Community News

Quarries, Concrete And Community   BQC Group Celebrates Huge Milestones And Industry Success

Quarries, Concrete And Community BQC Group Celebrates Huge Milestones And Industry Success

July marks a big month for local business BQC Group which is celebrating 50 years of BQC Quarries, 40 years of Burdekin Concrete and the second year of its new enterprise, BQC Sands. Taking pride in not only building the community but also employing a local workforce, BQC Group is a thriving business that has innovated over time and consistently grown to deliver to industry needs.

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Chat with Chelsea

Chat with Chelsea

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all having a great end to your week! I’ve been busy with university like always, and when I’m having my chats to people on campus here and there it’s becoming so much more exciting, and feeling more and more real saying “I’m graduating at the end of this year”! It’s been so great to chat to you all throughout the week, and I love hearing your stories and sharing them with everyone else in the community. It’s truly my favourite part of what I do, and one of the reason

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Burdekin Christian College’s Crazy Colour Day Fundraiser

Burdekin Christian College’s Crazy Colour Day Fundraiser

Friday 14 June saw the Burdekin Christian College painted with vibrant hues and colourful hairstyles as the school celebrated Crazy Colour Day to fundraise for the NRL Cowboys House. The NRL Cowboys House stands as a unique, culturally safe boarding facility for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women attending partner schools in Townsville. Over $500 was raised by the student-led group, Z-Club, with all these funds to be donated to the worthwhile cause. The Burdekin Christia

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Lawry Family Receive Recognition At The North Barrier Branch Annual Awards Dinner

Lawry Family Receive Recognition At The North Barrier Branch Annual Awards Dinner

On Saturday 13 July, the Eimeo Surf Club hosted the North Barrier Branch Annual Awards Dinner to officially culminate the 2023-24 surf lifesaving season and recognise excelling members. Branch employees, committee members, and members of the seven clubs from across the North Barrier including Forest Beach, Arcadian, Townsville – Picnic Bay, Ayr, Eimeo, Mackay and Sarina, gathered to attend the celebratory evening. An annual event, recognition is awarded to members who have excelled across all

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12 Burdekin Community Groups Set To Receive Generous Funding

July 25, 2024

Numerous groups and organisations within the Burdekin region received a celebrated funding boost on Monday 8 July from Pacific Blue’s Haughton Sustainable Community Fund.

The twelve recipients were announced at a community event held at the Home Hill Tennis Association where representatives shared their plans for utilising the generous allocation.

The Burdekin State Emergency Service (SES) were one of the many groups set to benefit from the funding, along with the Ayr Surf Life Saving Club, Burdekin Amateur Basketball, Burdekin Football Club, Burdekin Men’s Shed Association Inc, Burdekin Singers & Theatre Company, Burdekin Sub Branch of Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia Inc, Giru Bowls and Recreation Club Inc, Giru Daycare Association Inc, Home Hill Tennis Association Inc, Lower Burdekin Landcare Association Inc and the Zonta Club.

The Fund was established in 2019 to give back to the communities surrounding the Haughton Solar Farm and will see its 2024 recipients share in $88,000 in funding to support initiatives with health, social, cultural, environmental or economic benefits. Many recipients plan to make much needed improvements to their facilities along with elevating their methods of delivering valuable services to the Burdekin community.

Dr Ben Lawry from the Ayr Surf Life Saving Club explained the contributions from the Fund will be focused on the club serving their core purpose as life savers with upgrades set to take place at their Alva Beach Club House.

“This kind of support is vital to regional communities like ours, as it would have taken months for us to be able to fundraise for this ourselves,” shared Dr Ben.

“This year’s funding enables us to upgrade the First Aid Room facilities and office which makes a significant difference to the way we deliver our service.”

The Home Hill Tennis Association plans to direct this year’s funding towards the establishment of solar panels on their buildings, an implementation Kate Casswell explained will have a sizable impact on the association’s energy bills.

