The Burdekin Community Association Inc. (BCA) Home Care Service delivers a wide range of services for seniors and their carers.
Home Care Packages Program (HCP)
The HCP Program provides support to older people with complex care needs to live independently in their own home. We can offer services to eligible seniors on a Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 package. Services include in-home support services, transport, home maintenance/repairs/modifications, access to allied health services and other care related services relating to the client’s health, safety and wellbeing.
Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)
The CHSP is an entry level home help program to assist older people who can mostly, but not completely, live and cope on their own an don’t yet need high levels of support at home. Services include domestic assistance, social support (friendly visits/shopping/outings), personal care (showering/bathing/medication monitoring), respite care (support for the carer), transport and home maintenance (lawn mowing/whipper snipping/rubbish removal).
Please contact the Home Care Service Team to discuss services or obtain information on Ph 4783 3744, The Support Centre, 130 Queen St, Ayr,,