The services of some of its most dedicated members and volunteers were recognised by Burdekin Race Club at a presentation late last year.
At a race meeting on December 9 2023, four volunteers were presented with Life Memberships while a further four were honoured for their volunteer service.
“It’s all about recognising those many years of volunteering,” said Burdekin Race Club President Rick Gudge.
“Everything that’s done here is done by volunteers and, without them, there’s no club.”
Life Memberships were presented to Doug Chappell, Robyn Hewson, Torrie Davies and Jan Davies.
Jim and Fay Olsen and Mitchell and Margaret Gudge were also highlighted for their contributions to the club.
Mr Chappell has worked in numerous stewarding roles since he first became involved in racing as a teenager and was honoured after around 60 years of service to the club.
“I was real thrilled,” Mr Chappell told Racing Queensland.
“I got the shock of my life when I was told.
“It has been a big journey.”
Fellow Life Member Ms Hewson was a member of Burdekin Delta Turf Club before joining Burdekin Race Club in the early 1990s.
“She’s been a strong member of our club for many years,” said Mr Gudge.
Mr Davies is a former Burdekin Race Club President and Vice President while Ms Davies aids in the publicity of the Burdekin Grower Race Day.
“Both were a main part in the setting up of Burdekin Grower Race Day in 1999; Torrie’s a judge and Jan looks after all of our correspondence,” said Mr Gudge.
Mr Gudge said the Burdekin Race Club is looking for new members, particularly younger members.
“It’s about getting satisfaction out of what you do and supplying a product for other people,” he said.
“When we get together, it’s good camaraderie, we all get along well, and it’s good to be a part of a club.”
Contact Mr Gudge on 0407 022 719 if you’re interested in getting involved in the club.
Burdekin Race Club will hold its next meet this Saturday, February 17 while tickets for the iconic Burdekin Growers Race Day, set to be held on Saturday, May 18, will go on sale in April.
Life membership presentation L-R Burdekin Race Club Vice President Ron Scott, Robyn Hewson, Doug Chappell, Jan and Torrie Davies and Club President Ricky Gudge. Photo credit: David Jackson