing families with information on the club and what Scouting entails.

The wet weather could not dampen the spirits of the scouts, with both youth and experienced members of the club fulfilling their duties efficiently.

Youth members of the club were stationed at the information table, offering the opportunity for members of the community to come along and try Scouting for free over a four-week period.

“This is a major fundraising event for our group, and we thank the show committee for allowing us to do it each year,” explained Group Leader Chris Berkery.

“This and the other fundraising events we undertake throughout the year provides Scouting at a lower cost to youth in the Burdekin.”

Members of the Lower Burdekin Scout Group ready to go at the Ayr Show. Photo supplied

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The First Burdekin Water Festival

July 4, 2024

On 16 April 1958, a group of representatives from numerous local organisations gathered to create a committee to organise the first-ever Water Festival.  

The first official Water Festival Committee members, known as Office Bearers, were Chairman Cr E. W. Ford, Secretary Mr R. L. Weatherstone, Assistant Secretary Miss J. M. Kruckow, and joining them were committee members, R. Rossiter, M. Towers, C. Richards, H. Wade, W. Saxby, L. M. Stockham, and S. M. Green.  

The committee developed various ideas, and plans for the festival, and floated the idea of introducing a Queen Competition, where a “Mermaid Queen” who fundraised the highest total would be crowned at a ball held on the Friday following the street procession. The initial brainstorm as published by the original Advocate, also included “an ugly man competition”, as well as the traditions the community now adores like decorated floats, and shop window displays. Additional proposed ideas included a garden competition, decorative lights for an evening display, a water display, sporting tournaments, Choral Society entertainment, religious events and even a spear-driving competition.  

The date was set, and the first official Burdekin Water Festival was held in Ayr from 12 – 14 September. Described as “Brilliantly Successful” by The Advocate, the procession ignited Queen Street with thousands of locals in attendance. With spectacular shop window displays and even more spectacular floats lining the sides of the bustling street, the community enjoyed the festivities all throughout the day, and well into the night.  

The 1958 Water Festival Ball as organised by the Ayr Rotary Club, was held on Friday 19 September at the Caledonian Hall, and the celebrated crowing of the first festival queens took place. The Queens gathered at the Shire Chambers to meet with the official party and then proceeded to the Caledonian Hall where they met Mr and Mrs C. Dempsey – representatives of the Ayr Rotary Club. Miss Val Pegoraro, Kalamia Queen (nominated by the Kalamia Mill Suppliers Committee), was crowned the winner, with Miss Dawn Chapple, Pioneer Queen (nominated by the Lower Burdekin Junior Farmers Club) announced the Runner Up, and Miss Mary Blakoe, Sports Queen (nominated by the Ayr Rifle Club), taking third place.  

The Burdekin Water Festival holds a treasured place in the region, and the continuation of the event in 2024 holds great significance, and stands testament to the great dedication of the extraordinary members within the community.  

The man who first dreamed of establishing what has now become one of the most treasured events in Burdekin history was Mr Bob Saxby. In the words published by The Advocate in 1958, “What a splendid reality that dream turned out to be”.  

Caption: The crowning of the first Water Festival Queens, L to R Miss Dawn Chapple, Miss Val Pegoraro, and Miss Mary Blakoe.

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