“The tennis club is such an integral part of the Burdekin community, and keeping costs down ensures it remains accessible to everyone – solar panels will help to reduce the impact of large bills which would otherwise eat up the club’s funding,” explained Kate.

“The funding is so important for organisations like ours to survive and thrive. It gives us a real boost to improving our facilities and making things better for our participants.”

Applauding the ambitions of all applicants, Pacific Blue CEO Domenic Capomolla looks forward to seeing the recipient’s projects come to fruition.

“It’s fantastic to see so many community groups within the region committed to their causes and seeking to help their local communities thrive for years to come,” Domenic said.

“Since the commissioning of the Haughton Solar Farm, we are proud to have provided more than $300,000 in funding to 52 local projects.

This year it gives us great pleasure to support an additional 12 groups that will deliver projects that really matter to the local community.”

Details of upcoming funding opportunities can be found online at

Pacific Blue Representee, Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort and Ayr Surf Life Saving Club Representee, John Furnell
The Burdekin State Emergency Service Unit were one of the 12 community groups awarded funding as part of Pacific Blue’s Haughton Sustainable Community Fund
Pacific Blue Representee awarding the Home Hill Tennis Association with their official funding as part of the Pacific Blue’s Haughton Sustainable Community Fund. Photos supplied

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Industry Collaboration Key In Sweeter Future

July 25, 2024

As local sugar industry stakeholders came together this week, Member for Burdekin Dale Last has sounded a clear reminder to representatives that the community the industry supports needed to be at the fore of ongoing discussions.

Welcoming the announcement that following weeks of ongoing strike action, a mediation offer had been accepted by the milling company and unions, Mr Last said it was time for everyone to play their part in ensuring a successful end to the crushing season for the sake of the whole community.

“The rocky start to the 2024 crushing season has already cost growers and that impact flows onto the local community. I would hope that next week’s proceedings bring about a positive outcome in the best interests of the community,” Mr Last said.

“From the moment strike action was announced I have stood by our farmers and our community who have largely been held at ransom during these disputes. I have also said with the increase in recent profits it is incredibly easy to make the case that workers deserve a share of the prosperity." 

“This week has highlighted the need for all aspects of our sugar industry to be able to work cohesively to ensure that this industry has a strong future and as a result, the local economy is able to reap those benefits.”

Mr Last said the ability for millers, growers and contractors to work collaboratively and uphold their responsibilities determined the success of the industry going forward.

“We know that our community relies on this industry to be productive and efficient from the moment planting operations begin to the day that cane is crushed at the mill, if any aspect of that process is not meeting the expectations of other parties then they should  be held accountable,” Mr Last said.
“Everyone has a responsibility to uphold, in order to secure the success of the sugar industry in the Burdekin and with the clock ticking it is imperative a successful resolution to the current dispute is found sooner rather than later.”

Opinion Piece from Dale Last Member for Burdekin.

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July 25, 2024

Opinion Piece

“The State and Federal Labor Governments must be held to account for their disastrous and mismanaged phaseout of commercial gillnets across Queensland, which is now seeing our local fishos consider walking away permanently,” Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox said.

The local MP has said that the ban on commercial gillnets was announced amid pressure from international activist organisations.

“It was not backed by any scientific reasoning, and there was no consultation with industry experts or the local men and women whose livelihoods are being destroyed,” Mr Willcox added.

“As your Federal Member, I am calling for a review of the unworkable and ludicrous restrictions that are being placed on those who hold a temporary NX fishing licence.

“The introduction of the temporary NX licences were touted as a lifeline for our local fishos, however the restrictions and increased regulatory requirements are seeing an increasing number of people leaving the industry completely.”

Mr Willcox added that these fishermen and women are being pressured out of their industry.

“An industry that has supported them, their families, and entire communities for generations, and we are seeing small businesses who rely on this industry really hurting,” he said.

“Since this ban was announced, I have held extensive consultations with local fishermen and women, I have called for a Senate Inquiry into the ban of commercial gillnets, which the Labor party and the Greens voted against, and I have attended community rallies organised by those whose industry is being shut down.

