Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Zonta Club Burdekin Calls Out Gender-Based Violence

Zonta International members across Queensland, including members of the Zonta Club Burdekin Inc, are calling on all men to be part of the conversation about gender-based violence this May.
Lyn Agnew, Governor of Zonta International District 22, said that the month of May is traditionally recognised as Domestic Violence month in Queensland.
This May, Zonta International and other advocacy groups are demanding that violence against women be declared a national emergency after three women were allegedly killed by men known to them.
“These three femicides are three too many,” Ms Agnew said.
“Their deaths should be seen as a wake-up call to communities.
“This year alone 28 women have died due to gender-based violence.
“This is 14 more compared to this time last year.
“We have seen increased activism against this senseless violence across Australia and throughout Queensland women are speaking out.
“But now is the time for us to see and hear the men in our communities.”
Ms Agnew said simply not enough is being done to prevent the violence.
“We have very good support systems and services for victims of domestic and family violence, but as a community we need to look at ways to stop the violence from happening in the first place,” she said.
“This May, we have an opportunity to raise awareness to the issue and call on men in particular to be part of the solution.”
Many victim survivors advocate that education of young men and women is crucial in the fight against violence.
Education about the power dynamics of abusive relationships, someone's religion, someone's background, disability and socio-economic status affects them and makes them more vulnerable.
"It's really important that men stand up and support women in their communities, talk to their friends, make sure to call out bad behaviour as it happens, recognise the red flags and triggers of an unhealthy relationship, and raise concerns," Ms Agnew said.
“This is everyone’s problem to solve.”

16 days of Activism - Zonta Club Burdekin Inc club members
Placement of "Zonta Says No"  Banner outside St Francis School - Isabel Stubbs, Debbie Watson, Karen Clark, Judy Mitchell, Judy Sgarbossa and Lyn Butterworth
Plantation Park Walk - Isabel Stubbs, Inez Larsen and Judy Sgarbossa
Church Service - Isabel Stubbs, Judy Sgarbossa and Pastor Karen Ellen
Photos supplied

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