“I invited the Minister for the Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek, and the Prime Minister to visit our electorate and talk to our local fishermen and women, an invitation that they have ignored.

“This decision made by the State and Federal Labor Governments is a betrayal to our regional communities that rely on our fishing industry.

“This harsh government intervention and inadequate rollout of the temporary NX licences is jeopardising the lives of our fishers.

“As your Federal Member, I will continue to do everything in my power to fight for the people living and working in my electorate of Dawson and to hold those in power to account.”

Member for Dawson, Andrew Willcox addresses major concerns regarding local fishers potentially facing an uncertain future as government fails to consult on gillnet ban. Image supplied

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“Many Hands Make Light Work”

July 25, 2024

Over fifty amazing members of the Burdekin community dedicated their time on the morning of Saturday 20 July to support the Zonta Club in assembling 1,000 birthing kits.

The Zonta Birthing Kit project was established in 2003 and involves clubs arranging kit assembly days to put together simple, clean birthing kits which are set internationally to help birthing assistants in developing countries.

Well over a million birthing kits have been sent overseas to date, with each kit including a sheet of plastic, gauze, string, a blade, soap and gloves.

The Zonta Club Burdekin Inc. was more than grateful for the community’s support last Saturday, and explained the kits will be sent to developing countries within the next couple of weeks.

“A very big thank you to the 50 + people from our wonderful community who helped with assembling 1,000 birthing kits yesterday morning at the St Francis Samaritan Centre,” shared The Zonta Club Burdekin Inc.

The Zonta Birthing Kit project works to combat the estimated total of 385,000 women who lose their lives each year in childbirth, many from preventable infections. As of mid-2021, 2.4 million women experienced a safer birth due to being able to access clean birthing kits.

“Many hands make light work, and we couldn’t have done it without you – your support and assistance was greatly appreciated.”

The volunteers who helped Zonta Club in assembling 1,000 birthing kits last weekend. Photo supplied

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A Wonderful Weekend For A Highland Dancing Camp

July 25, 2024

The Lower Burdekin Celtic Dancing Association held a highly successful Highland Dancing Camp at Alva Beach’s Ayr Lifesavers Hut from 5 to 8 July.

Made possible by a generous donation from Regional Advisory Development Funding, 27 Highland Dancers from Mossman, Mackay, Townsville and the Burdekin attended the camp free of charge to engage in numerous sessions and activities.

Over the course of the camp, attendees danced away with a Highland Dancing workshop led by visiting teacher and former Burdekin resident, Grace Cllive.

During the event they learnt the history of clan tartans through tartan making craft sessions, practiced mindfulness and learnt tips for managing stage and competition nerves with Kerry from Hands in Harmony.

They also participated in a strength and conditioning session delivered by Andrea Piotto from NRGIZE Fitness.

Friday saw the families of the dancers join in for a night of Highland games where everyone learnt how to toss a caber, and teams battled it out in an egg and spoon race and tug-o-war.

The evening stood out to attendees as one of the camp’s highlights with dancers and some parents split into four clans; Clan McSkettie, Clan Silverlink, MacBarrafin Clan and McSugarcane Clan, to add a touch of friendly competition.

Clan Silverlink was victorious under the leadership of Fiona Smith, the president of The Lower Burdekin Celtic Dancing Association after competing in many enjoyable games.

Saturday night hosted another opportunity for families to join the fun and the dancers learnt many Scottish Country dances like Strip the Winnow, Pride of Erin, and Highland Schottische for the Ceilidh. Traditional Debutant Ball dances, many recalled dancing each of these a couple of decades ago at Deb Balls of the past.

“Everyone learnt something more about Scottish traditions, how to improve mind/body connections and most importantly, everyone had a tonne of fun and made friends with dancers they compete against,” shared Fiona Christie of The Lower Burdekin Celtic Dancing Association.

Both the dancers and volunteers in attendance received a Burdekin themed shirt as a memento of the weekend, which was made possible by the funding The Lower Burdekin Celtic Dancing Association received from a Bendigo Bank Community Grant.

“The camp organising committee had a great time planning the camp at meetings, and everyone’s superpower was recognised and used to its full advantage,” said Fiona.

The attendees of the Highland Dancing Camp in the Burdekin shirts, ready to enjoy a wonderful weekend filled with fun, dance and activities!

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Meet Trish Jandt Sales Account Manager At Burdekin Life

July 25, 2024

Originally from the Gold Coast and working briefly on a boat on Hamilton Island 35 years ago, Trish moved permanently to Airlie Beach in 1996, establishing herself as a longstanding member of the local community.
Looking after the advertising needs of businesses based in the Burdekin and Whitsundays regions, Trish is available each Thursday to chat face to face to any local business in the area and available on the phone every other day of the week.
Trish recently worked in administration for a Legal Firm, before realising that her true passion laid in Sales:
“I love sales, that’s why I came back to it, I really missed it.”
Trish is really excited to have joined the team at Burdekin Life Newspaper and is ready to get stuck into meeting more members of the community.
“I’ve always liked that Burdekin Life is community-based, and I've always read it,” she said.
Trish brings a wealth of sales experience to Burdekin Life, gained through roles with various companies Australia-wide. Her background includes positions with a financial company, solar sales, and facilitating for Coles Supermarkets.
When Trish isn’t wearing her sales hat, she is relaxing at home and, “cooking with a glass of wine.”
Trish has been with Burdekin Life for two weeks, and is settling in great, she says the thing she is enjoying most about her new position is the people in the team and the community members she meets:
“I love speaking to people on my rounds, I'm loving the connection with the community, and seeing faces I haven't seen for ages and everyone in the team here is lovely.”
Trish is a wonderful addition to Burdekin Life, with her vibrant and positive energy and extensive sales expertise. If you spot her around, please take a moment to introduce yourself and say hello!

Trish Jandt, Burdekin Life’s new Sales Account Manager – call her on 0499 500 406

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Celebrating Local Success: Burdekin Gift Cards Strengthen Community

July 25, 2024

As the president of the Burdekin Chamber, I am proud to share one of our most successful initiatives for our members and the community: the Burdekin Gift Cards.

This exclusive program for Burdekin Chamber members is a closed-loop system that allows us to activate and deactivate EFTPOS terminals for our gift cards. This unique feature ensures that the funds remain within our local community, supporting our businesses and fostering economic growth.

The original concept behind the Burdekin Gift Cards was to ensure money is spent within our local community through the “Shop The Burdekin” marketing campaign. This effort has not only kept our economy vibrant but has also strengthened the bonds within our community. Local businesses are the backbone of our economy, and their success directly impacts our collective well-being. By encouraging residents to shop locally, we are investing in our future and ensuring the sustainability of our beloved community.

The success of the Burdekin Gift Cards has been remarkable. Local retailers have seen increased foot traffic and sales, which, in turn, has led to job creation and economic stability. This initiative has fostered a sense of pride and unity among residents, reminding us all of the importance of supporting one another.

I encourage all members to get involved with the Burdekin Chamber. Our next meeting will be a General Meeting on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 5:30 PM, located at National PC Ayr, 2/137 Queen Street, Ayr. Your participation and support are crucial to our success. Together, we can continue to build a thriving, dynamic community.

For more information on how you can join or support our efforts, please visit our website at We look forward to seeing you there and working together to make Burdekin an even better place to live and work.

Thank you
Leigh Kefford

Do you have a Burdekin Gift Card?

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From Africa To The Burdekin

July 25, 2024

It was another lively evening event for Home Hill Chamber of Commerce as they welcomed their latest guest speaker John Clarke at their monthly gathering last week.

John Clarke shared his life story and how he went from Africa to the Burdekin.

He grew up at Zinyangeni Mission Station and shared what it was like growing up with some of the world’s deadliest snakes, and also his quality of life while living there.

Lifestyle in Africa is extremely different to western countries, after thunder and lightning, John shared that local witchdoctors told the local community that the gods were angry.

Other differences included that, in order to attend school, many students had to walk miles to walk.

After time in Africa, John and his family made a trip to Britain where he met his grandparents for the first time.

John was shocked with the change in lifestyle, in Britain there were no servants! And he couldn’t believe it.

After the trip John was thankful to return back to Africa.

Back in Africa John enjoyed long bike rides in the bush and felt extremely safe, he also noted that there were no other white children around and the locals embraced them, cared for them and treated them like royalty.

After his junior schooling years John began an insurance job in London and hated it.

He disliked leaving home in the dark, returning home in the dark and missed his friends.

To complete his senior schooling, John travelled back home and joined the working world, and began at a bank, there he was offered a job as a programmer.

After years in the job field John found himself back in England but travelled to Kuwait on a two-year contract.

Whilst in Kuwait John started up his own business, John Clarke Computing Ltd (JCC).

It was in Kuwait that John found his love for Australia, he continually visited Australia as it was the closest country he could find that was similar to his upbringing in Africa.

John sold JCC and decided to travel Australia again with his partner Jane, it was on this trip that they found the lovely Burdekin.

Attendees at the chamber meeting enjoyed listening to John’s life story and gained a perspective of life in Africa.

Other guest speakers on the night included Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort who spoke about the budget for 2024 – 2025, Burdekin Community Association needing more volunteers, an upcoming Bowel Cancer screening and an Application for Community Cultural and Sporting Advisory Group members.

Doug Chapple asked about the Cane Cutting Festival and if it can resume on a twelve month basis. There was some discussion on this but not enough time to fully talk about it.

Karin Ravizza spoke on the Ayr Water Festival and said they had 12 Junior and 12 Senior ambassadors and that the event was proceeding very well.

David Jackson closed the meeting and said the next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting and that Darren West would be the guest speaker.

Guest speaker John Clarke

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Home Hill Police Report

July 25, 2024

Home Hill isn’t different from any other area around the state when it comes to Domestic and Family Violence (DVF). DFV is a serious and complex social problem within all communities, including our own. If you call police to report a DFV incident that is happening now or has occurred, our first priority will be the safety of all parties involved. Police will conduct a holistic, victim-centric and trauma-informed investigation to:
   • Maximise the safety, protection and wellbeing of people who fear or experience DFV, and to minimise disruptions to their lives
   • Prevent or reduce DFV and the exposure of children to DFV 
   • Ensure people who commit DFV are held accountable for their actions and 
   • Ensure referrals for appropriate support are made available for victim survivors, perpetrators and any person affected by DFV.
Home Hill Police are committed to keeping our community safe from DFV, collaborating with the DFV service sector and partner agencies to deliver integrated service responses that protect victim survivors and hold perpetrators to account.

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Voices of the Community: What is our community missing?

July 25, 2024

Every community has the potential to meet its residents' needs to foster well-being, growth, and resilience. Access to resources such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and social services can significantly impact the quality of life for individuals and families. Advocating for these resources requires a collective effort to address gaps, promote equity, and build a supportive environment for everyone to thrive.

Understanding a community's specific needs is the first step in advocating for appropriate resources and services. This process involves gathering data through surveys, community meetings, and consultations with local leaders and organisations. Identifying areas such as healthcare, education, housing, transportation, and employment allows advocates to prioritise and effectively address the most pressing issues.

The community’s voice must guide the direction of the consultation. If we, as community members, along with government agencies and services, businesses, and community organisations are to meet community needs, it is essential we speak up and maximise our opportunity to be heard. Sometimes, only the loudest voices are heard, and they may not be the community's consensus.

So, what can you do if you don’t feel heard, don’t feel confident enough to speak up, or feel that your opinion does not matter? The simple answer is to join forces with someone or a group or organisation to help your opinion to be heard.

Advocacy is strengthened through partnerships with various stakeholders, including state and local government officials, non-profit organisations, businesses, and community members. Talk to your local councillors, community organisations, local businesses you frequently visit – pharmacy, coffee shop, etc.- and join forces with like-minded community members.

Working together through these partnerships allows us to combine different viewpoints, knowledge, and resources to create effective solutions. By working together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and families within our community.

Until next time,
The Team
Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre

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Burdekin Community Association Transport Service

July 25, 2024

Did you know that Burdekin Community Association Inc (BCA) can help you with Transport Services locally and to and from Townsville?
You can access shops, cafes, libraries, attend events or medical appointments, visit family and friends etc.  
Our bus drivers and Support Workers are very friendly and helpful.
Transport services can be provided to people eligible under a government funded program and also if they are not and we have seats available.
We have two buses, with wheelchair access as well as other cars.
Transport is available Monday to Friday during office hours at very affordable rates.
We pick up/drop off door to door in Ayr, Home Hill, Brandon and Giru.
When time allows, passengers can go to up to 3 stops for the one fare.
For passengers living in outlying areas, we pick up at a central point in Ayr, Home Hill, Brandon and Giru or at an otherwise agreed location.
Please call BCA on 4783 3744, visit the Support Centre at 130 Queen Street, Ayr or refer to our website for details.

Debra Cochran
Chief Executive Officer

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Care and Collaboration: Bendigo Bank’s Support Of The BNC

July 25, 2024

The Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre (BNC) has been part of the Burdekin Shire community since 1987. Established by a group of community minded women, the centre stands as a celebrated organisation accessible to all residents of the Burdekin.

Today, BNC operates as an incorporated community-based organisation and registered charity governed by an enthusiastic committee of 7 volunteers. Over the years the Centre has grown and now welcomes, on average, 8,000 people every year who participate in a wide variety of groups and activities.

The Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre’s mission is to make the lives of the people of the Burdekin community better, every day, and has developed strong bonds with both local, regional and state services.

“We see that it is imperative that these links are formed and nurtured to ensure that the local community is not disadvantaged by our location and proximity to a large regional city,” explained the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre Association’s Coordinator, Natalie Saroglio.

As a community organisation, Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre promotes collaborative working relationships with local and regional organisations and networks to maximise the most effective use of resources in meeting local community needs. 

“We aim to provide a service that is Welcoming, Respectful, Accountable & Professional, and all our services, activities and programs are delivered within a community development framework that aims to provide an environment for our community to support and respond to each other's needs.”

The income the centre receives is directed back into delivering services for the community and in turn there are very little funds available for the Association to make purchases to benefit the organisation and the community on a long-term basis. BNC made the decision to reach out to Bendigo Bank for support and were welcomed with a generous donation of $2,600 which will be implemented to purchase and install a Security CCTV System for the centre’s exterior.

“There was a woo-hoo moment after reading the email, and then a real sense of relief that we would be able to move forward with our wish to improve the security of the centre,” said Natalie.

“Having the Bendigo Bank Community Banks in Ayr and Home Hill and their philosophy of being community owned and doing things ‘together’ goes a long way and the Community Grants are an amazing opportunity for the community to continue to improve in significant ways.”

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The Home Hill Golf Club Celebrates Community Support with Bendigo Bank Grant

July 25, 2024

Established in 1932, the Home Hill Golf Club stands as a 9-hole course situated in the cane fields just outside of Home Hill.

The Club operates with a membership totaling just over 100 dedicated players with golf at the core of the business, and welcoming the occasional wedding, wake or party to the venue. The Home Hill Golf Club additionally holds a wildly successful Ambrose as part of the Home Hill Harvest Festival Program, donating part of the proceeds to the Harvest Festival Committee.

Encompassing a core group of volunteers to maintain the course and service administrative needs, the Club relies on the contribution and support of its members in one form or another to keep the Club moving in a positive direction. Observing grants and donations as the lifeblood of small clubs, the Home Hill Golf Club applied for funding through the Bendigo Bank Community Grants Program to support the works underway following 2023’s grant success.

Celebrating their successful grant allocation in 2024, the Club will gratefully utilise the generosity of Bendigo Bank to install solar panels on the existing golf buggy shed and upgrade the course’s meter box. The installation of solar will allow the Club to offset the costs associated with running the cold room and air-conditioners, an opportunity the Club has been looking forward to.

“The Home Hill Golf Club was thrilled to hear that we were successful in gaining this funding, and it will mean a significant saving in ongoing costs and enables the Club to become more energy efficient,” explained the Home Hill Golf Club’s Secretary, Megan Barbagallo.

“Grants allow clubs to expand or upgrade in areas that are not financially viable without help and Bendigo Bank being a community bank that gives back to the community is a real point of difference, and a wonderful addition to the region.”

The Home Hill Golf Club invites the community to attend their upcoming series of “Come & Try” days which have been developed to support women and encourage their participation in everything that the amazing sport of golf has to offer.

The series will extend from July to October, with the club to host the Harvest Festival Ambrose on Sunday 4 November.

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The Home Hill Tennis Association’s Plans for Advancing Community Tennis

July 25, 2024

The Home Hill Tennis Association was established in 1932 and holds a rich history, standing as one of the most prominent clubs in North Queensland.

Annually, the Club hosts the highly successful and very popular Sugar Bowl Event, and encompasses twelve tennis courts, and four pickleball courts. The Club operates to provide opportunities for members of the local community as well as travellers and visitors alike to participate in tennis and racquet sports whilst upholding an important social focus within the Home Hill community.

The Committee includes five dedicated members, along with ten subcommittee members, and many volunteers who lend a hand to support the Club at events, working bees, the running of general fixtures, and the continued maintenance of the courts. The Home Hill Tennis Association has been generously allocated $10,000 as part of Bendigo Bank’s Community Grants Program and plans are underway to construct additional on court shaded seating for players to utilise.

“Receiving a grant gives our club a boost,” explained the Home Hill Tennis Association’s Secretary, Kate Casswell.

“We are always looking at ways to improve our facilities, and what we offer at the club.

“Visiting players are always impressed with our facilities and this encourages them to come back and play the next year, bringing more visitors to our community therefore boosting the Burdekin’s economy.”

The Club’s application for Bendigo Bank’s 2024 Community Grants Program was a result of their previous grant success in 2023 which saw the construction of shaded on court seating for six of the Association’s courts.

The Home Hill Tennis Association welcomes the community to attend their weekly events including Monday night fixtures, Tuesday night pickleball, Friday Social Mornings, Friday afternoon coaching and cardio, and Saturday Morning pickleball.

“Tennis and pickleball are sports for all players and all skill levels, and tennis is good for your health - it’s a fact that playing tennis adds up to 10 years onto your life,” said Kate.

“Just ask our life members - Mary Reed who is 101, Karl Rummeny who is 100 and Myrtle Olsen who is in her late 90s!”

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Cr Column Councillor Callan Oar

July 25, 2024

11 proud new Aussies made their pledge to Australia in the citizenship ceremony at the Burdekin Shire Council Chambers this week after Council meeting. I would like to congratulate and welcome each of them into our wonderful community.
On Tuesday, along with my fellow councillors, I attended a community meeting at the Burdekin Theatre to discuss the future of the sugar industry and what impact the milling companies can have on our livelihoods.
The common message coming out of the meeting was the potential for huge benefits to the community that could be achieved with shorter crushing seasons. Some of the benefits of a 5-month crush would mean bigger/better crops and less fatigued harvesting contractors. It was suggested these shorter seasons could be achieved if the millers could get their factories to be 90% efficient.
One take away I took from the meeting was that unfortunately, all stakeholders in this industry are still struggling to pull in the same direction. As everyone knows, there is power in numbers. Until we see more unity with these organisations, I fear we are going to continue getting the same results.
As much as this hurts, I need to congratulate Councillor Furnell on his team's Origin win. It’s nice to give those south of the border that winning feeling now and then. Hopefully, this helps for them to one day “just get origin” like us Qld’ers.

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